Get Ready For the Big One

Started by Darcyq, March 09, 2009, 10:57:43 AM

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*turns up the radio*....scheiße...its Kings of leon...ive heard it a thousand times!


I'll run down the shop... get some red cordial and jelly beans.


Quote from: Alex on March 31, 2009, 04:58:00 PM
I'll run down the shop... get some red cordial and jelly beans.

Soo the Angry Mob is hypo...Red Cordial...Red Jelly Beans...Red Helmets...

Just finished the 1000 piece puzzle! thanks alex.


Quote from: Zippy on March 30, 2009, 10:27:11 PM
Big One = Level 3 IMT incident.

Therefore...i am still unable to be beaten by the crowd.

Did Bridgewater get to level 3?


Quote from: CFS_Firey on April 01, 2009, 08:39:30 AM
Quote from: Zippy on March 30, 2009, 10:27:11 PM
Big One = Level 3 IMT incident.

Therefore...i am still unable to be beaten by the crowd.

Did Bridgewater get to level 3?

level 2 (but third alarm) I believe


Quote from: Darius on April 01, 2009, 08:43:47 AM
level 2 (but third alarm) I believe

As soon as Strike Teams hit the ground, that'd make it 4th Alarm...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Pretty sure it got to Level 2 4th Alarm.   Aint Level 3 considered a Campaign Fire.

So guys,  u nearly got to turn into an angry mob!


Its happening again, and it sounds out of hand, AGAIN.


Quote from: Zippy on April 01, 2009, 11:51:57 AM
Its happening again, and it sounds out of hand, AGAIN.

It shouldn't be an issue.  The season is well and truly over.  Remember?



yeah i mean the Level 3 Incident Season is.

Level 2....April 30th!


Quote from: Zippy on April 01, 2009, 11:51:57 AM
Its happening again, and it sounds out of hand, AGAIN.

must have been to big to put out properly the first time

SA Firey

Quote from: Bagyassfirey on April 01, 2009, 06:17:55 PM
Quote from: Zippy on April 01, 2009, 11:51:57 AM
Its happening again, and it sounds out of hand, AGAIN.

must have been to big to put out properly the first time

Made a nice carpark too...or is that truckpark :-P
Images are copyright


Quote from: Bagyassfirey on April 01, 2009, 06:17:55 PM
Quote from: Zippy on April 01, 2009, 11:51:57 AM
Its happening again, and it sounds out of hand, AGAIN.

must have been to big to put out properly the first time

I heard it was only a few hectares, I guess mopping up isn't a strong point there, neither is giving sitreps !


lofty's trucks don;t have radios :-D :-D


For my curiosity and becauise you all are learned/experienced people to give constructive input  :lol:  :-D,

1/ How many AIIMS Level 3 activation fires did we have in the 2008/09 fire season in South Australia ? I can only think of Port Lincoln.

2/ Do you believe it was because more people are aware of the risk & thus being more careful (eg is the PR finally sinking into the general publics minds, etc, etc) ?

3/ Do you believe in your area something different has happened over the last few years (eg faster activation of task force deployments, more air support around the state, fuel reduction burns increased, increased SAPOL patrols, etc, etc ?).

From my understanding, the fuel load & risks have increased over the last few years. Yet South Australia did not experience multiple large fires.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


1/ How many AIIMS Level 3 activation fires did we have in the 2008/09 fire season in South Australia ? I can only think of Port Lincoln.

Think your right..Unless Gawler River was also...?

2/ Do you believe it was because more people are aware of the risk & thus being more careful (eg is the PR finally sinking into the general publics minds, etc, etc) ?

It was only due to Pure Luck.

3/ Do you believe in your area something different has happened over the last few years (eg faster activation of task force deployments, more air support around the state, fuel reduction burns increased, increased SAPOL patrols, etc, etc ?).

Quicker and more effective Air Support, the Bombers are getting better each year, Helitaks are great Backup!

Faster Activation of Strike teams...hmm  it was heaps slow.

Dont see any other contributing factors...other than luck.

Alan J

Gut feel only - it is really hard to measure something which might have happened but didn't...

2/ Do you believe it was because more people are aware of the risk & thus being more careful (eg is the PR finally sinking into the general publics minds, etc, etc) ?

If you mean "risk of ignition" - a qualified yes.
I have a theory that the increasingly urban people who live in the Hills bring
with them an urban aversion to potentially fire-causing activities.  It's
really hard to do much damage propped in the air-con playing video games.
Less outdoor activity = fewer ignitions = fewer big fires.
This is a good thing, because I don't think most understand the importance of
fuel loading or arrangement. Some inkling has resulted from the Vic fires,
but it will have largely blown over by next season when the fear/shock has
worn off, life intrudes, & realisation of hard work sets in.

Except for the northern fringe where, judging by the paging website, there
seems to be much more arson than the other fringe areas, and perhaps far fewer

3/ Do you believe in your area something different has happened over the last few years (eg faster activation of task force deployments, more air support around the state, fuel reduction burns increased, increased SAPOL patrols, etc, etc ?).

From my understanding, the fuel load & risks have increased over the last few years. Yet South Australia did not experience multiple large fires.

Yes to fuel management on public lands, no on private lands.
Yes to SAPol closely watching suspected & known arsonists.
Yes to first-response air attack.
No to faster strike team activations - didn't seem any faster at all.
Big YES to dumb luck. On Feb 7th, it would have only taken one or two more
ignitions immediately north of Adelaide to overwhelm our ability to control
them. We had only about a dozen ignitions all day. The Vics had many times
that, & stopped all but a few.  Maybe our idiots are more addicted to air-con
and video games than their idiots  :?

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


Quote from: bittenyakka on April 02, 2009, 05:37:32 PM
lofty's trucks don;t have radios :-D :-D

A radio is that what those things tied to a piece of string with 2 cans on either end is called  :lol: :lol:
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: jaff on March 25, 2009, 12:49:22 PM
Quote from: Zippy on March 25, 2009, 10:59:18 AM
Quote from: safireservice on March 25, 2009, 10:35:32 AM
Quote from: Zippy on March 25, 2009, 09:24:35 AM
As everyone else says..But i myself say..It is,but it isnt..cos a Year is 365 Days long...

Rural Fire Season: Over

Maybe where you are.

Low likelyhood of a Weather system that will cause "The Big one" now.

If winds cause the FDI to go over a 100 now...ill retract my post...

"Ill retract my post"..... not good enough Zippster, after making a big statement you cant get away with just a, Ill retract my post. NO we here at SAF require more for a brazen statement retraction such as this!
Perhaps........I'll shave one eyebrow off,......or I'll wear jeans with the arrse cut out and a Barry Manilow t shirt to Ponde :-o,......or I'll sit through a speech by David Place without falling asleep!

Now where talking(posting), what punishment can members dream up as suitable for Zippy!.............GAME ON :evil:

Seems your punishment can be shelved for this season Zippmiester! :wink:
Just Another Filtered Fireman


sweet mate, see you at the next flooding job...