VIC Bushfires

Started by Bagyassfirey, January 30, 2009, 12:00:04 PM

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Forecast for Saturday
Fine and mostly sunny. Possible morning smoke haze resulting from the Victorian
fires. Light to moderate northeast winds turning moderate to fresh southwest to
southeast winds during the afternoon.

Precis        Fine. Mostly sunny.
City:         Min 16    Max 30



Quote from: 49194 on February 13, 2009, 11:40:34 AM
A mate from work is is flying out tomorrow.

~Those who are staying behind, I hear the weather on Saturday in SA is going to be rather nasty..

Forecast for Saturday
Fine and mostly sunny. Possible morning smoke haze resulting from the Victorian
fires. Light to moderate northeast winds turning moderate to fresh southwest to
southeast winds during the afternoon.

Precis        Fine. Mostly sunny.
City:         Min 16    Max 30

HMM....sounds like a normal autumm Day.


Not everyone lives in the CBD..  :wink: .. It was predicted to be nasty (I believe there was some hint of stong winds), however that prediction has since changed by the looks of it.

However, still plenty of action, good to see the guys from Station 80 getting to work! (Missed it by two days lads! See ya next week..)


~Bombers did a number of drops, calls for asset protection were heard as well.

Normal day Zippy...?
Perm. F/F & A/O - Woomera


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on February 12, 2009, 08:11:53 PM
Spoke to some SES people today and they did not know anyting about SES going an dso they went and contacted their regional office and no one has caleld them back yet...

My understanding & second had information is: Two SA SES paid staff members went over and they are returning. Two more paid staff member left this morning. They are doing rotations within the Victorian Integrated Emergency Management Centre. No SA SES volunteers at this time.

New Media Release on gives more specific details.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: 49194 on February 13, 2009, 03:59:04 PM
Not everyone lives in the CBD..  :wink: .. It was predicted to be nasty (I believe there was some hint of stong winds), however that prediction has since changed by the looks of it.

However, still plenty of action, good to see the guys from Station 80 getting to work! (Missed it by two days lads! See ya next week..)


~Bombers did a number of drops, calls for asset protection were heard as well.

Normal day Zippy...?

two youths and a guy with a camp fire detained... apparently its been a normal thing for a quite a while for a fire next to the expressway daily.


Quote from: Zippy on February 13, 2009, 04:43:42 PM
Quote from: 49194 on February 13, 2009, 03:59:04 PM
Not everyone lives in the CBD..  :wink: .. It was predicted to be nasty (I believe there was some hint of stong winds), however that prediction has since changed by the looks of it.

However, still plenty of action, good to see the guys from Station 80 getting to work! (Missed it by two days lads! See ya next week..)


~Bombers did a number of drops, calls for asset protection were heard as well.

Normal day Zippy...?

two youths and a guy with a camp fire detained... apparently its been a normal thing for a quite a while for a fire next to the expressway daily.

Zip-meister, you need to check your sources buddy!!

Second fire near Darlington,22606,25049173-5006301,00.html

A man is being questioned by police who believe he lit a campfire which got out of control, sparking a second fire near Darlington.

That fire, which was near Seacombe Rd, was contained by firefighters around 3.40pm.

MFS and CFS crews fought the two blazes and two fixed-wing bombers were called in.


thats the media for ya ;)..


Quote from: mac13 on February 13, 2009, 11:28:31 AM
a certain region isn even asking for people interested they are jus tpicking the people who have been before......

I know the feeling as the pager has been silent for all our Brigade members and when I spoke to the Captain the other day he has no idea as none is speaking to her either.

I can appreciate the argument that the CFS can only supply as much they have been asked for without depleting their own stocks. Maybe a little bit of transparency in the system will calm a few of us down.
keep it simple for sanity skes please


Quote from: malleefire on February 14, 2009, 08:19:34 AM
Quote from: mac13 on February 13, 2009, 11:28:31 AM
a certain region isn even asking for people interested they are jus tpicking the people who have been before......

I know the feeling as the pager has been silent for all our Brigade members and when I spoke to the Captain the other day he has no idea as none is speaking to her either.

