Sunday Mail

Started by tft, May 23, 2009, 12:28:51 PM

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crashndash why would you want things done, just so you can report on it....lets leave them hanging, broken, unrepaired or we can be proud of being average.

Its all a plot I reckon.....just to make you look bad personally Bill


It is not a question being average or the timing as in the region that I am from they get done from march through to early may.

The more important thing is that it is being documented a documented that is dated. If you want to change the systems it is no use trying to bring in change but to create that change from the inside using the systems own tools against it.
keep it simple for sanity skes please


The trouble with the CFS now is we still don't treat it like the CFS and we are to nice, people just fix things or pay for it out their own pocket, so the CFS and SAFECOM don't know the true cost of running it.

I for one am writing an order for anything and everything !


If you self audited, wouldn'y the documents be thrown out because it was an individually biased document ?

Every volunteer would like something better, so this would create a bias on the documents.

Personally, the audit needs to be compared against a standard.

It will be interesting if they are comparing the audit against either:

* government building standards
* australian volunteering standards
* ????? something else ????
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: bajdas on June 25, 2009, 05:59:59 PM
* government building standards
* australian volunteering standards
* ????? something else ????

To work through your points bajdas government standards are nice but have no legal standing unless they are refereed to by an appropriate piece of legislation. SFEC's; I have just had a look over the CFS 2000 version is a nice document but has no real information as it is too global in classifying the state and lacks the detail. OHS; is the only that the point can be argued due to the range the nature of the issue at hand.

To understand the process that DECS uses for the self administrated audits for OHS please have a look at the following link
keep it simple for sanity skes please


Guys, you are confusing the difference between an audit & a checklist(very nice by the way Mallee). Audits(both internal & external) are a systems check & are usually carried out by an independant auditor (whether internal or external like SAI Global). The checklists are just that, used to see how things are progressing (or not). If you wanted a good 'snap shot' of how you particular brigade/station/unit stacks up, get hold of the WorkcoverSA Self Insurance Audit, the National Self Insurer Audit tool or Safety Map. This will high light how well the system is working but not the physical environment. As all emergency services in SA are self insured you would quickly see what an audit is! However having been through an audit in the private sector & seen how they are conducted in the public sector - I don't know!!!! :roll: No audit has legal standing except to provide evidence of performance/ lack of. This is due to the fact that an audit is a perception thing & everyone is different regardless of how well developed the audit tool is! (or how well trained the the tool is  :wink: )
But as I said those checklists are good & provide vital evidence for when things go bad - "yes we have reported that faulty door 3 times & nothing was done & here is the evidence!" Keep up the good work guys - cheers
just another retard!


so is anything actually happening or was this just a bit of a rant?


Several stations have been audited by an independent contractor - so at least a report can be presented re deficiencies to buildings....

Not sure how far the report goes in terms of reporting on stuff such as lack of space / inappropriate facilities, BUT at least there will be info on the state of repair / disrepair of what we currently have.

Not sure what the next step is meant to be...   :|

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


One of the stations in that article is now getting a upgrade which will see the roof lifted and roller door installed so as to make way for a new appliance its only a TEMP fix as the station is also to be replaced sometime soon...Not sure why they would waste money on doing a temp fix when the brigade has to move of the land that its on.....


I believe CFS Corporate has also organised to sit down with the government and work out a better funding strategy for appliance and station maintenance as well.


Nice....a Tea Cup Party...


Oh my what ever a govt and CFS pow wow sitting down and hammering out a new formula. Yes that right it will be a formula that needs a Ph.D to understand let alone work it.

I would much prefer the money go to the Brigade direct rather than through regions so that, the little that is given is not fretted away to become a tube of no more gaps to keep the rain out. If I took a punt I bet there a few Brigades out there that would be able to do just as good if not better job at ensuring the money is spent wisely at maintain the stations. Alas we will also have those that could not be trusted with money as they just don't know when they are being ripped off.
keep it simple for sanity skes please


So who is going to bring the TIM TAMS ????

SA Firey

Quote from: Bill Corcoran on July 16, 2009, 02:30:18 PM
So who is going to bring the TIM TAMS ????

Make it Laxettes, makes for an early finish :-P
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