VIC Bushfires

Started by Bagyassfirey, January 30, 2009, 12:00:04 PM

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its hard to sit and watch the news and they report every available resource is rolling out of NSW to lend a hand.....


Quote from: mac13 on February 09, 2009, 09:35:39 PM
its hard to sit and watch the news and they report every available resource is rolling out of NSW to lend a hand.....

C'mon you're exaggerating a bit, actually you're exaggerating a lot!

NSW has sent approx 60 appliances and 300 firefighters.

Now when you consider the NSWFB and NSWRFS have a combined 2800 appliances amd 77,000 firefighters I'll actually say that there could be a significant increase in the resources that NSW could spare, and which VIC would use in preferance to certain CFS members. :roll:


I was at the Bangham fire(Frances) which was contained at 2130hrs last night after great work by ground crews and the 4 bombers that worked this fire they did 30+ drops. 11 Appliances where still on scene as my brigade appliances headed home after some damage and we are now running with the region 5/24...No I was not driving....

While on the fire ground Naracoorte and Wattle Range groups where asked to provide 10 members to fly out to Victoria on Wednesday for 5 days, I was asked to go but said No at this stage  as I am a little busy this week with work. I do know that CFS crews that went have had to do a induction and training on the CFA truck that they where given before going out onto the fireground and the SE guys are working at the Churchhill fire..


Just had a call from a CFA mate CFA are in need for a 40 strike teams to go to Beechworth URGENT......Yes 40 x strike teams with 5 appliances and command cars....


And some of those NSW crews are from the northern side of the Murray - one could say they have a vested interest in stopping the NE fires before they cross the water (remember its not that wide up here). The country is also the same in south eastern NSW (& for that matter right a long the NSW coast).
I keep saying this but here it is again - just stay cool & wait! If you think it's hard sitting there & waiting, try being here! There is smoke everywhere & it's only 200 k's away with warmer windier weather latter in the week & we have already had fires last week & on the weekend. So just chill!!!
just another retard!


60 TAS F&RS and 30 "DEH-similar" are being deployed from tasmainia.  Similar first deployment to SA.

"This morning they converged at Port Melbourne docks to welcome the arrival of their 29 fire trucks about 7am. "


My assumption would be that a lot of the NSW crews would be up near their border the same as we go just across out border.
Wattle Range


now that ive had my rant and let my frustration lets get bak on topic which is VIC fires

Bill thats a lot of strike teams?? things gone to scheiße there have they? info on the actual fires is getting haredr to get as all nes is about the recovery


Quote from: Robert-Robert34 on February 09, 2009, 12:38:10 PM
1909225 13:52:13 09-02-09 CFS: SIG INC: FYI: SELF HOSTED TELECONFERENCE TODAY AT 1500 HRS RE VIC FIRE DEPLOYMENT. > 09/02/2009 13:52:00 PM 
:-o Looks like another deployment is on the cards everyone stay glued to the screen or have your pager close to you

relax a bit and don't jump to conclusions. I'm told this teleconference will be occuring regularly every day.


Quote from: chook on February 10, 2009, 05:55:36 AM
And some of those NSW crews are from the northern side of the Murray - one could say they have a vested interest in stopping the NE fires before they cross the water (remember its not that wide up here). The country is also the same in south eastern NSW (& for that matter right a long the NSW coast).
The way some of you a writing your posts, I'm sought of wondering what the primary motivation actually is!
I keep saying this but here it is again - just stay cool & wait! If you think it's hard sitting there & waiting, try being here! There is smoke everywhere & it's only 200 k's away with warmer windier weather latter in the week & we have already had fires last week & on the weekend. So just chill!!!


DONT question peoples "primary motivation" its not your services core business, so you dont at this stage get it!
The people that are very keen to help out are just that, very keen nothing weird, we all feel a sense of helplessness seeing reports every day and having friends and other firies over there, so dont BAG EM, try to understand!
Just Another Filtered Fireman


OK Jaff - I apologise to all. Won't happen again !
just another retard!


Quote from: chook on February 10, 2009, 08:18:14 AM
OK Jaff - I apologise to all. Won't happen again !

I'm glad you've finally pulled you head in Chook. You should know full well that the Fire Services core business is complaining, moaning and whining about anything and everything. Not getting to go to Mexico is seamlessly incorporated into that. How dare you think anything else ;)

Now, on a more serious note, there is a large part of me that wonders what would have happened to the death toll had people heeded the basic bushfire safety messages that the Fire Services have been pushing for years. With the number of people yet again dead in cars, and around their properties with inappropriate clothing, I can't help but wonder, "What if". From the aerial footage of some of the impacted townships, yet again we see many properties that don't look like they were bushfire ready, or had had much preventative work done around them at all. There is something to be said for being responsible for your own well being and survival, especially when you live in a very bushfire prone area like most of those people do. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to take anything away from the horrific disaster that has occurred and the significant loss of life, but in all honesty what will it take for people to take notice?