I can appreciate the argument that the CFS can only supply as much they have been asked for without depleting their own stocks. Maybe a little bit of transparency in the system will calm a few of us down.

my arguement is everyone thats been before had to go a first are we mean tto gain experience if this is whats happening...were good enough to get rung up to baby sit some smoking stumps on a strike team but not good enough to go interstate...


Quotemy arguement is everyone thats been before had to go a first are we mean tto gain experience if this is whats happening...were good enough to get rung up to baby sit some smoking stumps on a strike team but not good enough to go interstate...

I agree with both Mac and malleefire theres a handful of us vollies who have been in the CFS for 5+ years and never been on an actual interstate deployment and are left to baby sit smoking stumps or a campfire here in South Australia

Kalangadoo Brigade


The selection method is some what unknown. I do hope that as an after the deployment review that this is brought up as having a clear and uncomplicated method of selection will reduce the angst that people are feeling as to why they are not going. Then again it needs to be applied across the entire state consistently.

Going on strike team have provided a wealth of experience that I would not of other wide of gained but lets share the experience around so that every ones skills improve in the service not just a few.
keep it simple for sanity skes please


Standby for the rampup! :wink:
Just Another Filtered Fireman


exactly from a brigade that if we get 10 callouts a year thats huge...anywho we will wait n c :)

Alan (Big Al)

Here ya go Jaff

Who gives a scheiße if you go or not.

Would i like to go yes, do i care if someone else from the brigade goes hell no.

You all need to realise your time will come eventually, i've been a member for 18 years and a firefighter for 13 years, but you don't see me getting annoyed because i havent been interstate yet.

Honestly guys if your that desperate to go jump in your car with your PPE and drive there. :roll:

And mallee fire it must be your region that has got that policy because most members from my area that have gone have never done so before
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Quote from: Robert-Robert34 on February 14, 2009, 08:50:05 AM
Quotemy arguement is everyone thats been before had to go a first are we mean tto gain experience if this is whats happening...were good enough to get rung up to baby sit some smoking stumps on a strike team but not good enough to go interstate...

I agree with both Mac and malleefire theres a handful of us vollies who have been in the CFS for 5+ years and never been on an actual interstate deployment and are left to baby sit smoking stumps or a campfire here in South Australia

There is in fact, a heck of a lot of CFS volunteers with more than 5 years service who have never been on an interstate deployment. In fact I'd wager that there is more CFS volunteers who have not ever been on an interstate deployment, than those who have.

If your reason for being a CFS member is interstate deployments rather than protecting your own community, then I question your motivation.  


Alan the comment that I believe that you are referring to was not made by me but by Robert

The comment that I made is that the method of selection is still unknown. It is not about wanting to go or not or protecting our own communities it is about how they are selecting the people to go.
keep it simple for sanity skes please


i wouldn start questioning peoples motivation whiteknight....


Lets play nice in the sandpit, please..

Alan (Big Al)

Sorry for the mix-up Malleefire
Lt. Goolwa CFS


CFSR5: R5 GO's and DGO's there will be a self hosted teleconference at 1130 hrs today regarding a new requirement for the Vic fires. Same numbers as previous teleconferences. Please call the ops line if you require details. RO Hastie CFS Naracoorte Group Officers Info


Hmmm i wonder if thats to do with sending appliances or crews over  :?
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: mac13 on February 14, 2009, 09:20:55 AM
i wouldn start questioning peoples motivation whiteknight....

And what would you mean by that?


Quote from: whiteknight on February 14, 2009, 10:22:39 AM
And what would you mean by that?

Well Whiteknight its a simple statement with a complex meaning being that

a. you don't know the background of whom your having dialogue with
b. you don't know where they are in terms of a physical location
c. you don't know what cultural / social background they have

I have experienced along with other members of the  Brigade members where members of the community and work colleagues are asking why aren't you in Victoria i.e. peer pressure from community expectations.

So Whiteknight the simple is rarely as simple as we make it out to be  :evil:
keep it simple for sanity skes please


As have we all Malleefire, as have we all :wink:
just another retard!


Again guys, just ensure its kept civil please.. ;)