Tour Down Under 2009, stage 3

Started by bajdas, January 22, 2009, 05:10:08 PM

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Today I watched the Tour Down Under 2009, stage 3, go past at Kangarilla and Meadows. Good fun to see.

I was interested to see the following vehicles in the official convoy at the end of the main bunch of riders:-

1/ SES Toyota light rescue vehicle with (I think) 4 on board in full orange overalls.
2/ CFS 14 type vehicle.
3/ Two SAAS ambulances.
4/ Multiple SAPOL motorbikes, pushbikes & cars.

It is interesting how the volunteer ESO's are now part of the normal 'public safety' response. Good to see.

Also good to see the Kangarilla truck (suspect 34 ??) out on display & supporting the community banners.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


for stage 2 it was Freeling QRV being used.  Brigades on the route got sent the response plans etc.  My brigade had the station open and trucks out and a crowd of spectators out the front to watch the race, also had a few people use the toilets and gave out lots of directions (and photocopied map sheets) to lost people.


Quote from: Tequila on January 27, 2009, 08:51:20 AM
Yeah it was fantastic to see the SES and CFS, SAAS and sapol at all the stages shame i never saw any samfs :( even at the start or finish lines. the kiddies would have loved it.

no air conditioned stations at the start or finish lines  :wink: (completely tongue in cheek)

