Future Focus

Started by Cameron Yelland, October 25, 2008, 11:32:04 AM

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What should the CFS be focussing on to better the service in the future?

Better Training
Better Appliances
Regional Staff
Better Equipment
No Groups - More Regions
More Urban Focus
Different Command Structure
Volunteer Retention
Things are fine the way they are

Cameron Yelland

Ok....lets try and get some decent discussion happening.

The CFS has a tight budget but there are things that need to be focussed upon now to make the service better for the future.  Ive added a few in the poll of what i believe should be considered.

Vote for your favourite idea or maybe write down your idea below.  Remember though....the budget is tight so realistically only 2 options can be selected.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


I think the days of groups are over, lets look at the CFA model.


CFA Model? The CFA still have Groups! I'm part of one!

But in the CFA the role of Groups is to ensure that incidents are managed - not to take over the management themselves. Some members of Groups (OK, many members of Groups) have senior ICS role endorsements, and may form part of an IMT - but they do so because of their ICS endorsement, NOT because they're an officer of a Group!

CFA Groups have other roles as well, in coordination, training, representation to the Region, preplanned IMTs & field ops roles (sector commanders, strike team leaders and teams nominated)on bad days, etc.


Ahh yes I am aware of that but its different, our groupies are actual positions yours seem to be Capt or Lt's that wear the hat when needed.

Cameron Yelland

Id like to see the group level removed because each group have their own way of thinking whereas each regional officer SHOULD be running things as the book states.

Would fix alot of the banjo problems some groups have *cough* Gambier *cough cough*
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


We need to get rid of the "Rake Hoe and Matches" mentality from the top, before we will ever step further forward with a more Urban Focus.. 


I think some of those options will lead on to others themselves.  I'm sure if we had better equipment and appliances, volunteer retention would be higher.

I'm interested to know what kind of technologies you're thinking of though...  You mean ICT tech in our dispatch, or new technologies on the equipment we use?

Cameron Yelland

Quote from: CFS_Firey on October 25, 2008, 09:16:21 PM
I think some of those options will lead on to others themselves.  I'm sure if we had better equipment and appliances, volunteer retention would be higher.

I'm interested to know what kind of technologies you're thinking of though...  You mean ICT tech in our dispatch, or new technologies on the equipment we use?

Your spot on CFS Firey.  By technology i mean anything really....embracing any new technology that comes along or maybe even researching our own technology.

Not really anything specific, just thought i would throw it in.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


I think Staff are needed or the current ones need a better deal.

I recently have sort of changed my Idea about needing a mroe of an urban focus. As this seems to be causing brigades in rural areas to be forced into something that they don't really need. ie they aren't struggling for stowage on their 1990 24 so why do they need a 34p?

But i do agree that urban brigades need to have access to the right gear and be allowed to do their job properly.

I don't actually think the Rake how and matches mentality will affect our urban ideas. but i do think we need to be seen in a more public eye as Not just an bushfire service.


I think one of the most important future focuses would have to be on Volunteer Retention and finding ways to not only keep people in the CFS but to also at the same time attract new volunteers 
Kalangadoo Brigade

Alan (Big Al)

Jesus everyone is a moderator now.

Too many cheifs not enough indians :lol:
Lt. Goolwa CFS


The one single thing that I think the CFS needs to work on in the coming years is simply the culture of the organisation. The CFS needs to foster a far more positive and forward thinking environment. From this we should then see certain things fall into line. Better appliances, more specialised equipment for the needs of different areas, volunteers will be staying with the service as they are not sick of the way they get treated.

At the moment the CFS seems to have some serious issues with the way that it treats its employees, both volunteers and paid staff. As we have seen recently there has been a huge exodus of skilled people. Now I don't know the specifics of each case, but if people are treated well by their employer, you general don't see huge numbers leaving at once.

We need to see ourselves as a modern fire service that delivers a professional service to our local communities, even though we are staffed (at the coal face) by volunteers. Too many people hide behind the  "I'm just a volunteer" As has already been suggested here, we need to lose the Rakehoe and Matches attitude for certain areas. Don't get me wrong, this is not the case for most places. We seem to forget that the BA/Rescue/Hazmat/etc specialised Brigades are the minority. There still needs to be recognition of those busier brigades, even though there aren't that many of them, and the fact that they have different requirements to those other, quieter, more rural Brigades.

Volunteers also have a huge responsibility on their shoulders to help those in the upper ranks in the CFS. Volunteers are terrible when it comes to most things. If the volunteers could argue their opinions in the appropriate manner and if they went about things in the right way, things would work SO very much easier. And before you start, I'm not laying blame at the volunteer, trust me, I've been there, clashed heads with people and had to jump the chain of command due to personalities. But that should be the exception, not the rule.

