new level 3 gear (LION)

Started by rescue5271, January 04, 2005, 01:09:46 PM

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Ok,we have seen the gear and some brigades also took part in testing and selection of the new gear,but why than is it not for sale yet? Is it beacuse it is still being tested to meet AUST STANDARDS? I have contacted two companys that supply turnout gear and they have all said that it still does not meet AUST STAND and can not sell it till it passings all testing by end of March 05.


It sounds strange that Aus Standard approval would be pending due to SAMFS rolling out the gear for the last few months. I think CFS is still to make final decisions, but not sure why the delay. I know of one company that is ready to sell now.

I have tried on a set and it seems like great gear. Some minor flaws but nothing is perfect. If CFS signs up to the Lion maintenance contract then gear will be maintained professionally by Lion. Lets hope that happens.

I would love to hear any news on this. Anyone in the know?


Yep,I have spoken to 3 firms as of today and all have it in stock but have been informed not to sell it till March 05? One firm said that they where waiting on confirmation from AUST--STANDS before doing anything. I understand the contract is a good one and that all washing/maintance's on the gear is to be done by lion.


i have been told that if the gear is to be maintained by lion, then it must be drycleaned every time it needs it (which is apparently a three day turn around)

also the gear is possibly not that fantastic. if this is in fact the new SAMFS gear that ur talking about, then it is DEDICATED structural fire fighting clothing. ive heard that one MFS firefighter has already gone down with heat stress when he was infact just sitting on a monitor outside of a burning structure. what good is this going to be for rural incidents, or even VAs on warm or hot days???


We probably need someone really in the know to dispel any rumors, but I understand that there is now two kinds of gear wild fire and structural. The level 1,2,3 standards may be a thing of the past.

Having tried the Lion gear on - it is excellent! I welcome it's inclusion, there are small issues such as carrying rural gear and structural but a small inconvenience for the correct protection.

Heat stress can happen to anyone due to a very large number of factors the Lion gear cannot be blamed in isolation, all the factors would have to be looked at.  For structural work bulkier gear and more layers is better as it prevents rapid heat logging. Thin gear allows thermal radiation to build up fast and prematurely affect the user.

Good times

I can tell you that there will be 2 sets, Proban for rural, PBI Gold for structural. But I would like to see a nomex work shirt to bridge the gap, like SAMFS wear now, so we don't need to carry 2 sets of gear for rural work. I will be stuffed if I am gonna take a bag of gear with my proban and "bushwhacker helmet" in case we get a rural job or vise versa.

One thing that HQ or region should do is tell us what the hell we are supposed to do if we want level 3 gear now. We have tried purchasing the new stuff and been told its not gonna be ready until middle of the year, yet we can't get anything from FARA because their stuff is not Australian standards approved. So what do we do right now, we have new BA operators, and people who's current gear is had it. Any one heard what we are supposed to do?!


I think the idea of Lion maintaining the gear will be more of a hassle than a help...

For example,  if our gear gets dirty, do we have to send it to Lion to be cleaned??



So we as a Fire Fighter have to go 'offline' for the 3 or 4 days it takes to have our gear cleaned?  

Or do we have to buy 2 sets of the Lion gear as well to ensure this won't happen?

* Personally, this is why I think having Lion do all cleaning and maintenance is rather silly.  Repairs, etc... Fair enough - but im sure the Station Washing machine will suffice for this turnout gear..... - Becasue if I have to send my gear away everytime I want it washed............... It will be staying very dirty!

Good times

I think this  will only happen if CFS enter into a contract with LION, if not then its our problem, but I guess if its not done then we could have warranty issues.

I light of this, what do people think of this new gear.


We have been informed but suppliers that the gear will not be ready till later this year to the CFS due to on going problems,the MFS have been issued the gear as they can get it clean in a day when crews are off shift some country MFS station have two sets of the gear while the other set is getting cleaned. we did hear that direct sunlight was a problem with the gear and if that is the case what is direct flame and heat going to do????


Hi this is my first post, and just to clear up, I'm from NSW (please don't hold that against me)

My question is, has anyone heard the rumor that London FB got taken by Lion apparrel's dry cleaning? I head that it cost LFB 4 million pounds per year in dry cleaning. The garments are leased, so they basically have no choice but to do what Lion tell them-



Welcome Ferretboy. Pleased to have you aboard.

I don't know anything about the Lion contract (anyone with anything in writing please post!) but would be very interested to know the details including cost.

I am aware of organisations (that use protective overalls) getting into contracts that have proved to be expensive and ineffective. They involve a weekly cost regardless of what is actually picked up and laundered (and I've heard of people still taking them home to wash them theirselves becasue of erratic service.

Any fleshed out details of how this would work? Will it be pick up from station?
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Some brigades have been trialing  the new level 3 gear.
But are they still using it :?:
Has any brigade purchased any  :?:
Is it that bad :?:

Good times

fire03rescue, the gear that brigades did have were trial only to work out what is the best gear, once the trial was over it was returned, also I know a lot of brigades have done fitting nights in anticipation of the contract starting. I am not aware of anyone having any.

In regards to saying is it that bad, I think we will reserve judgement to later, but the vollys did  the trial so they gave the input into the choice, Matt B's brigade was involved in the trial, ask him.

But a large number of brigades world wide use it and its probably the most advanced gear getting around, I think we should be glad that for once CFS is getting the top shelf equipment, I nearly fell over when the brand name of the gear was announced, I certainly wasn't expecting that quality.


ahhh... but can cfs afford top shelf equipment?

from what ive heard, no. (this is only what ive heard..)
and groups are being forced to pay for it, not he organisation???? :?: ????

Good times

Ummm let me think, where do the groups get there money from? Thats right CFS HQ, so really its is the CFS's money, the only time you could say that brigades are paying for it is if they use their actual fundraising money.


i said groups not brigades mate...

and CFS gives (allocates) money to the group, but you cant tell me that theyre giving enough to fit out a whole group with brand new gear and to pay for general equipment as well? (its just not possible as far as i can see) ive heard rumors that it may cost a minimum of $250,000 just to give everyone in  group one new set


At ~$1200 a set it will cost a fortune no matter how you look at it......


so... were talking approximately $1200 for the new lion gear, plus since they are trying to phase out our current NOMEX gear, we are going to be looking at an extra cost for new proban (rural) gear?

not sure what is going on here... couldnt there be the option to keep our current NOMEX as rural gear? until it is un-useable (is that a word???) then replace it with new proban.


hmm, i reckon i must be a bit behind the 8-ball.

Why would you phase out nomex and keep proban(ewww)????? That just doesnt seem right.

Anyways, our brigade is having measurments taken tonight, will let you all know if i hear anything interesting.......


Hi Mike please post your opinions of the gear, and any news on it's roll out. Any news is good news.
As for Nomex vs Proban I could not imagine any proban clothing returning to CFS. Proban an additive to the clothing washes out. NOMEX has it's properties in the fabric much like PBI Gold.

It is heartening that CFS has chosen top shelf gear for structural work. Can't wait to see what the rural gear will be.


Ahh, so it was just a passing comment!
I was worried for a second there, it crossed my mind that they were going to say we had to retain proban (once again EWWWW!!!)

All is good!

Good times

I have been told by region that we are only to purchase PBI Gold for structural and Proban from Stewart and Heaton for rural, Nomex has not been approved. We have tried to purchase nomex and have been warned not to, be nice if someone would give us an official document as to what the hell we are supposed to do!!!


thats what i have heard also, so it looks like is back to the old so called "level one" (proban overalls or two-piece{can anyone enlighten me??})...

for people who arent BA operators???