Sunday Mail

Started by tft, May 23, 2009, 12:28:51 PM

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Watch this space :evil:


:O...cmon spill dammit.


how has a left wing media outlet with a bias towards ordinary reporting practices got any place in this forum....



Just a few people that have some passion about the CFS.
Watch this thread exploded. For good reasons


Just Another Filtered Fireman


Pose Striked!  Jaff whats ya mobile no, ill pxt it to ya!

SA Firey

Images are copyright


Agree with some points.
Disagree with many others.

I can't remember the last time I did a fundraiser, we certainly get everything we need from out budget and all our trucks are under 3 years old.

No offence Stirling, but maybe CFS are trying to tell you something, you don't need that truck, in fact probably don't need half your trucks. Sometimes we need to swallow our pride and realise that the days of staffing 5 trucks are gone, sometimes lucky to staff 1 truck ! (don't deny it, its true!) Isn't there 5 other tankers within a short distance, my group has 1 tanker, the next group doesn't have any, and we have some dodgy terrain.

I do agree with the massive shift to rural only and hang the fact that we do any urban work. The training for the urban stuff seems to be grudgingly given and gleefully cancelled.

Agree with the paging thing, the pagers are old and it takes forever to get them, can't seem to get new one's very easily, the CFS seems to rely on the fact that most still work.

I agree with Heysen Group Officer, how can a brigade like Mt Barker, given the area they cover, not have Air Bags, that just smacks of CFS not wanting to be professional, who they gonna call, its not like every rescue needs them. Then again they cancelled RCR courses for a year to replace some ashphalt.....come on !!

CFS doesn't seem to be agressive with its push for funding, if I have worked it out, we don't have the ability to replace the fleet we have before some trucks reach the 20/25 yr age limit. Stop wasting money on fancing aircraft. The air crane isn't going to help us get out on the street.

I hope the SFEC reveiw is given full support, I know it is being worked on as we speak. A lot of brigades have truck they don't need, I think we all need to have a look at ourselves and say "are we able to crew these vehicles, and are we just holding onto our empires"

I think something needed to be said, but again, can't say I agree with all of it.
No wonder RC 1 didn't want CFS or MFS staff halding rank in the CFS, hahahahaha  :evil:


A article tha makes for some good reading shame they did not get the brigade name right its STEWARTS RANGE in region 5 and i took the photos that went along with the article and it did take 5 mins to open the station doors and the white ants are having a very big party out there.

Our group is to get two new stations in 2009/2010 year at Binnum and Kybybolite but only after some harsh action was taken where the appliances where kept,In other words Binnum has had no station as such for 6 months as where the appliance was kept was on private land and the farmer has been waiting for CFS to move the station so he can expand his farm. So with CFS taking no action the brigade was forced to find a home in a hay shed and is still there today till CFS build a new station.  How ever so as they can get a station CFS is cutting back what you get so all those flash rural stations that they where built over the past 2 years are a thing of the past so rural brigade's will just get a shed and if you want a meeting room you have to pay for it yourself....

As for air bags the Naracoorte brigade had to replace their two air bags  some 2 years ago  as they where bought by the community the brigade had to pay half the cost of replacing them and region paid the rest. Raffles still go on in the community to raise funds for the basics,toilets,running water,and so on.....May be the article should have also had a section on the over weight new appliances that are waiting to be sent out to brigades and i think one of the hill's groups who have one of these new appliances has sent a letter to the region and H/Q  about it...about it.....


meehh i tend to agree grow up a bit....u want old clapped out trucks...head across to victoria and ull see old n clapped out.....


Hear Hear Bill,

The only correction that I I think needs to be made beyond the all ready said SFEC comment is that it not a lack of vision or funding to towards the more urban brigade to the rural brigades rather to the agricultural brigades as some more of the remote brigades are provided with tokens to satisfy them. My brigade questions these norms. As we were only given a last week a branch finally to go the end of our 38's after 10 five years of pushing for it.

Yes we still hold raffles when we can and we do go to public events to raffle a tin to buy things like water as we don't drink the orange sludge that comes out of the taps

I am hoping that the review of the SFEC will produce a document that looks after remote communities whose back up is nearly fifty minutes away.
keep it simple for sanity skes please



What happens to the volunteers who don't have pages-how do they get contacted?

If i'm going to pay an emergency levy, i want trucks and gear replaced when required :wink:.
206 to Adelaide fire,Incident #59,situation found 440, action taken 41,K45, over


I agree bill,
we need to get away from building "great monuments" for fire stations for brigades that average less than 10 calls a year.(ie there one in the south east that would put most stations that have been built in the last few years for a lot more active brigades to shame)

On the other hand we shouldn't just "plonk" a shed down for these brigades.

"basic" facilities need to be provided for the members as we need to attract members and retain them.
i.e. there would be no incentive for people to train or remain around if you have to pull the truck out every time to have an area to train in or lay the gear out or just sit around and talk etc in.

Off the top of my head i think the minimum for any station needs to be a 2 bay "shed".
One bay for the appliance and the other split for a toilet/ kitchen area and a open area for training, lay out area etc.
This would provide the basics for all brigades to function in some comfort. Also in some areas as the brigades are the focal points for the area, who knows they might just attract new members. :-D

My hope, like malleefire is that the review of the SFEC does cover ALL brigades fairly and we end up with a workable document that progresses this organisation in future years.


