Paid employment

Started by 6739264, June 18, 2008, 12:27:45 AM

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As there seems to be plenty of anger in the SAMFS recruitment thread, now is the time of the year to look elsewhere. A quick heads up to those happy to move interstate:

As usual, Qld applications are open 24/7

NSWFB applications are open until the 27/6 (This is for you if you love ugly trucks and the Mardi Gras)

MFB applications open 01/07 and close 29/08 (This is for you if you are unsure of your sexuality and have blond tips in your hair)

Best of luck!
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


you forgot to comment on QLD....they love bringing there trucks up on two wheels ;) (youtube ;))  forget safe off road ON road driving.


Three wheels son, three wheels.

Hmm Qld...

Need to learn to move on from metal clasp turnout coats and 207 FRP BA cylinders!

Not to mention that you have to pay to take their tests.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


CFA will also be looking for more staff with a number of Volunteer stations about to have staff for the first time as well as the on going replacement of staff.....


 This thread says 'paid employment' and bears anything but!

Is anyone out there able to furnish a copy of current SAMFS pay scales (from recruit up)?



Recruits start at 38k apparently...comparing to Tasmania fire service: 46k


Look at the ufu sa website. You can access the MFS pay rates.


 Re: Paid employment
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2009, 07:35:00 PM »   

Look at the ufu sa website. You can access the MFS pay rates.

Top info!
Thanks :-)