smoke alarms

Started by Firey9119, December 02, 2008, 01:06:01 PM

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sat in on a very inlighting community safety night the other day with a SAMFS speaker,

his advise to the community was "if you hear a smoke alarm beeping call 000 regardless"!! weather it is your house the house next door or the guy down the road, but on the other had he said that monitored smoke alarms by private security companys are useless!!

isant that a little stupid???

first: if every one that hears a smoke alarm calls 000 how many 100's of
Bull*%$T calls that mfs/cfs can't charge for is there going to be??

second: mointored alarms are great as it would raise the alarm quicker the waiting for some one to hear th alarm then call , and would also reduce the false alarms as the control rooms atleast try and contact the sites BEFORE calling 000 , and also are aware if there is a problem with the smoke alarms therefore hold off calling 000!

the officer was also putting the blame of false alarming monitored alarms on the security companys that installed the system, how is this fair!! we wont and cant work for free if the client wont pay we want fix it is that simple!!

and on the other side the alarms DO NOT belong to the security system we (security companys) sell the client the system what they do with it after that is up to them if they dont want us to come and fix it (at a cost) then what are we to do not our problem!!!!

i could go on and on and i think jeff would also agree  (hi jeff)

but i wont

what do people think,

i think this has been spoken of before but cant find it.
Phillip H
Salisbury CFS (Para Group)


I think people need to investigate the property themselves before rushing to the phone...

You hear the alarm,  check for any Scent or Visual sign of fire/smoke..then get on the Dog and Bone.

Most of the reason for that message to the community would most likely be Cavity/Roof Fires that arent easy to spot...often delayed actions by smoke alarms....   And a simple roof fire can start from one spark from screwed up electrical cable...

He's sending both an incorrect and correct message at the same time...


whats wrong with one pump going to a 'bell ringing' every now and then?

I see no problem with neighbours calling in smoke detectors activating, im sure comcen can question the caller a little bit, ie ask them to knock on the door, look through windows...

Id rather be on the road when the job is still manageable, than going to another carpark, cos the fire was finally visible.


Can I ask what the community group was that he was delivering the safety talk to? You can't teach all community groups the same, and with the elderly and non English speaking groups, its far easier to tell them to call 000, and then have the Fire Service on scene deal with what ever issue has arisen. I would much rather my Grandmother call 000 because her smoke alarm is beeping, then to "not want to cause a bother" and not call 000 where there happens to be an emergency.

On the topic of Private security companies, obviously a topic that is close to your heart, like most things, I've seen good ones and bad ones. Bad ones call the Fire Service at 0300 for burglar alarms, and keep their systems is disarray and hence causing many a false alarm. Good ones are easy to contact during non business hours and are very helpful and keep everything in tip top shape.

There are really two issues here, you're pissy because someone had a go at your bread and butter, that due to circumstances they may have experienced, they may well feel justified in suggesting. In terms of smoke alarms, smoke alarms are there to quite simply, detect smoke, and alarm people. At which time, people are alerted to the possibility of a fire and to evacuate the premises. After this, they can then call the Fire Service. The value in paying a private security company to monitor your smoke alarms is nill, in my opinion. This may have been what Mr. SAMFS was trying to suggest.

As for calling 000 when you hear smoke alarms, I'm going to do it if I hear a smoke alarm going off for a while, or if I know people aren't at home. Even now, if I hear one going off close by, I'll poke my head out and have a look. As a firefighter, I'd rather go to 100 false alarms than houses that are too far gone to save. Thats what smoke alarms are meant to do, allow early detection of fires to save lives and property!
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...

Alan (Big Al)

Wasn't there a recent Fatality in Victor Harbour that may possibly have been prevented if the neighbour that heard the smoke alarm had done something more than poke their head out the front door for a looksee??
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Yeah a member of the public walked past and heard the alarm but didn't think anything more of it, end result, fatal fire.


