Appliance replacement

Started by rescue5271, November 12, 2008, 05:25:18 AM

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Quote from: Bill Corcoran on November 12, 2008, 03:21:51 PM
Yep must be a region one thing, as no one down here has it....

it's a COAC thing, hence all regional commanders and volunteer regional COAC delegates certainly have it.  From there it should have been distributed to RVMCs (regional volunteer management committees, ie. group officers), it was in R1.  If it wasn't done in R5 then ask your group officer for it (although from what I hear of the R5VMC...... well we won't go there).

Cameron Yelland

Quote from: Darius on November 13, 2008, 08:33:20 AM

(although from what I hear of the R5VMC...... well we won't go there).

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Also remember with MFS they spend a lot more time and money on maintaining their trucks. Also they have a complete chassis up rebuild mid life, they go all out so the trucks can last 25-30 years, last I heard they spend about 50,000, CFS spend about 6,000, if they rebuild them at all. 


as the man once said....there's lies, theres damm lies...and then theres statistics.

Figures like that prove nothing. Anyone done a through life cycle cost benefit analysis? If u think the Mets have it great.,...go out to Angle Park and have a look at the material state of the 20ish year old Volvos, that they use for their training pumps..... you wouldnt have one in your Brigade....not even if ur that special Group who must have a picc of someone high up with a sheep to be able to get a Red truck every time there poor little pumper stops working.

Everything deteriorates with use (not time) and poor routine maintenance and care. How many times have u seen firefighters treating their appliances like crap.....I know I've seen it heaps. No wonder half of them look like shite after 8 or 10 years.

It would be great if there was a regular and programmed half life refurb that didnt take the appliance away offline for a few months; but then we'd have to be using someone other than the current farm equipment builders and public servants wouldnt we. Be nice if someone understood programming and urgency and could combine the two.


But,but I slipped over coming out the shower and the sheep just happened to be there :-)
Just Another Filtered Fireman