what is going on with cadets?

Started by rescue5271, January 04, 2005, 12:52:59 PM

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Couldn't You Just Edit Your Last Post?


I believe the reason cadets are not allowed to attend burnoffs, is because some bright spark firefigter set themself on fire tipping fuel onto the burn...... at a cadet night. Not something cadets should be seeing! (of a FF should be doing for that matter!)


So one incident ruins it for the rest of them...

(Praying that F/F now knows NOT to tip fuel onto a live burn.......!!)

Its little things like that, and others, that make it so much harder to keep the younger generations interested in programs like Cadets.  They have more fun sitting at home watching TV, so why would they want to come out on a cold night, in a cold station, doing .... not alot....


We have got almost 20 cadets although we dont let them go to burn off, we still do some live fire training with them (like extinguishers). As long as you have the correct amount of supervision then it is fine.
As for this been the only thing keeping cadets interested I dont think that is true. None of our cadets have ever complained about it been boring because we dont do alot of live fire.
If you attended the Cadet supervisor weekend that they had with the scouts then you should know how to keep them entertained for the night. We keep our cadets entertained for alomost 2hrs every week and we have never had a problem. Plus most of the cadets that leave, leave for other reasons not because they are bored
When I am called to duty, God wherever flames may rage, Give me strength to save a life, whatever be its age.


An acting training officer in our Region told a meeting that the two female crew rule applied but when I challenged him backed down after trying to find evidence to support the statement. He told me that it was not official policy but a very sensible rule that all Brigades should adopt. Now shock, horror, some of the Brigades to the East and North of me have no female members over the age of 18. They were extremely concerned that anyone should suggest that these young women should be disallowed from turning out for two years.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Quote from: Fire_Rescue96 on August 09, 2005, 04:51:00 PM
We have got almost 20 cadets although we dont let them go to burn off, we still do some live fire training with them (like extinguishers). As long as you have the correct amount of supervision then it is fine.
As for this been the only thing keeping cadets interested I dont think that is true. None of our cadets have ever complained about it been boring because we dont do alot of live fire.
If you attended the Cadet supervisor weekend that they had with the scouts then you should know how to keep them entertained for the night. We keep our cadets entertained for alomost 2hrs every week and we have never had a problem. Plus most of the cadets that leave, leave for other reasons not because they are bored

I was pushing the point a little over the top, but was trying to put forward how much harder it is these days.  There are always things that can be done to keep the kids entertained, weather it be comps training, to watching a CFS related DVD.  I still think back to the days, when things seemed so much easier.


OK then fair enough, I will agree that when I was a cadet things used to be so much easier because there wasnt any of these OHS things in place, were as now if you want to do something you have to do a risk assesment and we all know that they suck
When I am called to duty, God wherever flames may rage, Give me strength to save a life, whatever be its age.


As a cadet i feel that yes some cadets may not be mature enough at 16 to become fully fledged firefighters but i have seen many a 20+ year old people gain entry into brigades, whom i beleive to be no more mature than a 12 year old with the mental capacity to match.
I have been a cadet for 3 years now and have developed the opinion that the best training sesions that i have been to have all involved fire.
But i beleive that raising the joining age to 18 will only lower the number of younger members joining


How true James I dont think the people at the top care too much about retaining cadets,there is only so much none CFS stuff that one can do in a small town. I know our cadets did enjoy going to burn offs as well as being involved in some brigade training. But someone in the white castle did not like it and because a few(small group) did something wrong they stuffed it up for all....


The cadet numbers are growing all the time so i think HQ needs to put way more money and time into them because we are all struggling for crews and the more keen they stay the more likely they are to step up to firefighters later.

oz fire

I thought the SAFECOM Volunteer Management branch was looking after cadets and implementing programs on behalf of the different services - they were also looking into the legal aspects, OH&S, child welfare and alike.
I guess they like most in the staff side have extra ordinary workloads and when they are only a small team they need to spread them selves across many, many areas.

At least now there are organised functions - cadet camps, workshops and cadet coordinators - a huge step forward from a few years ago when it was left to brigades to manage on their own.

You only need to look at the CFS comps - the majority is now Cadets - not fire fighters  :-D
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


True ozfire,but cadets in the country are stilling missing out beacuse they dont have access to so called places to go or things to do.Sure we have ohsw and child welfare but cadets need to be involved in burn off's and some live firefighting but also should be able to help out at brigade training by being a patient in RCR,or cave ,training.


from my personal experience with cadets. They dont need live fire training or going to burn offs to keep them, We do live fire (extinguishers) every say 6months but other than that our cadets dont get to see muchlive fire and they enojoy it, we do lose some cadets but from what I have heard its not from being bored.

As for joining in on Adult training as casualties I dont see why they cant, I know we dont do it but im sure if we wanted to we prob would.
When I am called to duty, God wherever flames may rage, Give me strength to save a life, whatever be its age.


