Car vs guard rail accident

Started by bajdas, March 28, 2009, 10:47:00 AM

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09:52:48 28-03-09 MFS: *CFSRES INC029 28/03/09 09:52,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,MAIN SOUTH RD,YANKALILLA MAP 0 O 0 TG144,SINGLE VEHICLE BLOCKING ROAD,YANK19 MYPN00 CFS/SES Yankalilla Response

09:56:43 28-03-09 Y81 Cat2 Main South Rd, Myponga

On Saturday morning I was travelling back to Adelaide from Yankalilla after dropping my wife & boy at a Scout/Girl Guide camp.

At 7.5 kms (measured on OziExplorer maps after I got home) from Yankalilla towards Myponga, I came across a small car verses guard rail accident.

The young lady driver in the accident, who was a P plates, was traveling towards the same camp. Unsure what happened, because I was second on the scene. The first on scene was another person heading towards the camp.

No injuries, but driver was in mild shock. So I suspected maybe soft tissue when shock wore off. I was unable to complete a casualty check because she refused. Passenger seemed fine. SO I did not use my first aid kit which is in our car.

I have a fold up reflector triangle sign in my car, so I set that up. I also switched on high beam & hazard lights. But I drive a dark blue Commodore wagon, so did not place in fend off position. The other two cars were on side of road, off main roadway. They had hazard lights on.

Interesting that all others on the scene were wanting to leave the damaged car on the roadside & transport the people / gear to the camp. The parents could deal with the damaged car later.

It was pointed out this was a dangerous corner. A quick car check showed damaged radiator, reservoir bottles, plastic front bumper bar completely removed & on other side of road. This was small bubble Toyota, so suspected front wheel drive damage.

000 was called to notify SAPOL so a tow truck could be arranged. RAA Towing was suggested by others, but it was pointed out that RAA is a breakdown service, not car accident.

During the telephone call to the SAPOL operator, the location was described as Yankalilla to Myponga Road, 3 to 5 kilometers from Yankalilla towards Myponga. My distance guess was out.

The request was for a SAPOL patrol to coordinate tow truck because car was in a dangerous location.

The pager messages are above.

I then positioned myself on a corner at the other side of the accident location (from the reflector triangle sign) to slow/flag traffic down. Luckily I was wearing a white T-shirt so this gave me visibility on a dry / sunny day.

In very prompt time,
* a farm utility passed with flashing lights from the Yankalilla direction. They positioned themselves on the other side of the accident location from me, to slow traffic. They had a dazzle jacket with them. I suspect they were CFS volunteers heading to collect the Myponga 34. But they stayed to help protect the accident scene.
* a crash / car repairs utility with yellow rotators on roof from the Yankalilla direction. I suspect that the driver inspected the car with SAPOL then left to get the tow truck.
* SAPOL patrol from Myponga direction.
* Myponga 34.
* Yankalilla Rescue with CFS striping & uniforms.
* SAAS from Yankalilla direction.

It was interesting that all emergency vehicles arrived with all lights running, but no sirens. This helped maintain a calm professional attitude at the scene.

At this time, I left the accident scene because it was very crowded with vehicles. Myponga CFS had a slow/stop sign person deployed and rescue were setting up the same.

After I had left the scene, I passed a two truck on its way from Myponga direction. I would guess it would be 10 minutes before it was at the accident scene.

Information later from my wife at the camp is that the driver was taken to hospital for a complete check & the passenger was delivered with the gear to the camp.

Thank you to everyone who responded, it helped me to know that professional assistance was quickly available.

Now to go & buy a few more replacement fold-up safety triangle signs. Someone ran over the one I had.   :cry:
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Keep this up, and you might soon be good enough for CFS :-D
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Well, I'll be sleeping soundly tonight.


Quote from: bajdas on March 28, 2009, 10:47:00 AM
It was interesting that all emergency vehicles arrived with all lights running, but no sirens. This helped maintain a calm professional attitude at the scene.