As much as we all whine and moan about appliances, will anything ever be good enough? Will a busy Brigade EVER be able to have new trucks, high volume pumpers, and cool gear without ever other small brigade kicking up a stink? It seems like people can never ever be happy with what they have, even when it suits and exceeds their needs. I'm sick of hearing the arguments that "Houses burn the same in Shitsville West as they do in Burnside, why do THEY get a Pumper? We need one too!" The service will NEVER be able to move forward when everyone is so concerned about their own Brigade and not the service as a whole. Strategic resources? Ever heard of that?

Whats a big bonus of giving everyone the same truck? No-one has anything to whine about. Seriously though we should all be able to work towards a better service. Make things easy for your captain, that makes it easy for the GO, which in turn can lighten the load of your RC. Same with training. Do things the right way, make it easy for the BTO, the GTO and RTO. If the people with the power aren't running around dealing with "Awww but that busy brigade got a TIC, we need one too for our 30 rural jobs a year" then they may have some time to implement some changes.

Sorry to rant, but I just think that every person of every rank needs to take a good hard look at themselves and the service that they want to be a part of. Its all about small changes. Volunteer retention can be dealt with at both the top levels of management and the lowest levels of the brigade. We're all a part of it, why not start working as a big team?

Quote from: Alan (Big Al) on October 26, 2008, 04:02:53 PM
Jesus everyone is a moderator now.

Too many cheifs not enough indians :lol:

Christ you're not wrong!
Atleast you don't have to know anything about firefighting to be a Mod around here...
Oh I wanna be one too! PUHLEASE?
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: Alan (Big Al) on October 26, 2008, 04:02:53 PM
Jesus everyone is a moderator now.

Too many cheifs not enough indians :lol:

5 Moderators, 1 Administrator, Across a membership band of 693 members..

Not too bad if you ask me..

Numbers, some excellent points mate. ~ Culture change, sounds a bit like 're-structure' .. ;)


Excellent points Numbers - being away has made me realise how lucky SA is.
As I said excellent points, the rest of the service should stop & take a long hard look at themselves.
Anyway cheers
just another retard!

Alan (Big Al)

was just having a bit of a joke R/H. :-)
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Numbers - That is one of the most logical well written posts you have made.   :-) :-)



Quote from: Firefrog on October 26, 2008, 07:34:13 PM
Numbers - That is one of the most logical well written posts you have made.   :-) :-)

I can be serious and levelheaded! Occasionally I can even see things from a different perspective than my own :P

Although if it continues I may have to see a doctor...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...



Quote from: 6739264 on October 26, 2008, 04:22:19 PM
The one single thing that I think the CFS needs to work on in the coming years is simply the culture of the organisation. The CFS needs to foster a far more positive and forward thinking environment. From this we should then see certain things fall into line. Better appliances, more specialised equipment for the needs of different areas, volunteers will be staying with the service as they are not sick of the way they get treated.

At the moment the CFS seems to have some serious issues with the way that it treats its employees, both volunteers and paid staff. As we have seen recently there has been a huge exodus of skilled people. Now I don't know the specifics of each case, but if people are treated well by their employer, you general don't see huge numbers leaving at once.

We need to see ourselves as a modern fire service that delivers a professional service to our local communities, even though we are staffed (at the coal face) by volunteers. Too many people hide behind the  "I'm just a volunteer" As has already been suggested here, we need to lose the Rakehoe and Matches attitude for certain areas. Don't get me wrong, this is not the case for most places. We seem to forget that the BA/Rescue/Hazmat/etc specialised Brigades are the minority. There still needs to be recognition of those busier brigades, even though there aren't that many of them, and the fact that they have different requirements to those other, quieter, more rural Brigades.

Volunteers also have a huge responsibility on their shoulders to help those in the upper ranks in the CFS. Volunteers are terrible when it comes to most things. If the volunteers could argue their opinions in the appropriate manner and if they went about things in the right way, things would work SO very much easier. And before you start, I'm not laying blame at the volunteer, trust me, I've been there, clashed heads with people and had to jump the chain of command due to personalities. But that should be the exception, not the rule.

As much as we all whine and moan about appliances, will anything ever be good enough? Will a busy Brigade EVER be able to have new trucks, high volume pumpers, and cool gear without ever other small brigade kicking up a stink? It seems like people can never ever be happy with what they have, even when it suits and exceeds their needs. I'm sick of hearing the arguments that "Houses burn the same in Shitsville West as they do in Burnside, why do THEY get a Pumper? We need one too!" The service will NEVER be able to move forward when everyone is so concerned about their own Brigade and not the service as a whole. Strategic resources? Ever heard of that?