In reply to younger people being exposed to horrific scene's such as an MVA and being able to deal with it or not, does BFF1 training have a course where people are made aware of the scenes that will be encountered as a CFS firefighter, e.g pictures?  (I have not done BFF1 yet so am unsure as to what you learn there) Also we do virtually exactly the same job's as the Mets yet anyone can join whatever their age, sex, race etc.  This is a really good thing for the community but shouldnt there be some forms of psychological tests to make sure people are aware and can handle the situation they are putting themselves into. 

the catch 22 side to that is if the CFS implement rules like that then volunteer number's will drop which is already a concern as I understand.  I dont mean to offend anyone or seem prejudiced as I myself have not experienced any of this but just a thought...

I joined the CFS shortly after turning 16 and as I would like to join the MFS joining at 16 is a good age as you can get some good experience about life as a firefighter.

My thought's only


^^  I agree with various testing being required.  I think at least a psych test should be mandatory... Mental capacity is such a crucial factor when dealing with emergencies... Not to mention, I would rather not be in a tent on a strike team with a deranged psychopathic axe murderer who didn't have to do psych testing   !! 
*General fitness testing should also be somehow implemented...*

I think it should be up to brigade discretion about the 16 - 18 age.  I know plenty of 16 - 20 year olds who are good Fire fighters, and good operators, and know plenty of 30/40+ aged members who should take a lesson from their junior counterparts... 

On the flip side, there are plenty of 16/17/18 year old cadets who need to stay there untill they are in their mid 20's and develop enough maturity before being allowed on the fire ground.


Its One Of Those Sliding Scales I Think. You Should Have The Option To Come Up, However You Have To Be Voted In By The Bridage, That Way Its The Bridage That Make The Descion Regarding If Your Ready To Handle Whats Involved.

As For The BFF1 & MVA Photos, Can't Say I Saw Any One My Course.

Wasn't There Something Mentioned Regarding General Fitness On Here A Little While Ago, I Think There Should Be A Strike Team/Task Force Register & For You to Put Your Name On That You Have To Under Take Some Basic Testing (Fitness, Skills).

Normal CFS Members I Think Would Be Hard As I Believe We Would Loose Quite A Few Members, But For Deployment Else Where I Think You Need To Have Some Basic Fitness.



there is no way of de-sensitizing people to these kind of things. its something that has to be experienced..


I'd say youre right medevac, I have never dealt with anything like an MVA before.  In fact Im doing my level 1 this weekend so have not dealt with any CFS call-outs.


I agree medevac there is no way at all you can do anything to help ppl b prepared for what they may c when responding to an MVA, even if you have looked at pics its still nothing until you get to the job and c all the ppl around ambos, cops ect.

As for all this talk about making ppl doing test i think that is just stupid, its a volunteer service so you dont have to go to an MVA if you dont want to, there is no point making volunteers do a test to c if they are good enough for the CFS. As for working alongside an axe murderer it prob wouldnt happen because we do have police checks which would prob come back saying something like that so you wouldnt let them into your brigade.
When I am called to duty, God wherever flames may rage, Give me strength to save a life, whatever be its age.


A good Brigade will introduce you gently to the unsavoury sights where possible and give you the opportunity to become involved in different ways as you become more aware.

MVA's are stationary (unlike going to a raging bush fire) and therefore you may have some choice about where you actually fit into the scene and what you actually see. I prefer for all new members regardless of age to work around the periphery in traffic control and the many other things that need doing. Even providing fire cover can be at the pump or the hose/extinguisher may not be where you can see all. Members come closer to the "inner circle" as they feel comfortable. And perhaps at an incident with less shocking injuries to begin with.

And we have really good support services available to members as well.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


And don't forget it's not only MVA's that may affect people.  A raging bush fire may be seen as the norm to many but it may frighten the hell out of others.  I know of people who have contacted our wonderful SPAM team in relation to bushfires and the effect it has had on them.  Looking a raging bushfire in the face may be all that is needed to trigger the emotions of what they may have seen at another job.



Hi All,

I was nearly 17 when i went to my first fatal. In my brigade the officers make the decisions about what you should and shouldn't be involved in. I trust their decision on this. When we arrived we could see it was fatal and i was told to go and operate the pump in order to get out of sight. Later on one of the officers ask me if i would like to go for a walk and see what all the action was about!
It would be very nice if everyone could have an intro like that!
As for Cadet joining age i think it is normally a decision by the cadet and brigade officers. Cadets do not see much "action" but our bunch of cadets are pretty much there just to socialise, like scouts i surpose!



hmmm yeah it is good to keep younger people away from the "HOT ZONE" is it still called that?

neway... not too sure about asking you if ya wanted to see it afterwards (presumably the body had been taken away ?)

presonally if i were you i would look at as few dead bodies as possible.


I dont have a problem taking younger members to MVA'S just  give them a job away from the action,as for looking after the job is done that is fine as long as the body is gone and that way the younger member will have some idea of what took place....

blinky bill


I think that it is good to ask the younger members after if they would like to go and have a look, as for the body been removed i think that the person should b given the option of seeing it if hey want, if you are in a high MVA area then they will c it eventually. If they choose not to go look then that is their choice. I got asked to go have a look at my first fatal and the bodies were there but i didnt, as i felt i wasnt ready to c it, so i think it is up to the person if they want to look b4 or after the body has been removed
When I am called to duty, God wherever flames may rage, Give me strength to save a life, whatever be its age.