Will you Stay or Leave Early?

Started by CFS_Firey, February 17, 2009, 03:04:38 PM

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The Salvos have lots of bunkers strategically located around Australia, maybe we could use them..................Oh sorry forgot, thats were they keep their SPAM supplies! :-D
Just Another Filtered Fireman


I was thinking about the Hollywood cars as well


Quote from: misterteddy on February 18, 2009, 01:58:39 PM
Quote from: 6739264 on February 18, 2009, 01:05:26 PM
Telling people to build themselves bunkers sounds good, up until the time when the fire roars past, consumes the oxygen from the little hideyhole and they die.

I made reference in another thread about CFS shed folk-lore and the dangers of the untrained making comments.....never more appropriate than here....

Perhaps too much time spent reading WWII flame thrower bunker busting techniques on my part.. ;)
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...

Alan J

Quote from: tft on February 18, 2009, 06:25:46 AM
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on February 17, 2009, 04:55:13 PM

I am sure that we may see some change to this stay or go once the ROYAL COMMISION is over....
I hope we see the changes before the Royal Commission. This could take years for the final outcome.

Save yourself some time & read the 1939 Stretton Royal Commission report.
Sweet Fanny Adams has been done by successive governments along the advice of that
report in 70 years. Same will happen with this one.

EP fire report only saw action because CFS carried the can, not govt. policy.
Therefore no risk to the city green vote.

Trying to be positive about it.
Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


I think the biggest thing that people don't understand about stay or go is that it is really refering to a well set up house.
People seem to think that if they wave a garden hose around and dampen everything down that it will be okay to stay, and of course the fire truck will be parked outside there house (though I think this year that thought will actually begin to change - then again maybe not judging on some conversation my sister had up at Sprinton with locals who couldn't understand why she would not be staying - lets say transportable, surrounded by lots of large gum trees, no cleared area around the house duh!)
We wont be staying as our house used to be transportable so is up off the ground so is the number one reason for not staying!! Also next door (we live in Penola) actually on all sides of us are houses with real interesting cocktail mixes in their shed so would be pretty much expecting them to go up with a bang.
Wattle Range


The house im renting sits on a block which has a eucalyptus tree right out the back and a mix of blue gum and other natives along the street even though this may seem like a huge fire hazard theres a positive

The block has a wide open space which runs along side of the house which can double as a fire break if the grass is cut plus it makes a good area to attack embers that may cause spot fires

I've also got access to a fire plug which is clearly marked on the road right out front of my house so a standpipe and hose can be set up if need be
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert-Robert34 on February 23, 2009, 08:40:01 PM
The house im renting sits on a block which has a eucalyptus tree right out the back and a mix of blue gum and other natives along the street even though this may seem like a huge fire hazard theres a positive

The block has a wide open space which runs along side of the house which can double as a fire break if the grass is cut plus it makes a good area to attack embers that may cause spot fires

I've also got access to a fire plug which is clearly marked on the road right out front of my house so a standpipe and hose can be set up if need be

Another positive Robert, is if your flying a kite in your backyard, the eucalyptus tree will stop it from falling to the ground and getting broken, also from then on you will always know where your kite is :-D
Just Another Filtered Fireman


in other words, if you are renting get out early