Can you do us a favour and let your buddies in the Units around the Adelaide hills know about this?
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Was any of my guard-rail damaged??

The issue I get is that no-one tells DTEI (should in theory be SAPOL) that they have issues with damage of g/rail or signs etc (Anyone can ring our 24 hour Traffic Control Centre on 1800 018 313).

We then get slated for not repairing in appropriate times as we often only discover the damage days after when someone passes the site.

Note that the number above is also the one used by SAPOL if DTEI assistance is needed for detour assistance etc etc.  The guys there will also tell whoever rings if the road concerned is a DTEI controlled one or a Council controlled one.

Swanport Group DGO - Region 3
Jervois CFS Brigade - "Home of the Original Hooker!"


Quote from: Shiner on March 30, 2009, 08:23:52 AM
Was any of my guard-rail damaged??

The issue I get is that no-one tells DTEI (should in theory be SAPOL) that they have issues with damage of g/rail or signs etc (Anyone can ring our 24 hour Traffic Control Centre on 1800 018 313).

We then get slated for not repairing in appropriate times as we often only discover the damage days after when someone passes the site.

Note that the number above is also the one used by SAPOL if DTEI assistance is needed for detour assistance etc etc.  The guys there will also tell whoever rings if the road concerned is a DTEI controlled one or a Council controlled one.

I went past on Sunday to collect people from the camp. No significant damage to the guard rail. Only paint scrape.

I now think a second car was involved that caused the damaged car to swerve. The front bumper most probably was removed by the grassed slope on the other side of the roadway.

But that is for the insurance & investigators to sort out. I was not a witness to the accident.

Thanks for the telephone number & information. I did not know about that system & now I do.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Am getting one of the field services chap to do a drive past today....

Swanport Group DGO - Region 3
Jervois CFS Brigade - "Home of the Original Hooker!"

SA Firey

Just to clarify if the accident is outside the Accident Towing Roster Scheme area,a person can nominate the towtruck company of their choice to attend.

RAA can send a RAA Approved Towing Contractor to attend an accident tow outside the area at the request of a member if required.

The boundary south is Sellicks Hill at Cactus Canyon.

PS Shiner do you know about the trashed guard rail on the eastern side at Commercial Rd, Maslins Beach between Oleander and Tuit Rd?
Images are copyright


Quote from: SA Firey on March 30, 2009, 11:15:07 AM
Just to clarify if the accident is outside the Accident Towing Roster Scheme area,a person can nominate the towtruck company of their choice to attend.

RAA can send a RAA Approved Towing Contractor to attend an accident tow outside the area at the request of a member if required.

Thanks for the information which I did not know.

Does a website exist to indicate where the 'Accident Towing Roster Scheme area' exists ? I assume it is metropolitan area, but I would be interested in determining where it finishes in the urban fringe area.

That information matches what the 000 SAPOL operator advised. They advised that if the car was not at a dangerous location, then they did not need to attend.

I believe this accident was at a dangerous location for the tow truck to remove the car.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.

SA Firey

Quote from: bajdas on March 30, 2009, 11:29:36 AM
Quote from: SA Firey on March 30, 2009, 11:15:07 AM
Just to clarify if the accident is outside the Accident Towing Roster Scheme area,a person can nominate the towtruck company of their choice to attend.

RAA can send a RAA Approved Towing Contractor to attend an accident tow outside the area at the request of a member if required.

Thanks for the information which I did not know.

Does a website exist to indicate where the 'Accident Towing Roster Scheme area' exists ? I assume it is metropolitan area, but I would be interested in determining where it finishes in the urban fringe area.

That information matches what the 000 SAPOL operator advised. They advised that if the car was not at a dangerous location, then they did not need to attend.

I believe this accident was at a dangerous location for the tow truck to remove the car.

Generally Metropolitan Area but here is a bit more info
Images are copyright