pager system

Started by Hazmat206, October 03, 2008, 01:49:31 PM

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does any one know why all messages aren't displayed on the paging system?
206 to Adelaide fire,Incident #59,situation found 440, action taken 41,K45, over


???? all messages on the paging system???? what?!
think you need to finish the question.....


If you are talking about the website, I understand it has a filter. The other website that did show most, if not all pager messages has been shutdown.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.

SA Firey

Quote from: Hazmat206 on October 03, 2008, 01:49:31 PM
does any one know why all messages aren't displayed on the paging system?

The site has been set up to not display personal addresses, as well as some sensitive paging addresses :wink:
Images are copyright


Yeah, why can't we see Euans' personal pager messages?
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: 6739264 on November 12, 2008, 11:29:20 PM
Yeah, why can't we see Euans' personal pager messages?

Well  you can always set up your *own private* decoder and see everything on the pager system and all other pager systems in Adelaide.

SES Communications trainer

Cameron Yelland

Quote from: 6739264 on November 12, 2008, 11:29:20 PM
Yeah, why can't we see Euans' personal pager messages?

Trust me...nothing worth reading.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)

misterteddy for the last week or so none of the usual SAAS traffic has been appearing on the usual pager site ( The thoughts initially were that SAAS had moved to a secure link for their outgoing paging.....ahhh, but gather round children...not so.

A quick view of a site I used to use a while ago would seem to indicate that all is not so straight forward, and that SAAS stuff is still available freely. Hopefully this site will be a bit more robust than it used to be and we can continue to recieve this useful information.

[conspiracy theory] Now knowing how much the SAAS CEO hated having the SAAS info up for all to see (mostly because it allowed people to guage response times and SAAS performance), I wonder if any coercion might have been applied to the website owner/operator to remove the SAAS info? [/conspiarcy theory]

Anyone got any clues or more information?? Mr website owner - care to explain whats going down - have somalian pirates captured u too and holding u to ransom - two clicks for yes, one for no


pfft. i think its alright to remove medical case's from the paging streams.  dont really wanna know about an 80 year olds bowel problems...


i'm with zippy  - who cares!! 

Why is it that people need to see SAAS dispatch info?  Oh wait...I's so they can have a crack at how long it took SAAS to call the fireys!

once SAAS goes digital the radio will be out of all of you with scanners should probaly consider flogging them off to other unsuspecting nerdy types while they're still worth something!


Digital or Digital Encrypted is the question ;)

we all know that the CFS/MFS/SES network wont go down the encrypted track, all the farmers will cry.

no conspiracy or coercion (or bribes, more's the pity).  As I've said to the many people (including SAAS staff and volunteers) who have emailed and asked: sorry but removed SAAS for several reasons including; it is primarily for fire services, all the SAAS pages add a lot of clutter - especially as we go into summer, SAAS regularly broadcast personal/patient details.


There are somethings that i dont like to see on the SAAS paging site and that is where keys or code's are at  a place that they have been sent to they same could be said about that information on the radio


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on November 20, 2008, 06:52:59 PM
There are somethings that i dont like to see on the SAAS paging site and that is where keys or code's are at  a place that they have been sent to they same could be said about that information on the radio

Edit: I'm a retard
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


In all honesty I thought it was a bit wierd various details were available. And when designed and implemented, it wasn't meant to be a public system.
I don't see any problem with not being able to read SAAS pager messages, they do not add any value to the emergency response by other agencies. Only post incident complaints - so good on SAAS!
Finally we are most likely to go encrypted next year on GRN.
just another retard!


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on November 20, 2008, 06:52:59 PM
There are somethings that i dont like to see on the SAAS paging site and that is where keys or code's are at  a place that they have been sent to they same could be said about that information on the radio

these details are never sent by pager, always by radio as the crew arrives, up until the last few days. Now SAAS has upgraded their system and details like that are SMS'd direct to the Fleet Mobile Ph - so no-one will hear it anymore

Quote from: paging on November 20, 2008, 05:32:21 PM
no conspiracy or coercion (or bribes, more's the pity).  As I've said to the many people (including SAAS staff and volunteers) who have emailed and asked: sorry but removed SAAS for several reasons including; it is primarily for fire services, all the SAAS pages add a lot of clutter - especially as we go into summer, SAAS regularly broadcast personal/patient details.

thanks for clearing it up Paging.....I have to say that for me (and obviously others) its a shame to lose that "big picture" of what is happening around us. The site always served the sector as an Emergency Services site, but if you're wanting to make it just Fire then thats your call as the owner. In that case maybe u could filtered off the SES pages too especially the multiple SES pages that say blah blah will be at LHQ in 3 score and 10 days. Wonder how we coped with all that clutter last few fire seasons....ahh I said, its a shame, but thats life

oh yeah...and
Quote from: chook on November 20, 2008, 08:57:32 PM
I don't see any problem with not being able to read SAAS pager messages, they do not add any value to the emergency response by other agencies... Finally we are most likely to go encrypted next year on GRN.