Congrats McLeod on 300 games...


It should also be noted the photo in the article is not a HILL'S brigade but the STEWARTS RANGE shed here in region 5. I was asked this week to take that photo along with a few more of stations down here in the SOUTH EAST that are well over due on upgrading. i think all rural stations should be one/two bay with a meeting room ,toilet,store room and have heating and air con that way you might find with a new station and some basic needs new members will join but also some members might start training again...


Do you really think a brigade that does <10 calls a year will start doing more training if we give them a small mansion to use? are you sure it isn;t a needs based training schedule?

Lets just watch this review and see what happens.

I do wonder how it costs onyl 5.6 mill to run the normal operational needs of a brigade out of a budget of over 50mil.


Is it really too much to ask for a brigade to have the basics - a toilet, hand washing facilities, a heater for use during winter.....?

There are a number of brigades around with suitable facilities (they may want bigger & better, but what they have is adequate for their needs.)

Many do not.

I know my winter training numbers would increase, if the station had a heater capable of heating the training room..... I have members who have told me that will not attend training because it is too cold in the station.

My community is only 500 people - and has a cricket team, local primary school, local hall and soccer and footy team with the adjoining locality, to support. 

Trying to fundraise within my community is difficult...particularly when people already pay their ESL.....

The State Govt is getting a fire service on the cheap - there are still a number of CFS stations that are on private property, and remain there on the goodwill of the local farmer - with a peppercorn rent.    A (supposedly) fully Govt funded service taking advantage of the goodwill of the local community...10 years after the ESL came in.... 


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


couldnt agree more Pip hit nail right on for having to fundraise for equiptment surely it is beyond standard stowage equiptment??


Some perspective to the discussion from a senior volunteer out side of the "Adelaide Hills"

J Blunt

We have one of the best fleets of emergency vehicles in the country / world, they are well serviced and maintained. I don't see vehicles breaking down on the way to incidents (like in Ash Wednesday), and yes some will give trouble now and then - so does my own car - "risking lives" - I doubt that! The task of manageing the bigest vehicle fleet in the government is onerous for the resources allocated, lets not bag the people trying their hardest to give us the best in vehicles / equipment / training etc. Funding will always be a issue in any agency. We don't need the latest and greatest, we need what is practicable and reliable and within the corporate guidelines. There is more to SA than the Adelaide Hills and todays article would not supported by all brigades / groups.

Posted by: Mark Hewitson of Ceduna 1:08pm today


Still is it not reasonable to review the SFECs and increase what stowage CFS will supply?

Or can we come up with a better system of Discriminating between brigades who need more of this equipment than others?


Quote from: John on May 24, 2009, 05:22:30 PM
Some perspective to the discussion from a senior volunteer out side of the "Adelaide Hills"

J Blunt

We have one of the best fleets of emergency vehicles in the country / world, they are well serviced and maintained. I don't see vehicles breaking down on the way to incidents (like in Ash Wednesday), and yes some will give trouble now and then - so does my own car - "risking lives" - I doubt that! The task of manageing the bigest vehicle fleet in the government is onerous for the resources allocated, lets not bag the people trying their hardest to give us the best in vehicles / equipment / training etc. Funding will always be a issue in any agency. We don't need the latest and greatest, we need what is practicable and reliable and within the corporate guidelines. There is more to SA than the Adelaide Hills and todays article would not supported by all brigades / groups.

Posted by: Mark Hewitson of Ceduna 1:08pm today
you don't get out much.......


Dear John,

Not comming from one of the regions that is mentioned in the article and being from a region that is a lot like the quote that you posted and having first hand knowledge of the station at Ceduna. Not to bag Ceduna but it is the small town or village brigades that are suffering in the outer regions. Some of the things that I have noticed include the expansion of a group base where the training room is approx 120 sq m and the purchase of an industrial ice machine was done. With Brigades only just down the road with acro props holding the ceiling ups or shoring to stop the wall from collapsing or electrical systems that burn fuses and power point that arc, or water to the station that has the consistency of orange juice sludge.

Yes you are right the fleet is maintained but are the volunteers happy with being treated poorly. Any seasoned volunteer know the frustration that comes from recruiting and retaining members. If the environment is not right then it will see people loose interst they will not attend if is to cold like Pips example. If is not for the volunteers where will the CFS be or do we have enough volunteers in the service and this is the new culling tool being provided for by the govt.
keep it simple for sanity skes please


I read the article with interest & as usual it focused on the same issues.
The CFS in SA & the volunteer emergency services in SA are not the only ones who have these problems, other states have fire appliances stored in sheds on farms, courses are cancelled, trucks are old or nonexistent(we have 25 members & 1 4x4 dual cab). And if you guys saw the news today 5 volunteers were injured while serving their community in NSW. Why? mechanical breakdown, it happens!
And not to turn up for training because its cold is well BS, afterall don't you get wet & cold out doing your job?
And the NSWFB guys(retained) don't even have pagers that tell them the details, like the SA ones - just its a fire call. Victoria doesn't have an integrated radio system.
And yeah we run raffles, beg for money, go without & this unit didn't have a home for 35 years! I have come to realise just how lucky we were in SA you don't see too many new appliances around here. Old Accos = VRA :wink:
So yep the situation isn't heaven but as we say around here "suck it up princess & get on with it!"
just another retard!


Just a question is this article a breach of the code of conduct?
just another retard!