Alerts phone system

Started by rescue5271, May 29, 2009, 08:54:24 PM

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Does anyone know what is going on with ALERTS?? I understand there is some push to remove this system and from June/July 2009 if you call the alerts system you will be redirected to TRIPLE ZERO......can anyone confirm this or know anything more about it....


That what I heard at the last group meeting that alerts was going to be shutdown and replaced with a new system where only alelaide fire can ring you on alerts for a conferance call. Yes all other detail that you posted are correct
keep it simple for sanity skes please


Currently in various Triple Zero Diverts to Alerts.

It was first announced in my brigade about Late April.

All 000 calls will be going through Adelaide fire only, With alerts used as a backup for Adelaide Fire to call volunteers to "process the given information for a better location".   Essentially fulfills what we do already, just makes it easier on the call taker and the public.

I think this is a good move, avoids the public getting confused by the messages, tone's and noises that are involved in a conference call.


Its at the point now where we don't get many vols on the phone and those we do have forgotten phone technique or answer in noisy areas confusing callers. All it will mean is that the vols no longer take the 000 calls, but if more info is needed alerts will be rung for a response. Doesn't really mean much.


Sounds good and its just another step closer to going over to a full SACAD system....