Started by Bagyassfirey, January 12, 2009, 03:30:41 PM

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Bronto I care because I still have family members who live in SA, I'm still an accredited rescue member (but true not in SA)& we have facilities in SA which may require the service of a rescue service. Oh & I still spend time there.
As far as 3 red trucks ??? thats a SAMFS operational decision isn't it?
Numbers agree with all of your comments - including those on the Roadrunner.
Seen the Holmatro gear in action - wasn't impressed, having said that I did try and get the Lukas version when at Berri exactly for the reasons you mentioned, could get to the job quicker in our fast response, most jobs did not require the heavy hydraulics & our fast response carried everything required for simple RCR jobs (including FARA stabilisers, cribbing, glass management & hard protection just not separate cutters/ spreaders/ram), however I settled on a second set of cutters instead.
Whilst I agree that brigades who are rescue may have a requirement for a combitool for RIV, as said previously that was not the reason previously mentioned(my reading was to attend jobs when the primary rescue was committed elsewhere) & I stand by what I said "If you primary rescue is already committed, then default should be automatic" unless of course you have two rescues including certified crew.
Bronto you are of course correct Heavy rescue is not a term I would apply to the majority of squads in SA, or infact elsewhere - maybe medium rescue?
Finally refer to Boardies comments in the St Johns thread - when things go bad fall back to the good Samaritans act. I think some (thankfully not all)in the volunteer emergency services (not just SA), tend to think like that (payed staff as well as volunteers) & would rather set the bar low in regards to equipment, people & training instead of biting the bullet and demanding betterfrom our respective governments, people & communities.
In an ideal world there would be a true heavy rescue squad based in each area (groups),and properly equipped/trained medium teams in each council area- but thats in an ideal world :-D
just another retard!


Quote from: CFS_Firey on January 23, 2009, 11:03:40 PM
Actually, the initial page responded 4 brigades, which is well and truly equal to a second alarm. (3rd alarm if all the brigades send 2 trucks each! :P )
If you want to get picky, Initial Pages and 'Upgrading' the response are two different things ;)
The initial 2nd Alarm response was great, but then it got upgraded waaaaaaaaaay beyond that :P

Quote from: CFS_Firey on January 23, 2009, 11:03:40 PM
Quote from: 6739264 on January 23, 2009, 09:00:00 PM
For the whole Rapid Intervention system to work, there would need to be a clearly defined stowage list for "Rapid Intervention" as well as a listing for brigade/appliances that can be turned out with RIV capabilities.

What do you mean "would need to be"?  The stowage difference between rapid intervention and CFS heavy rescue are already clearly defined in the standard stowage lists.

The difference between the two being that no lighting or backup pump are required, and the hydraulic tools are all replaced with the omni tool.  An "extrication board" is also optional, but EVERYTHING else is the same.

I thought rescue was your thing! :P

Yes, and a few too many bourbons also happen to be my thing occasionally. The Stowage lists you're talking about would appear to be in-house CFS lists, with have nothing to do with any external recognition via the RCR Green Book. Its all good and well for the CFS to promote stowage lists and to list Brigades as Rapid Intervention within their own regional directories, but if its not in the green book, it doesn't count.

There needs to be action taken from the top, across all services for any Rapid Intervention policy to work. It's never good when a service acts alone and attempts to bring policies and procedures into action that do not fit with the already outlined state wide standard.

Quote from: big bronto on January 24, 2009, 10:18:25 AM
One big reason Heavy Rescue was removed from the green book is nearly all CFS/SES vehicles do not meet the true criteria for a "Heavy Rescue" truck.

And the only culprit for this being the case is the management of SACFS, SASES and SAMFS. How the services have managed to take the term "Rescue" and turn it into "Road Crash Rescue" only is beyond me. RCR is only a tiny slice of the Rescue pie. But these are the same services that use the Halligan tool as an RCR only tool...

We'll get there Big Bronto, one day.

Quote from: chook on January 24, 2009, 11:08:53 AM
Whilst I agree that brigades who are rescue may have a requirement for a combitool for RIV, as said previously that was not the reason previously mentioned(my reading was to attend jobs when the primary rescue was committed elsewhere) & I stand by what I said "If you primary rescue is already committed, then default should be automatic" unless of course you have two rescues including certified crew.

Once again, a combitool does not a Rapid Intervention truck make. There is far more to it than that, and more to it than even included in the CFS Rapid Intervention Stowage lists. As I've tried to point out, RIV doesnt mean you're defaulting it merely allows a brigade to provide an amount of RCR response while the listed 2nd rescue travels the generally large distance to get to the job. Yes people misunderstand it, and see it as a be all and end all of rescue response. That is incorrect and not what RIV is meant for. Bring on individual resource tracking!
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Toally agree Numbers, maybe one day a properly constituted State rescue board will be formed & some common standards will finally apply e.g. all rescue squads should be at least qualified & trained in rope rescue (even if its just to gain access until further "heavier" crews arrive). Medium rescue & heavy rescue equipment list should be developed & be identical for all rescue services with sunset clause of 12 months to fully comply with equipment & the required training - if you don't comply you are down grounded to light rescue only and any medium/ heavy equipment withdrawn.As far as the RIV thing I know what you were getting at. And if there were proper resource tracking we would not have had this conversation :wink:
just another retard!