Numbers, scaringly I think your view on this subject is the correct one!
First issue, if a member of the public hears a smoke alarm, call it in, yeah there will be a lot of nothing found, reset jobs, but the very reason most of us will be in our agencies would be to action a call and save lives, property and environment! ASAFP
Second issue,as far as security/alarm companies go there will always be good and bad operators, with correct placement of appropriate detectors, hopefully cutting the number of false calls!
My view however on private security firms montoring fire alarms is that they are worthwhile, I have attended over the years fires reported by private alarm companies, where the resident wasn't home and in 2 cases the tumble dryer had set fire to the house and in another a cooking appliance was left on starting a fire, in all of these cases the neighbours would not of heard the alarm because of either distance or topography!
Just Another Filtered Fireman


ARSON is the suspected cause of a blaze that destroyed a home in Morphett Vale last night.

Five fire crews and police were called to the blaze on Galton Ct about 8.50pm after being alerted by a private monitored alarm system.
Neighbours also made frenzied Triple Zero calls as they witnessed flames pouring out of the roof of the house.

Two rooms were completely gutted and there was extensive smoke damage to the rest of the house.

The blaze caused $250,000 damage and the house is expected to be demolished.

A man was home at the time the fire broke out has been taken to the Flinders Medical Centre for treatment.

CFS and MFS crews took about 30 minutes to bring the blaze under control.

South Coast CIB Detective Sergeant Greg Rann confirmed the occupant was being held as the prime suspect but would not elaborate on the circumstances.

He said police believed an accelerant had been used.
Phillip H
Salisbury CFS (Para Group)


Sometime ago there was a big push to have all fire alarms that security company's look after(monitor) conected to the fire service due to a number of issue's that came out of some deaths in other state's.In one case the same time a fire alarm came into a security control room a bank hold up alarm came in,the security company officer actioned the hold up alarm and this caused delay in contacting te fire brigade.

There have also been a few cases in SA over the past 3 years where a security company has been issued with an account from the fire service for on going false alarms to a location. It was not the home owners fault that the security tech installed a smoke alarm in the kitchen rather than a thermal.

If the public want to call in a smoke alarm going off well go for it,but first go have a look if you cant see anything THEN STILL CALL the fire service and report what you have done. Remember in CFS after 3 false alarms from a location you can send an account for your service's......


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on December 07, 2008, 02:54:40 PM
Remember in CFS after 3 false alarms from a location you can send an account for your service's......

That is, three false alarms from the same detector/circuit. Not just the same address.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Are you sure??? as the clients that I have down here who's alarm is monitored by CFS and have just cut over to the new system have paperwork saying you only allowed 3 false alarms per month does not matter what zone/circuit and all money has to go to SAFECOM not the local brigade......


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on December 09, 2008, 07:59:37 AM
Are you sure??? as the clients that I have down here who's alarm is monitored by CFS and have just cut over to the new system have paperwork saying you only allowed 3 false alarms per month does not matter what zone/circuit and all money has to go to SAFECOM not the local brigade......

Hmmm... fair enough. The way that we always worked it was three times to the same zone/circuit, otherwise you can have some rather large facilities getting slugged for essentially no reason. I may well be wrong, but 3 times in a month, regardless of area seems harsh. Not to mention that some activations should be fined, and others not.

Mind you, if only we could charge for people resetting panels and gas/AC trips before our arrival!
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


QuoteMind you, if only we could charge for people resetting panels and gas/AC trips before our arrival!

Agree!...its just like a copper pulling over a person doing 60km in a 50 zone, giving them a fine to remind him/her to drive safely.

A fine to remind that the fire alarm system is there to protect the people in the building...and the Assets.


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on December 09, 2008, 07:59:37 AM
Are you sure??? as the clients that I have down here who's alarm is monitored by CFS and have just cut over to the new system have paperwork saying you only allowed 3 false alarms per month does not matter what zone/circuit and all money has to go to SAFECOM not the local brigade......

that'll be right govenment getting FREE services from vollys then charging people and pocketing the funds surprise surprise a money making sceam lol :mrgreen: :evil: :evil:
Phillip H
Salisbury CFS (Para Group)