new level 3 gear (LION)

Started by rescue5271, January 04, 2005, 01:09:46 PM

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Good times

Yeah, that was the stipulation, its all been allocated to this years budget, we were worried about that to, the sets we have ordered have been put against this years budget, as soon as it ticks over to next financial year we will get the next lot.


Well, saw a few pictures of the new stuff, and it looks sweet!   Saw it on the news tonight, MFS firery had it on at a flooding call, Altho I love the blue T/O gear, this will be a huge step forward for CFS.

Good times

Yeah its good gear, look forward to the delivery of mine, long way from overalls!!


:-D :-D :-D :-D

Got the new gear..... and I have to say....      I Like it  :-D

It feels quite comfortable and not to hot in general use...... looks the piece to.

Lots of pockets, and some good features for radios....



So can we expect all brigades that ordered it to be seeing it in the very near future ??


Well..... I can only think that if I got mine, you should be expecting them in the not to distant future....... :roll:
But,  if you really want to find out, should be asking your equipment officer, thats their job to keep tabs on!!


Typical isn't it...... work send me interstate for a couple of weeks....... and I miss our first opportunity to test the new stuff in its prime!!!  :roll:


Hopefully no one else will be wearing it, so it should still be prime on your return.   :lol:


No fear of that..... took it home to look over it......



Whats this about the gortex liner?? Is it actually gortex, or just like a L2 type liner, being more water resistant.??   As far as i knew, Actual gortex was a plasticy material.....Thus melting under heat??

Can you clear that up by looking at your set of PBI?     If not, never mind.


It is definately Gortex.

There was a "nomex embeded" version of Gortex, but the spec's supplied make no mention of this.... (not surprising really).


Roger, would be v. interested to see one of these jackets.


Quote from: strikeathird on July 02, 2005, 01:39:37 AM

Whats this about the gortex liner?? Is it actually gortex, or just like a L2 type liner, being more water resistant.??   As far as i knew, Actual gortex was a plasticy material.....Thus melting under heat??

would be very surprised if they designed ppe that melted....


Anything Will If It Get's Hot Enough :-D


If its hot enough to melt my turnout gear i dont plan on being anywhere near it  :-D


Was surprised when I noticed hoe much plastic was in the cab of CFS appliances... PLastic gives of toxic fumes when heated to extremes.

The kind of extremes we endure when fighting large scale grass / scrub / bush fires.....

Hmmmm.... Not so surprised any more..


Saw the Lion gear close up tonight. Awesome!.

The liner is made by Gortex, however is similar to the liners that are associated with L2 type material, altho having a mich higher structural rating.   It is nothing like the Gotex wet weather gear.

HAve to say, this is one thing the CFS has done right!  Thumbs up.  (Altho, would have liked to see FIRE on the back......)


you'll be surprised what they can do with that material.....

Good times

As the proud owner of the new Lion gear I have to say, 2 thumbs up to CFS for getting us the best gear possible!!


What are peoples thoughts on the Zips instead of the Velcro?

E.g   Positives / Negatives ?

Good times

There is not much difference between PBI and the current Nomex, still zip and velcro your Nomex, the only thing different is the zipped up fly, which is good because my current nomex velcro is starting to loose its stickiness.

It also take s a little longer to get into, I have found it harder to put on with pants than with shorts.


I see your point with the zip. 

I rekon it would get rather warm wearing pants under the PBI....  Will have to remember to keep a pair of shorts at hand.             :-P


Well..... have good and bad news regarding the PBI (more good than bad)

Took my set to the CFB course, as i figured it was a perfect time to try it out. It certainly was worth it in the Branch Technique sessions. Anyone wearing Nomex came out drenched, whilst the couple of us that had PBI remained dry.

STC has also upgraded the training sets to PBI, and i have to say sitting in the cells felt quite comfortable. Dont think the heat problems are quite as bad as people are imagining. General mobility was quite free as well.

Now.... the bad point(s)

2 sets had what appeared to be the stitching for the RHS front brace attachment come apart.
Really annoying if you were in a fire at the time..... and one side of your turnout pants start dangling.

Anyways, all in all, im still quite impressed :)


I used the new level  3 gear on the CFB course. One of the instructors got a burn on his hand. He was trying a new set of the Lion gloves.
He said they were Cr@p, they felt thin !


Quote from: Mike on July 19, 2005, 08:51:00 AM
Well..... have good and bad news regarding the PBI (more good than bad)

Took my set to the CFB course, as i figured it was a perfect time to try it out. It certainly was worth it in the Branch Technique sessions. Anyone wearing Nomex came out drenched, whilst the couple of us that had PBI remained dry.

STC has also upgraded the training sets to PBI, and i have to say sitting in the cells felt quite comfortable. Dont think the heat problems are quite as bad as people are imagining. General mobility was quite free as well.

Now.... the bad point(s)

2 sets had what appeared to be the stitching for the RHS front brace attachment come apart.
Really annoying if you were in a fire at the time..... and one side of your turnout pants start dangling.

Anyways, all in all, im still quite impressed :)

I would have used there PBI set, instead of trashing my own....

As for the stiching and straps, Only month or so ago I had my Nomex crutch stiching give way at a going structure fire, while inside, while wearing B.A... Not to mention having no thumb loops, so while working you find your turnout coat turns Short Sleeved......  The Suspender pins come out, snap, and the actual braces them selves fray into little pieces.

As for the gloves, if he was wearing normal Riggers he would have lost his hands if he was burnt through the structure gloves.     

As a parting comment..........Unfortunately nothing is perfect.....