Dash Roll with B pillar removed.

Started by 6739264, January 31, 2009, 01:55:14 PM

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Then there was the arrogant A-hole of an ambo who refused to listen to ANY suggestions and ripped the guy out the window...damn martians in their green uniforms...

Everyone has their A Holes....


Morning all - on the subject of chains & air chisels. They are still in the AEM Road crash book & are still taught & used in other states.
As for Numbers comments on lateral think 100% agree - it is the difference between good operators (the ones that don't go to pieces when plan A doesn't work)& the rest!
And yep there are A-Holes everywhere! Had a similar experience a few years ago just dragged them over the centre console she'll be right! And rescue operators who don't listen & even non rescue firies who know all about rescue. Its just a pity that more people just learn who to relax (just a bit) & listen rather that just relying on SOP's, FGP's & "thats the way we did it during training!" Oh yeah & learn to use their brains  :-D
Anyway see you all latter
just another retard!


Quote from: pumprescue on November 09, 2010, 10:56:57 PM
Then there was the arrogant A-hole of an ambo who refused to listen to ANY suggestions and ripped the guy out the window...damn martians in their green uniforms...

Everyone has their A Holes....

true true...every circus has it's clowns!

I guess I forget that when I work with a group of people who don't have that much attitude....

but this tends to happen when you get old and cranky and just start ignoring all the Gen Y's in the job!