Wireless Alarms

Started by uniden, June 05, 2009, 04:05:44 PM

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Just curious as to exactly how these work ? I believe that when an alarm activates a page is sent out almost instantly. Is there a way to determine the status of an alarm from your station? For example to see if an alarm is cleared or to take it off line remotely.


I know our station sends a page if the security alarm goes off.. No idea how it all works though..

SA Firey

Quote from: RescueHazmat on June 05, 2009, 05:06:40 PM
I know our station sends a page if the security alarm goes off.. No idea how it all works though..

When your alarm goes off the FSI in your station dials out via modem to your pager address.

The WFAM modules are operated on GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)

Alarms are transmitted to the Central Romteck and paged out to brigades response address
Images are copyright


The wireless alarms also have a back up in the form of a landline which runs of a fax or another phoneline.....


Quote from: uniden on June 05, 2009, 04:05:44 PM
Is there a way to determine the status of an alarm from your station? For example to see if an alarm is cleared or to take it off line remotely.

Are you talking about WFAMs? If so, not from station, ring/radio Adelaide Fire to check if for an incident.


Yes I am talking about WFAMs, should have explained the question properly. MFS have dedicated phone lines for alarms in many areas which feed through concentrators to Adelaide fire. However Telstra have indicated that they are not going to support these lines in the future. So eventually all MFS monitored alarms may be a similar format to WFAM ones. With these dedicated lines into Regional MFS stations there is a desktop computer that provides access to the alarms to offline them and to check their status. Adelaide Fire do not have access to see what these alarms are doing, so with the wireless ones how can you offline them etc? 


Roughly i thought it is: The owner of premises has to contact there contractor to put the alarm offline, then notify the Comcen, & Primary Fire Station. So no real work has to be done by the fire service except log's.



Quote from: uniden on June 08, 2009, 10:53:54 AM
Yes I am talking about WFAMs, should have explained the question properly. MFS have dedicated phone lines for alarms in many areas which feed through concentrators to Adelaide fire. However Telstra have indicated that they are not going to support these lines in the future. So eventually all MFS monitored alarms may be a similar format to WFAM ones. With these dedicated lines into Regional MFS stations there is a desktop computer that provides access to the alarms to offline them and to check their status. Adelaide Fire do not have access to see what these alarms are doing, so with the wireless ones how can you offline them etc? 

We can offline WFAM's, slowly all the old alarms that ran through phone lines are coming into Commcen on the WFAM system. We can't access regional stations alarms as they all go to the stations. Unless they change it to come through commcen, but you should be able to do it yourself if it's in the same format as the WFAM system we have in the commcen. There is a screed that show's you how to do it. I suggest ringing DO Colin Ryles and see if a) its the same system as in commcen, and b) to get the training screed on how to do it.


The owner of any site that has the system can put it offline its as simple as calling Adelaide fire who will put it offline and will aslo send a info page out to the local brigade. The one's down here in the SE that I look after the owners have also been given the contact details of the local brigade captain or group officer and they call them that the system is offline for how ever long...