Technical Discussion > Compartment Fire Behaviour
Fire Tactics
Hold the heck up everyone, before you all jump on your bandwagon about the brigade level issue, read what was said. (note, this is not about the backyard demo).
A member stated, the dolls house was "RE-demonstrated", to, and only with people that have done the course. SO.... These people know, and have learnt about the signs, learnt the theory that they were taught, and have already seen the demonstration by an "Instructor". I think some people need a reality check. You may know some things, you are not god, if members "Trained" in CFBT want to "re-demonstrate" the dolls house, which they were shown by instructors, good on them. Nothing like refreshing memories and training.
I would react differently if the comment was made, about showing non CFBT trained members the dolls house. but we are talking about members already trained in these tactics, who are just "refreshing" there memories.
Fair enough, you may spend 60 something hours in theory, and how ever many in "Training", to become an instructor, but I, along with other CFBT members, have spent a number of hours in House fires, using these skills....And gained a certain "understanding" or knowledge so to speak, that no number of hours training can give you. I think good on those CFBT members re-freshing their memories by doing the dolls house prac.
End rant.
*Please note, I fully respect the time instructors spend not only in training, but in teaching, I merely also want to point out that on the job exp. also means alot. To all the instructors, thankyou on a job, continually, well done.*
*Note 2, I agree with the comment, that if the demonstration was done with NON trained CFBT members, it would indeed be dangerous.*
Valid points strikeathird -
To clarify I am not at all against sharing of lifesaving knowledge. I am concerned that this happens -
--- Quote ---I did the Dolls house "demonstration" in my level3 course... is it normally not done then?
--- End quote ---
Some people get a glimpse of an idea and then assume they now have the skill. That is the thing to be worried about.
It is a wonderful thing for CFB trained people to continue practicing their techniques.
I think Im going to contradict myself a bit.... consider it thinking out loud.
Lots of talk about the dolls house. I agree not something that should be shown on a course other than CFB. But Im not sure if I would go as far as to say people shouldnt be taught to read the signs at brigade level.
After all... I was taught how to do gas attack before my L3. How to recognise what the bullet was doing, the foot work etc. It ment I had a lot more confidence going into that course, and let us put a lot more effort into the physical practice.
Now, the question. Because I show someone the signs to look for at a structure fire, does that mean they think they can fight them with CFB techniques? I dont believe that would be the case.
This is dependant of course on how well you know your crew. Those of us that have been around for a while, have probably learnt how the crews react to new information. No doubt there are some out there that would try to attenpt that which they dont know. Ive watched our crew evolve over my time, and am confident they would take the demonstration for its intended purpose.
Next... Personally when attending a structure fire, what i would ask people to do, would be in reference to their skill level and relevant training.... example: you wouldnt ask a non BA op to don at a house fire..... Or a RCR trained person who doesnt like fatalities (I know no-one does, but couldnt think of a better way to word it) to cut the deceased out... However people are known not to do what is asked of them.
People using CFBT before being officially trained and educated.... at training maybe. How many of you put BA on before you did the course? I know I did.... CFBT isnt using any specialised equipment though, so what does stop them from using it? common sense? potentially a scary thought...
After all of that....... As I said, just some thoughts running through my head as I read everyones various comments....
Some very good points there mike.
I remember when i first joined we used to have a shed at our old station that we would use for training. Before smoke machines were affordable we used to use an old washing machine barrel full of oil soaked sandbags smouldering to create smoke in the shed. I know now how dangerous this was but at the time we all just thought it was harmless smoke but in theory the shed could have flashed at any time due to the rich amount of unburnt gases. And of course this was in the days of overall's and turn out coats and top guard helmet's
I would rather someone show people the doll's house on a small scale than use a shed as a really big doll's house and actually go in to it as we used to do.
I think you are right!! :-D
Maybe a compromise is to allow people to gain an appreciation of the risks and understand what these fire phenomenon are. I guess if they are being shown by CFBTO and are cautioned on the risks then it's not so bad.
Mike - You are correct when you say know the crew, for the most part our crews are smart and use common sense. I think I was generalising due to the backyard dolls house comments.
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