New? Rumour

Started by chook, June 08, 2009, 06:37:33 PM

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While in SA on the weekend I ran into an ex relative of mine (CFS member) who told me that a person who is involved in selling stuff to fire & rescue organisations is spreading a rumour that CFS brigades will be taking over rescue from SES units - due to falling volunteer numbers!
He also said that where there isn't a CFS brigade then SAMFS will be doing the job. Now this all sounded believable until he mentioned that a SAMFS station in the Riverland will be closed & turned into a CFS brigade!
Another retained station will be expanded.
Now all of this sounds like fantasy, but after what Jaff hinted at in another thread & with the CFS carrying on about budgets in the media - what a way to deflect some attention!
Now I did explain to this person that there was no way Barmera SES members would join Barmera CFS nor did such plans work in other states (the unions gained new member though).

So SES members - get off your arses & start asking your Commanders the hard questions. And find out who this sales person is & boycott the business! you don't need them!
Or otherwise fade into the past as a casualty of the CFS government stoush!Anywaytake it easy
just another retard!


without smoke there's generally not fire...but thats probably a really bad analogy to use on this forum....

are SES doing to their organisation what St John is doing to their own....slowly killing it off but the only difference being that there are only commercial companies to pick up the slack?

sorry...had to slip another johnnie bashing one in.....but seriously - is SES up the creek without the paddle or is that just another nasty rumour?

SA Firey

I heard that rumour to about 6 months ago, but nothing has changed yet.
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I don't know about CFS taking over MFS retained stations,  I hardly think the CFS are in that healthy of a position to take over MFS area. I can however believe MFS taking over some of the rescue roles. 99% of the crashes we turn out involve turning out multiple SES units to get enough to do a rescue. This is in the riverland by the way, not speaking in general.


I also heard that about 6 months ago but after i spoke to some SES commanders they said they know nothing about it.....


Sounds like a great idea!
About time RCR wen't to the 2 Fire Service's!
Doesn't make any sense to double up on resources when one agency can attend and do both roles.

Good Times!
Just my opinion, but I'd like to hear yours!


A lot of rumours and other things are happening. The rumours I have heard include all services.

Personally I will wait & see what the ACTUAL recommendations from the SFEC consultative group (or called something similar to that) produce. It will also be interesting to see the results of the other changes that are being proposed.

Though facts are boring to some when compared to rumours.....
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.