Training frequency

Started by Bagyassfirey, March 01, 2009, 09:06:33 AM

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My brigade we train once a week for for about 3 hours a night we also have a sunday training once a mouth we work really well as a team and there isnt really one person who say i dont no what to do training is so worth it. we all look foward to going to training.We are loike a big famliualy .


Moderated*Think about what you say, before your fingers do the talking*
No ute No circle work



Or perhaps they attend every week and this is a non issue!
Dont judge everybodys competence by your own! :-D
Axe grinding workshop lookout for it  :wink: seems like trainings not big down the DOO way?  :mrgreen:

Mod Note: Removed reference to previous post
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Training is not a big thing down this way full stop,and its time CFS and groups did something about it.......



Personal attack I think :?

Mod Note: removed reference to original post


Quote from: KDOO_BTO on May 30, 2009, 11:18:29 AM

For someone who makes it so clear on who they are, I would watch the level at which you publically slander other people.


Quote from: RescueHazmat on May 30, 2009, 06:45:06 PM
Quote from: KDOO_BTO on May 30, 2009, 11:18:29 AM
Mod Note: removed reference to original post

For someone who makes it so clear on who they are, I would watch the level at which you publically slander other people.

I never said who I was talking about, I didn't even mention what brigade or group they where from.  I bet if the CFS sent some one around every brigade in the state there would be a number of members who would fit into the '6%" catergory who don't attend training and who's compedidence is somewhat lacking
No ute No circle work


Quote from: KDOO_BTO on May 31, 2009, 04:55:17 PM
Quote from: RescueHazmat on May 30, 2009, 06:45:06 PM
Quote from: KDOO_BTO on May 30, 2009, 11:18:29 AM
Mod Note: removed reference to original post

For someone who makes it so clear on who they are, I would watch the level at which you publically slander other people.

I never said who I was talking about, I didn't even mention what brigade or group they where from.  I bet if the CFS sent some one around every brigade in the state there would be a number of members who would fit into the '6%" catergory who don't attend training and who's compedidence is somewhat lacking
I agree with KDOO_BTO, there are members on here who shoot their mouth off on a regular basis who go quiet as soon as training at brigade level is mentioned. As for slander I never saw any names or places mentioned but if the hat fits WEAR IT. I would be very surprised if every group in the state did not have at least 1 of these types of people in them
Party Brigade.  Filtered the Brass


Quote from: Chinny on May 30, 2009, 06:05:27 PM
Mod Note: removed reference to original post

Personal attack I think :?
No just a mere comment if I was going to make it a personal attack I'd name names. I call a spade a filtered spade not a shovel.
No ute No circle work



If we audited trainnning and saw how many people who did not train and how many of them are on the trucks would you feel safe  :?

I come from a brigade that trainins we weekly does that mean we are any good at fire fighting who knows this begs the other question what is the quality of that training like I hope that ours is pretty good
keep it simple for sanity skes please


Quote from: KDOO_BTO on May 31, 2009, 04:55:17 PM
compedidence is somewhat lacking

It appears your spelling competence is somewhat lacking...  :evil:


Quote from: KDOO_BTO on May 31, 2009, 05:29:35 PM
Quote from: Chinny on May 30, 2009, 06:05:27 PM
Quote from: KDOO_BTO on May 30, 2009, 11:18:29 AM
Mod Note: removed reference to original post

Personal attack I think :?
No just a mere comment if I was going to make it a personal attack I'd name names. I call a spade a filtered spade not a shovel.

What and you think we are stoooopid? You don't have to name names dude  :roll:


OK, time to get back on topic...

Skills maintenance is good, provided guidelines are given and explained correctly. Look at the problems they had with the burnover drill last year.
We also dont want to get to the point where all we do is skills maintenance drills.

SA Firey

Bottom line is you do the drills to maintain your skills, by doing so thus makes you a better firefighter and keeps you up to date with all the changes that happen, and makes us as an organisation look professional. :-D

Members with banjos and shorts is not approved PPE :-P
Images are copyright


there is now pepole from i think called safecom that are going to go to everystation and do station health checks this will show the brigade if they have work to do and what they need to work on as a station and maybe even as a group


and what happens if the goals are moved and the the outcome is near  impossible from these health checks
keep it simple for sanity skes please


Moving the goals would need to be justified.....
However, if they do move and the brigade does not feel it can meet the requirements of todays service... then closure may be an option. I would fully expect them to do everything possible to prevent that from happening though...

As has ben mentioned before, the service has moved on, some brigades have resisted this for a surprising amount of time, but its time to pick the game up and play ball...


fair point when you look at Matts piece in the other thread - time to cull some dead wood?
just another retard!


Quote from: KDOO_BTO on May 06, 2009, 08:43:54 AM
a brigade who's captain doesn't beleive in training

WHAT, You've Gotta Be joking. Last time I checked the capt is ultimatly responsible for all aspects of the brigade (including training), Not believing in training is like not believing in your crew, I would even think it would come under duty of care, OHS or something.


Where is the region, where is the group, don't they check these things ?