SES chain of command

Started by CFS_Firey, May 14, 2009, 11:53:02 AM

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I noticed in another thread that some volunteer SES positions are appointed rather than elected.
What is the SES chain of command, and at what point are the positions appointed and paid?


Regional Training officers & above are payed, plus admin staff.
All vollunteer positions are supposed to be voted in & approved, however in some cases Unit managers (including myself) were appointed due to internal problems within the unit that the unit itself could not sought out itself.
Depending on the unit positions below unit manager can be voted in or appointed by the unit manager/management committee.
Hope that helps
just another retard!


Thanks Ken.

Quote from: chook on May 14, 2009, 01:52:45 PM
...All vollunteer positions are supposed to be voted in & approved...

Who does the approving? 


Chief Officer through the Regional Commander, Appointed Unit Managers work the same way Regional Commander recommendation approved by the Chief. Thought CFS was similar voted in by the brigade members by final approval by the Chief officer?
just another retard!


Quote from: chook on May 14, 2009, 01:52:45 PM
Regional Training officers & above are payed, plus admin staff.
All vollunteer positions are supposed to be voted in & approved, however in some cases Unit managers (including myself) were appointed due to internal problems within the unit that the unit itself could not sought out itself.
Depending on the unit positions below unit manager can be voted in or appointed by the unit manager/management committee.
Hope that helps

Not in all areas of the state....I have rarely seen a vote. The Unit Manager has always been appointed & then he/she selects the other Unit Officers.

But that might just be me being kept in the dark cupboard again.    :-D
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: bajdas on May 15, 2009, 10:23:04 AM

The Unit Manager has always been appointed & then he/she selects the other Unit Officers.

great system for the boys?!


Maybe in central region Andrew (which I always thought was "unique") maybe left over from the days when council had a say.
Yes Boardy quite correct - & thats why various units have internal problems!
Personally I think the position should be advertised within the local community & they have input into who is "anointed" by state HQ. That way you have at least half a chance of getting someone who is suitable :wink:
just another retard!


Interesting....   Is there some criteria that HQ look at, or any interview process?


I wasn't just picked :wink: but then they knew all about me! Others maybe different.
just another retard!