guess they wouldnt for trees....but then they do for some of us that deal with other stuff. And I wouldnt be too sure about encrypted GRN just think if u ask those that are in the know there might be a few issues that go with that which might mean it aint gonna, at least not quickly


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on November 20, 2008, 06:52:59 PM
There are somethings that i dont like to see on the SAAS paging site and that is where keys or code's are at  a place that they have been sent to they same could be said about that information on the radio

key codes aren't routinely given out any more...most are sent via SMS to the fleet phone


Bye SAAS paging  :cry: I kinda miss reading the lady from next door has a problem with her a--hole, coz I do too, he needs to slash the block ready for the fire season, lazy mongrel :-D

Grumpy Cam the moderator please note "---" instead of real letters were used, okay :wink:
Just Another Filtered Fireman


what bright spark gave grumpy bum the job of being a mod anyway!?


Misterteddy - haven't dealt with too many trees in my time in SA(mainly other stuff) & still see little value in being able to read SAAS messages (too busy when the response is actually happening), only value is after incident de-briefs & grievance reports.
Not talking about SAGRN, you may not be aware I'm no longer based in SA. I was talking about NSW (which does not have state wide GRN coverage anyway).
It really amazes me that some individuals, make assumptions based on their own very narrow view of the ES sector & then apply it to the whole state.
Still stand by my original comment, don't see any issues with not being able to read the SAAS paging messages any more.
just thought I would clear that up - cheers
just another retard!


Quote from: boredmatrix on November 20, 2008, 09:54:28 PM
what bright spark gave grumpy bum the job of being a mod anyway!?

The help of all the new mods is certainly appreciated, theres a lot of time spent reading all the dribble some people come up with.  ;) :-D


Quote from: jaff on November 20, 2008, 09:49:53 PM
Grumpy Cam the moderator please note "---" instead of real letters were used, okay :wink:

I'm going to be a spelling nazi, and point out that that if each hyphen was supposed to replace a letter, you spelt the word wrong. ;)  ...unless of course your neighbour has a very talented donkey.


Quote from: chook on November 21, 2008, 05:56:10 AM
Misterteddy - haven't dealt with too many trees in my time in SA(mainly other stuff) & still see little value in being able to read SAAS messages (too busy when the response is actually happening), only value is after incident de-briefs & grievance reports.
Not talking about SAGRN, you may not be aware I'm no longer based in SA. I was talking about NSW (which does not have state wide GRN coverage anyway).
It really amazes me that some individuals, make assumptions based on their own very narrow view of the ES sector & then apply it to the whole state.
Still stand by my original comment, don't see any issues with not being able to read the SAAS paging messages any more.
just thought I would clear that up - cheers

all cleared up, no you're now in NSW (which I most certainly was aware of), and your commenting on what what we see and can use here on OUR pager site - ok.....u've never been a firefighter in my neck of the woods, so you wouldnt have any idea of how usefull it is to us. I'm quite happy to admit also, as u'll have picked out, I have a SAAS connection as well, so i enjoy reading about the work they do too....lets face it, thats 90% of the reason firefighters read about other fire related jobs.....interest!! Oh yeah...and to bag them, and bitch about responses times, planning, no of trucks at a job, appropriate allocation of resources, defaults, stoopid pages, "thats not a hazmat - THIS is a hazmat"....and a thousand other things that litter this site in the 56 pages (or thereabouts) of pager related posts. People do in fact find what other emergency services do interesting.....

Silly me....assuming in a SA Firefighter/paging site (thats a SA GRN paging site btw)thread that u would have been referring to a NSW Radio network - i should have known. I shall take myself outside immediately and flagellate myself within an inch of my life.

I too am amazed......but more so that people apparantly arent even allowed to have their own opinions, especially if they dont conform to what others  may or may not (allegedly) think.

*Important Note*
no facts were harmed in the making of this post


Quote from: misterteddy on November 21, 2008, 12:03:08 PM
I shall take myself outside immediately and flagellate myself within an inch of my life.

Wheres cranky Cam? I am very offended at such a violent statment. Please edit this post.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: CFS_Firey on November 21, 2008, 08:28:29 AM
Quote from: jaff on November 20, 2008, 09:49:53 PM
Grumpy Cam the moderator please note "---" instead of real letters were used, okay :wink:

I'm going to be a spelling nazi, and point out that that if each hyphen was supposed to replace a letter, you spelt the word wrong. ;)  ...unless of course your neighbour has a very talented donkey.

I'll see your spelling nazi, and raise u a syntax warrior.....delete duplicated word  :lol: