General Discussion > Other Government Agencies
What the SES does
oz fire:
Sensational Post!
At the end of the day, we both share a common goal of providing the best service we can to the community
Cheers to the two services and to the individuals to forget the colour of the uniform and the differneces and to put their communitiy and families first!
Well Done :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
We dont have SES in Naracoorte we did along time ago have a joint ses/cfs station but a few problems came up and all members became CFS members so no more SES. SES have there place and maybe in large urban area's they do a great job but has been the case over the last few years there's and our number's are falling.
There are a number of very strong SES units around the state who work very well with CFS and yes they all have the same job in mind as we do..
Wagon 1:
WEll can I just ask a dumb question Adam from Meningie, why, as a tax payer am I paying for CFS to run 2 services. Why are they still trying to prop up the SES in a small town that probably doesn't have loads of people to spare. I see a lot of that, and it seems that we pay for a whole lot of vehicles, uniforms and equipment for the CFS to do it anyway, what gives there?
Hold up a second there..... CFS isnt running 2 services, the state is.
Even if we had 1 service, the same number of vehicles would be required.
Dont forget that these people are just as dedicated to the service and the community as everyone else, and shouldn't be pesecuted as such.
The following link contains thoughts on combining the services:\
Do you think we'd need the same number of vehicles?
Tailem doesn't have an SES, the CFS does RCR and assorted other stuff (no, not boat stuff) but we only have two appliances same as, for example, Meningie CFS. We have double the population and a higher SFEC risk rating. But manage with two multi purpose vehicles...
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