Decommisioned Trucks

Started by Bagyassfirey, June 23, 2009, 10:09:23 PM

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as i was looking at trucks in a yard located next to MFS Angle Park i noticed all the decommisioned CFS trucks out the back...there was quite a few of them. i wonder if eventually these will go cheap as chips at goverment auctions..They shuld just advertise them in say the Stock Journal with a price and i reckon they would move alot quicker.


They all go to auction, like all the fleet vehicles from governement, they usually get about 20,000, they are real buckets of snot, I have been to a few auctions.


i have noticed they are starting to carry over at auctions. if they offered a few up as are they would move farmers would buy for fire trucks.


I guess some will be turned into BWC, CFS/SKILLED auctions ahve a very good selection of appliances both rural/rescue.urban.....

SA Firey

The ex Hino appliances have been fetching around the $21,000 mark and some lower, but at the end of the day the government want the maximum dollars for their vehicles so selling with a fixed price wont work.
Bearing in mind that a lot of these vehicles are now having the pumps etc stripped off them therefore rendering it useless as a fire appliance for any farmers out there.

Here is an example of a recent one based on the previous 8 weeks of auctions:
HINO 4WD FIRE TRUCK FT163K SEPTEMBER 1988 MAN Kms: 30991 $11000.00
Engine: 6 CYL (Diesel) Colour: WHITE     
Options: Air Snorkel, Bull Bar, 3 Seats, Water Tank, Locker(s)
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