I'm very interested in what the announced Royal Commission into the disaster will find, especially in relation to the "Stay and defend or go early" campaign. I can't help but suggest that if your bushfire action plan is, as many people have said in their media interviews "Stay and try to defend my house, but if its too big, get in the car and go" you are looking for trouble in a bushfire situation. I understand that the conditions were extreme, and that the rate of spread of the fire was just phenomenal, and that, yes, some people who died could well have had the most prepared house in the world and still perished, but on the whole, it just looks like people failed to listen.

If you live in a Bushfire prone area of Australia (eg: Anywhere that isn't in a capital city or desert) how hard is it, at the very least, to prepare your house to the best of your abilities, and if you don't want to clear the land around it, be prepared to leave early and know that chances are you will lose your house, make your home defendable (get the local firies out to give it the once over and see what they suggest) and if you're going to defend your home, get a decent set of overalls to wear, gloves etc etc.

Did anyone see the couple on the news last night that had the property at the top of a hill? Large cleared area, fire hoses and proper civilian PPE? Surprise, surprise, they got out with the hoses, knocked down the fire and their home is a-ok.

I'm sorry, I just need to vent. I feel like so much of the loss of life in situations like this can be prevented if people listen and use common sense. It angers me to see people dying, as they always do, unprepared, ill-equipped, and doing things that fly in the face of what Fire Services have been trying to hammer home.

When will people listen and learn?
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Numbers DITTO!

CFA paid mate rang and was just amazed at the amount of cars with casualties they encountered, why didnt they just heed the advice, its nothing new!
Just Another Filtered Fireman


mate in whittlesea CFA said they have a civilian camp on its oval...just imagine having a whole town move into another...its just numbing...

I can only imagine the Saturday night would have been the hardest ever time for that brigade....


Quote from: 6739264 on February 10, 2009, 09:08:52 AM
From the aerial footage of some of the impacted townships, yet again we see many properties that don't look like they were bushfire ready, or had had much preventative work done around them at all.

I also notice a lot of burnt houses that have unburnt shrubs in the garden next to the house.  I wonder if someone had been home, if the house would have survived...


QuoteDid anyone see the couple on the news last night that had the property at the top of a hill? Large cleared area, fire hoses and proper civilian PPE? Surprise, surprise, they got out with the hoses, knocked down the fire and their home is a-ok.

This couple is a perfect example of what being fully equipped and ready to stay & defend is about and yet the message doesnt seem to get out regardless of how many tv ads the fire services place on tv  :-(

Kalangadoo Brigade


The information needs to be given to new residents upon moving into the area.


hopefully this will serve as a reminder for SA residents and they will get off their donkey and fill out there bushfire action plan and tidy up thee back yards..and maybe just maybe mite help with some new recruits 4 CFS...


Insurance companies should be pushing for bushfire awareness.  Making it mandatory for there clients to sign a declaration that they have a plan or have read the material.

If insurance for "Exposure fires"

"Make your home defendable...or else".


If you are interested, below are things that are happening in my local community:

* Most importantly for me, I am telling the people I love that 'I love them'.

* my workplace EDS Australia at North Tce have organised a morning tea on Friday. Gold coin donation to the Vic Fire appeal.

* businesses in the area are donating goods to be raffled at the morning tea and the raffle could include other work locations at Lockleys, Glenside, Elizabeth, etc. The organisers are just walking in the door of companies with a request letter on company letterhead, and business owners are donating goods off their shelves.

* I have printed the Bushfire Action Plan and 20 page CFS Bushfire brochure from the CFS website. Left a copy in each lunchroom & tea room within the workplace.

* The redcross blood bank telephone line is constantly engaged. But when things calm down next week, I will make my next scheduled donation. My thoughts are with the burn & injured victims that will need bood transfusions.

* I am exercising to get fitter & checking my equipment for when something bad happens here. Then I am capable of assisting if requested.

* I am talking to anyone so that feelings can be expressed & discussed. I am not an expert, but people are asking questions. Let people talk & learn more.

So why not organise a community fund-raiser for your local community & place the bushfire plans out in the community. People might want to volunteer or get the information to minimise it happening here.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Or maybe we could push for the SA Government to establish community fire units in every fire prone town and suburb around South Australia so residents can be trained by the CFS of what to do in the event of a fire  :wink:

Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert-Robert34 on February 10, 2009, 10:49:24 AM
Or maybe we could push for the SA Government to establish community fire units in every fire prone town and suburb around South Australia so residents can be trained by the CFS of what to do in the event of a fire  :wink:

Or they could join the CFS......


Yeah but some of the most bush fire hazardous areas have no room for new CFS members.


No need for community fire unit's if people want to do something filtered join the local brigade and get on an appliance..... Some of those who have been killed in the fire's have lived in the area for all of their life's most had done the right thing had all the equipment but up she went.

The area around kinglake is all timber country very step and trees  right up to your back door,people who lived there did so because they wanted to be close to nature but also because of its closeness to Melbourne. With the strong winds that they  had with the wind change there was nothing anyone could have done.

I am sure that we will see a paper come out from AFAC and I am sure that there will be many changes with how homes are built so close to nature and what material should be used.