Whats a big bonus of giving everyone the same truck? No-one has anything to whine about. Seriously though we should all be able to work towards a better service. Make things easy for your captain, that makes it easy for the GO, which in turn can lighten the load of your RC. Same with training. Do things the right way, make it easy for the BTO, the GTO and RTO. If the people with the power aren't running around dealing with "Awww but that busy brigade got a TIC, we need one too for our 30 rural jobs a year" then they may have some time to implement some changes.

Sorry to rant, but I just think that every person of every rank needs to take a good hard look at themselves and the service that they want to be a part of. Its all about small changes. Volunteer retention can be dealt with at both the top levels of management and the lowest levels of the brigade. We're all a part of it, why not start working as a big team?

numbers....dude...i'm tearing up here  :cry:....come the revolution you're the king! Sometimes we (the firefighting force) are our own worst enemy, and the "you cant tell me what to do coz i'm a volunteer" brigade need to suck it up and move on into the 21st century, and move on from the 70s and 80s.

As an organisation we have never been better outfitted, never better equipped and never better supplied. Sure some of us as Brigades and Groups have taken a hit and cant operate as easily as before, but its been for the better good. Project builds around the traps serve to boost the knowledge and profile of the service so that hopefully everyone benefits. There are several items on the current 34P that started life in the service courtesy of a project build in the hills, that hadnt been considered previously. Its called development.....some do it and wear the crap that goes with it....and some reap the benefit in time, move on everyone else

Anyways....excellent post fella....


Well said numbers,after spending the weekend in the compnay of a number of volunteers from around the state there are two things that stick out the most.(1) volunteer number's are at a all time low and  country town's no longer have those members lining up to join due to drought and the change in life style of country people.

(2) Communications with in the service is not there any more,there is no flow of information up and down and across the chain of command.One region is given information and the next is not given anything.

I myself am all for the group system as long as the group plays fair and that those with in the group do what is best for all brigade's. I don't agree with the paid staff running our job's or trying to take over as some of them have not had much fireground life...You can have as much documentation to say you can do the job but you still need to have some life experience's;'s..

Cameron Yelland

Its not called the drought anymore...its called dryness!   :lol: :lol: :lol:
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


I love new technology, its smarter, faster, smaller and usually looks pretty cool!
But what annoys me is that the current technology that we have is sometimes either not used properly or to its full capacity, so as much as I would like everyone to have the latest and the greatest technology available, whats the point if its not going to be used properly to achieve greater benefit.
GPS is a classic example, a lot of people struggle to use the simplest GPS's for even the most basic of functions let alone to its full capacity.
So lets get the new technology, but lets make sure that the dollars are wisely spent and that people are trained to use it to its full potential!
Just Another Filtered Fireman


CFS waste a lot of money,would be nice if they had a central store that is not run by CFS but a supplier who is able to supply all stocks to CFS.Put it out to tender and the pricing is set for a period of 3 years....It could and would work and it would be a fair system for all and it would make sure that stock levels are full and ready for the busy periods.....The currant system of regional stocks is not working and it takes far to long for stock to be sent out to brigade's or group's from the regional store. better still it could be a emergency service store that way it would cover,CFS/SES/MFS...


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on October 27, 2008, 02:52:58 PM
CFS waste a lot of money,would be nice if they had a central store that is not run by CFS but a supplier who is able to supply all stocks to CFS.Put it out to tender and the pricing is set for a period of 3 years....It could and would work and it would be a fair system for all and it would make sure that stock levels are full and ready for the busy periods.....The currant system of regional stocks is not working and it takes far to long for stock to be sent out to brigade's or group's from the regional store. better still it could be a emergency service store that way it would cover,CFS/SES/MFS...

sorry Bill, 3 year set pricing doesnt work, I used to manage a company that worked like that. In order to protect yourself from losses in the 3rd year (cos things like falls in exchange rates, interest rate hikes etc etc are hard to pick) you add a premium to the price for the first 2...result is the customer (or in this instance the Brigade) pays more up front - bad idea.

I'm surprised that your Region bothers with such a beast, certainly for routine stuff. Theres a day service to your end of the world and freight costs are reasonable so it would be very easy to do the same as other Regions do (oops...i mean like the big Region does) and leave it to Groups or brigades to order there own stores direct. Theres prescious little margin to save by holding more than ready use stocks at a local level.....let a good supplier work properly for you (and no...i aint one).

Its also one less nebulous job that someone could hand on and do a proper set of pre-plan updates for u instead :)