
Started by bittenyakka, October 26, 2008, 05:25:27 PM

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how well in it's current set up is the alerts system working for you?

4 (21.1%)
4 (21.1%)
my brigade hasn;t used it
7 (36.8%)
I'm not in the call list
4 (21.1%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Fox Mulder

Quote from: Bill Corcoran on November 24, 2008, 12:25:19 PM
So once SACAD is running will we still have the ALERT'S?? as we are ment to be promoting triple 000 as the only number to call and if CFS wanted to save money then the alerts system would be removed as it has been in other state's.

The other issue I see with the system is that some captains need to remember it is the group who says who should get connected or removed from the system and that we need to make sure that those on it know a whole group area not just your small patch......

Jesus bill sounds like your having a stab at some one in particular. wouldnt be cause you are no longer a member there is it???
Sounds funny im sure i have been told that you were in favour of the how the alerts calls were processed when you were involved with said brigade. Whats changed??


Foxy your barking up the wrong tree again... hey I like the Alerts system.but lets face it how long will CFS keep it going if its trying to save the money??Foxy why dont you tell people who you really are i know some group officers down here would love to know who you are........


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on December 04, 2008, 05:06:01 AM
Foxy your barking up the wrong tree again... hey I like the Alerts system.but lets face it how long will CFS keep it going if its trying to save the money??Foxy why dont you tell people who you really are i know some group officers down here would love to know who you are........

Would they?... Why? .. Not enough to worry about in a day?


Welcome to this weeks round of SAFF post punching
proudly brought to you by KLEENEX


In the red corner we have Fox Mulder, the rookie only has 32 posts, but he knows the truth is out there.
In the blue corner we have Bill Corcoran the veteran of 2322 posts, he thinks in his view that the truth may not be out there.

Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


Even better JC


This match is a cage match where either wrestler must pin his opponent or escape the cage to be declared the winner

Introducing first the challenger weighing in at 32 posts Fox Mulder

And the veteran weighing in at 2322 posts Bill Corcoran

Ring the bell.............
Kalangadoo Brigade


and alerts manages to piss off the caller more than anyhting....