VIC Bushfires

Started by Bagyassfirey, January 30, 2009, 12:00:04 PM

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QDR20 ALL. Statewide Fire Update. The only significant fire burning is the Delburn Complex of fires in R10. Currently at 5534ha and still going, it has 111 appliances, 12 Dozers, 15 aircraft, 160 CFA personnel. The fire has 2 divisions and 4 sectors. Strike teams have been sourced from the North East and outer Melbourne brigades. Asset protection is still the prioirty. Our weather is still in the extreme. Please remain vigilant and stay safe. Cheers O/O Mark Owens


QDOps update. Delburn Complex. West Div. Grnd crews & aircraft continue to hold the two main areas of fire activity Sth of Delburn & near Sampson Rd. East Div. Earlier spot fires have been rounded up & fire activity has decreased. Aircraft & ground crews are fully involved in suppression works. Confirmed losses23 houses & 29 sheds, more losses expected. A new fire is currently burning Nth of Licola, DSE & CFA resources incl 2 fixed wing fire bombers enroute. This fire has potential. OO Allan Rankin.


hmm....Licola is serious fire risk country......hope theres a weather change for them soon  :?

Having lived in Gippsland....have a cpl friends around Mirboo Nth.....they are fine....but a bit dodgy all around the town.....


Yeah we got friends who now have a good fire break on one side of their property - it burnt right up to the road and was held there, they have chosen to stay and defend (well protected) their property.
Wattle Range


Licola is now a  large fire and going,The area is mainly timber country and I know it very welll from my many camping trips up there when i was a kid.


apparantly conditions are much cooler and light drizzle is falling this morning...lets hope they get on top of it this morning  :-)


anyone got any more info on these?

i read on sky news today confirmed 23 houses lost, 29(?) sheds, a piggery and lots of cars


This fire is still listed as going but by all accounts is under control full cost wont be knowen for a few more days...

As of today CFA/DSE have some 20 fire's as listed as going due to a large band of lightning over the past 36hrs....


RAIN has fallen in Victoria's Gippsland region helping contain a bushfire that destroyed 29 homes.

The Delburn complex fire remains nearly 6,400 hectares in size but the number of firefighters in the region has been reduced.

The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) says the fire, resulting from a number of blazes converging, has eased.

Firefighters are hopeful of having it fully contained by late today.

Many firefighters brought into the region on Sunday night from Victoria's northeast have not had to fight any fires this morning.

East of the Delburn complex fire, near the township of Licola, a group of fires that had been burning out of control have been put out without loss of property or life.

Gallery: Gippsland bushfires

Only one small fire, north of Yackandandah, remains uncontrolled.

"There has been a lot of new fires start because there has been so much lightning. All but one of them has been brought under control already," Luke Brown from the DSE says.

"At the end of the week we are going to return to shocking conditions, on Thursday, Friday and in particular Saturday are going to be stinking hot."

While there is no total fire ban in Victoria on Monday, fire conditions remain extreme, particularly north of the Great Dividing Range, where most centres are expecting top temperatures in the high 30s to low 40s.

Many Gippsland residents made emotional visits to their properties to inspect the damage on Monday.

The next step for residents around the town of Boolarra, in Victoria's east, is to rebuild homes that were destroyed or damaged.

Boolarra Development Committee chairman Robert Herni says the town will be heavily dependent on financial assistance.

"This community is pretty resilient and tough," Mr Herni says.

"It won the Small Community Of The Year award in 2007-08 and that pride will help us bounce back."


looks like VIC is gettin another beating with multiple large fires


Kilmore fire is now 1000hct and going in grass and scrub have posted photos on OZFIRE...Lots of briagde's asking for urgent tanker help and in some cases briagdes have no appliances at their stations to attend call outs..... MFB have sent pumper strike teams to help mann CFA stations but no sooner are the mobile they are paged for jobs.....Hope it dies down soon......


be alright if i could get on ozfire  :x......i can see a convoy of white trucks heading east coming on

SA Firey

12 KILMORE EAST SAUNDERS RD   07/02/2009 16:03:00 Grass Going Large 94 appliances

Mac you need to register to get on OZFIRE :wink:
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yea sa firey i tried n it tells me my email address has been barred or sumfin

SA Firey

Quote from: mac13 on February 07, 2009, 02:32:30 PM
yea sa firey i tried n it tells me my email address has been barred or sumfin

You need to use your ISP email address as hotmail etc are banned :wink:
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ahhhh h many thanks Sa FIREY :)


I want to say that the staff at VICFIRE (CRD) are doing a filtered great job and with so much going on with radio traffic and incoming calls one can only hope that if and when we get a full CRD that it will be up to the one that the Victorians have...

Have been talking to a number of CFA friends and they are telling me that CFA should have been calling in for help from interstate due to the amount of call's and large fire's.... I guess we might get a run if needed and there are a couple of fires that region 5 CFS could send a striek team into region 17 or region 4 CFA. Still hot and windy here and has cooled down but the wind has picked up again....

SA Firey

Radio message from a CFA Group Officer fire is advancing towards him and he has residents with him requesting urgent assistance. :-o

A stream for CFA using iTunes Pres Ctrl U and add link at
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hhhmmm thats a worry....i see a news report reporting one firefighter with 50% burns to body...yad think coleraine is close enough to SA to call im some resources since its relatively quiet here

SA Firey

Quote from: mac13 on February 07, 2009, 02:56:30 PM
hhhmmm thats a worry....i see a news report reporting one firefighter with 50% burns to body...yad think coleraine is close enough to SA to call im some resources since its relatively quiet here

04 COLERAINE    07/02/2009 15:21:00 Grass Going Large 34 appliances

Radio is going nuts VICFIRE have no appliances to respond to a lot of jobs, and there are make tankers 5,10 going everywhere :-o
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SA Firey

Killarney control make tankers 15 at Warrigal
Images are copyright


keep us informed Mate doesn sound long will they hold out b4 they sing out for help?


VICFIRE radio is mad they have run out of trucks one group is asking for 10 more tankers,friend from Wallan just called she said there may have been a death or two from the fire's it was on her local radio (not CFA radio)....

Would not take long for region 5 to get a team rolling if needed,take two appliances from the following groups,Naracoorte,Wattle Range,Lucindale and Gambier.


well as far as im concerned get us over there they came in our time of need on KI last year

SA Firey

Quote from: mac13 on February 07, 2009, 03:13:42 PM
well as far as im concerned get us over there they came in our time of need on KI last year

Agree 100%

Strike Team 0825 and 0864 at Killarney fire

Pumper 31 responding Narrewarren fire houses under threat
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