Bridgewater Fire petition for improvements in Englebrecht Reserve by National Tr

Started by PJ, April 12, 2009, 01:53:27 PM

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Here you can voice your support for action by all parties namely National Trust/CFS/Adelaide Hills Council to lift their game in relation to the management of this reserve.

the group behind this want 500 signatures to take to the above groups- go for it as it affects us all!
The biggest mistake you can make is doing it wrong AGAIN!


To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Will it affect Reedy Creek CFS Brigade, properly not. But I think the point is(maybe) if you get the National Trust/Adelaide Hills Council to lift there game. It will flow on. You set a standard for all park and council areas.Which is a massive job. Some councils do very little for bushfire prevention.
Is that what you were meaning PJ ? 


The age old battle again goes a head between the agencies of who job is it to reduce the effects of a wildfire. Please note that I put agency in plural as the government has so many agencies that over lap in who does what.

Number you are right as the flow on effect will not happen as I can not think of any petition that have had a long and lasting effect to change government policy statewide.
keep it simple for sanity skes please