car vs truck

Started by bittenyakka, November 18, 2008, 08:14:58 PM

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You are the OIC of a Nuff nuff  (urban rural 24 with 2 BA no RCR gear )24, 5 crew including yourself, 4 one of which is you are BA. No other specialized skills are on board. You are responding to a MVA reported car vs truck. And along with SOP the nearest rescue resource has been responded.
At the time you arrive the Rescue truck has not come up on the incident TG. You come over a crest (bottom of pic) of a hill and on the down ward side of the hill the road continues and curves off to the right. On the left hand side of the road there is an enclosed semi trailer that has rolled onto it's side and then hit many trees and Is very mangled, it has pulled the cab onto it's side as well.  Under the cab it appears a car is squashed up to about the fire wall.   
You see no people anywhere around the scene at all, and all the sides of the truck are bent that you can't make out what brand of transport company this is.

The Initial rescue resource station is 10 min away
The 2nd is 20 min and 3rd 25min plus getting to station times
The next closest non rcr brigade is 5 min and would arrive from the top of the pic by default.

What do you do? What are your first plans? What do you initiate for the longer term of this incident?
There are some details I have left out and expect to be asked for them.

edit: added the pic whoops :oops: :oops:


This "Pic"....?

Anyhow, do a quick outer circle, then an inner circle. Looking for people entrapped or ejected. What do we find?

Also assign one crew member to have a look for HAZMAT placarding on the Semi, and any evidence of leaks/spillage.

Begin fire cover. I assume persons trapped, close atleast a single lane of the road. Fend off position etc etc

Confirm rescue required and query ETA.

Need more info...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


QuoteAlso assign one crew member to have a look for HAZMAT placarding on the Semi, and any evidence of leaks/spillage.

darn thats the first thing that came to my mind!


Ok, so judging by the pic, we close the whole road as the Car appears to by nudging the center line and requires a safe working space.

We take cones and one crew to the top of the hill and shut the road from there and have the truck around the corner, but close enough for fire cover.

Begin initial sabilisation of the vehicles, first aid of any patients.

... Soo... Anyone trapped?
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Sitrep, Close Road, Danger Checks(hazmat, fuel etc),Provide Fire Cover, Inner Outer Search, Start Stabilisation Victim/s? & Vehicle, Sitrep.Ensure rescue default if necessary
Who called the incident in?
What time of the day is it? = Traffic flow & control = Daytime crewing issues = possible catering needs
Is the initial rescue resource, a heavy rescue?
Do we need a specialist chainsaw operator to clear rescue area?
Who invented Liquid Soap & why?
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: jaff on November 18, 2008, 10:53:29 PM
Is the initial rescue resource, a heavy rescue?
Do we need a specialist chainsaw operator to clear rescue area?
Who invented Liquid Soap & why?

Oh but Mr. Jaff No such thing as heavy rescue!

Negative on the tree felling

Its just like who invented solid jelly and WHY?
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Whats the ETA on SAPOL for investigation, resource co-ordination and traffic control?

even tho ya in the country, a truck rollover looks to be a extended clean up, get SAPOL moving to eventually take over scene control, cause you dont want to be standing around doing nothing for ages ;)



lets say it is 0015 and july, truck driver is trapped and car driver is to and a passenger in the back seat of the car is as well.

lets say you can find a sign that has UNNO 1037 (and i can't give you the rest because i can't find it  :-() and some liquid is leaking from the truck but you don't know what.

the call came through SAPOL and was from a bystander who has now left
SAAS are <5 min out Sapol are much the same as far as we know.


UN 1037 > Chloroethane;  Flammable Gas or Refridgerated Liquid.

Respond 2 Hazmat Brigades and due to confirmed leak, respond the state hazmat support vehicle, Burnside.

To get spill containment moving along, request local council support to deliever a load of Dirt/Sand. Awaiting Hazmat crew's to begin containment, testing and normalisation.

Hazchem code will mostly lead to using Splash suits, unless theres a combination of liquids causing off-gasing.


As per: Re: Ethyl Chloride, Min PPE is Respirators/CABA. Have all crews that can, don CABA for inital work.

Its early morning in July which could be interesting. Chloroethane has a listed BP of 54F or about 12.5C as the incident progresses we could well see the liquid begin to boil off. Its heavier than air which is going to make things nice a fun, depending on the slope. Reacts with water to form HCl :(

Confirmation of three persons trapped, in two vehicles, turn out an additional Rescue Brigade and initiate a Hazmat response of two Brigades.

This could be a fun RCR in CABA...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Nice i was hoping someone would pick up on that temp thing. well done

So basically the agreement is do the RCR stuff but be aware of the unusual dangers surrounding us.

That link numbers gives, mentions to avoid skin contact with the liquid? does that warrant splash suits? (for the whole scene or just the cleanup? or is PBi ok?) does the reaction with water  cause alarm if this happens to turn into a dewy morning?