what an absolute joke......a moderate sizes fire ( it can't even be called a big fire) and just about all the air assetts in the state are converged on one little bit of real estate.
Yeah yeah, I know its all as a response to Wangarry and the Coroner and all that crap......but u know....if someone else's town in SA burns today..then the same questions are going to be asked and the same barbs will be thrown....it's about time we had a really hard look at what we do with aircraft because this sort of kneejerk response is b/s. 100,000 people live in a bushfire prone zone called the Mt Lofty Ranges than do in a bit of mallee scrub on the outskirts of Pt Lincoln. Poor risk assessment here, imho. Sure...there will be public scrutiny of the decision, and even some tough questions, but it goes with making the tough calls.