" Also interesting, Burnside turning themselves out again (before they're paged) for the second time in a few days. Maybe its time someone introduced them to mr pager, not mr scanner. "

I'm not sure to take the above as personal offence or someone shooting their mouth off without knowing the full story... Given I was the driver for the first incident (RCR Norton Summit) and Officer for the 2nd (Grass fire Bridgewater) on both Burnside appliances and KNOWING for fact that in fact there wasn't such a scanner present when the brigade was turned out... Maybe you should get your facts straight and if you wish to discuss it further call me 0404 016 520.


So...another NASTY NASTY week ahead Mac13!  much planned for your week?


Quote from: Stefan KIRKMOE on January 25, 2009, 08:17:06 PM
" Also interesting, Burnside turning themselves out again (before they're paged) for the second time in a few days. Maybe its time someone introduced them to mr pager, not mr scanner. "

I'm not sure to take the above as personal offence or someone shooting their mouth off without knowing the full story... Given I was the driver for the first incident (RCR Norton Summit) and Officer for the 2nd (Grass fire Bridgewater) on both Burnside appliances and KNOWING for fact that in fact there wasn't such a scanner present when the brigade was turned out... Maybe you should get your facts straight and if you wish to discuss it further call me 0404 016 520.

hahahah.....well...I'm sure the "very senior" audience u had at the other end of the GRN had a very different opinion, so i'll stick with theirs


come on then if you have something to say then get it out there and say it?


I'll be back in a minute, I'm just getting some popcorn to share as I settle in for the next round of NASTY NASTY.


Kirkmoe V Teddy is the MAIN EVENT tonight ladies and gents!
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: Zippy on January 25, 2009, 08:57:21 PM
So...another NASTY NASTY week ahead Mac13!  much planned for your week?

sure is Zippy...ahhh ill just be taking a real interest in the tennis all of a sudden  8-)


So i take it you are going to hibernate for the whole week then mac :lol: so if you dont appear once it cools down that means another 2 months of Summer  :-D :lol:
Kalangadoo Brigade



What an interesting day it was....


Quote from: Robert-Robert34 on January 26, 2009, 09:38:18 AM
So i take it you are going to hibernate for the whole week then mac :lol: so if you dont appear once it cools down that means another 2 months of Summer  :-D :lol:

pretty much there boss...i aint goin outside in this weather 8-)..TFB shouldn be out in paddocks anyway :wink:



First one 4 this year...Hold on to ya knickers boys n girls  8-)


Quote from: mac13 on January 27, 2009, 03:01:44 PM

First one 4 this year...Hold on to ya knickers boys n girls  8-)

That is assuming you all wear them dirty firefighters you!
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: mac13 on January 27, 2009, 03:01:44 PM

First one 4 this year...Hold on to ya knickers boys n girls  8-)

Im hoping that when i turn up for work tomorrow that my garden crew boss will say take the day off due to there being a SA Wide TFB and it being too hot to work  :-D
Kalangadoo Brigade

Master of Disaster

Have you ever tried stand up comedy Robert? :lol: :evil:


Quote from: misterteddy on January 25, 2009, 09:46:49 PM
Quote from: Stefan KIRKMOE on January 25, 2009, 08:17:06 PM
" Also interesting, Burnside turning themselves out again (before they're paged) for the second time in a few days. Maybe its time someone introduced them to mr pager, not mr scanner. "

I'm not sure to take the above as personal offence or someone shooting their mouth off without knowing the full story... Given I was the driver for the first incident (RCR Norton Summit) and Officer for the 2nd (Grass fire Bridgewater) on both Burnside appliances and KNOWING for fact that in fact there wasn't such a scanner present when the brigade was turned out... Maybe you should get your facts straight and if you wish to discuss it further call me 0404 016 520.

hahahah.....well...I'm sure the "very senior" audience u had at the other end of the GRN had a very different opinion, so i'll stick with theirs

I would like to know why that senior person doesn't seem interested in the fact that Athelstone took 12 mins to get on the road, and the fact there was no default and that Burnside did the cutout.

CFS seem to have priorites in the wrong area, sigh


Thats what i heard too Pumprescue...

But its old news now, *switchs tv channels*

Alan (Big Al)

Well the Doo have got a job on, but if they get a stop does that count as the .5 some people have predicted? :-D
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Dont speak too soon Alan cause tomorrow looks to be busy for the whole state including the South East with the FDI's being over the 100 mark
Kalangadoo Brigade


The Doo didn't get out the door before a stop call was issued - well all other brigades called were fully crewed and mobile - the doo captain acknowledged the stop call - so maybe that is the .5
Wattle Range


We got out the door this time

1909366 22:04:00 30-01-09 MFS: *CFSRES INC146 30/01/09 22:05,RESPOND Tree Down,KALANGADOO ,KALANGADOO MAP 0 0 0 TG231,SOUTHERN END OF SLAUGHTERHOUSE ROAD NEAR, WEPAR RD,KALA00 CFS Kalangadoo Response

All we used was an axe to cut the tree off the road and had the incident completed very quickly  :-D
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert-Robert34 on January 30, 2009, 09:30:27 PM
We got out the door this time

1909366 22:04:00 30-01-09 MFS: *CFSRES INC146 30/01/09 22:05,RESPOND Tree Down,KALANGADOO ,KALANGADOO MAP 0 0 0 TG231,SOUTHERN END OF SLAUGHTERHOUSE ROAD NEAR, WEPAR RD,KALA00 CFS Kalangadoo Response

All we used was an axe to cut the tree off the road and had the incident completed very quickly  :-D
whoopie poxy little tree with a crew of 4.5. If I hadn't been driving I probably would of slept thru it on the back. Some people got excited though
No ute No circle work