SACAD hits the news

Started by CFS_Firey, September 28, 2008, 08:47:51 PM

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SA emergency services to share data software

South Australia's police, fire and ambulance services will be able respond to emergencies through a new integrated computer system.

The State Government has given the go ahead to the Integraph software, which allows emergency services to access the same information.

It says the $36 million program will improve communication and information sharing between agencies.


YEH YEH The Cheque is in the mail. 
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Whatever,Nice short article.....So who will run it........


Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on September 29, 2008, 06:01:21 AM
Whatever,Nice short article.....So who will run it........
Hopefully not the MFS.  :-D
Treat everyone as if they are an idiot, until they prove you otherwise.


Would be nice to see a similar setup to ESTA in Victoria, comcen being an agency by itself, but theres some good guys to keep from adelaide fire, have the others Retired. ;)


Quote from: Zippy on September 29, 2008, 10:05:16 AM
Would be nice to see a similar setup to ESTA in Victoria, comcen being an agency by itself, but theres some good guys to keep from adelaide fire, have the others Retired. ;)

Won't that just lead to complaints that the comcen operators don't have nay idea what happens out on the field?

Ask the SAAS guys how they like having comms operators that haven't ever worked on an ambulance... (I seem to recall mention of that on these forums...)


make it a pre-requisite of the job, to have worked in the particular agency that the comcen covers ;)

Cameron Yelland

im pretty sure it will be run from the current mfs com cen. 

The way it "should" be setup it wont matter if the person is dumb or a computer genius the outcome will be the same as long as the caller gives the correct info.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Will be run by each service as far as I know, only difference is it is intergrated, and if for example the MFS comms centre goes down, they can move in to the SAAS one (in a seperate room) until their room is back on line.


SES will not have a seperate ComCen unless a high call rate for an event.
I believe a 'cutdown' version of SACAD (thus less training) will replace the existing computer database.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


I have always like the Victorian system,works well there and our  CAD system is ment to be like theirs,So I guess in time we will know...


I hope for 34Mil its not a direct copy of the VIC system, and hopefully has alot of SA-related input..



Duke Nukem: Forever Released...

Oh sorry, got caught up there, I though we were posting "News headlines we'll never see because they'll never be started, let alone finished"

To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: 6739264 on September 29, 2008, 10:47:02 PM

Duke Nukem: Forever Released...

Oh sorry, got caught up there, I though we were posting "News headlines we'll never see because they'll never be started, let alone finished"


Ahhh the true age of 'numbers' is shown ... do you have Space Invaders as well  :?
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: bajdas on September 30, 2008, 09:54:03 AM
Ahhh the true age of 'numbers' is shown ... do you have Space Invaders as well  :?

My true age? That'd make me about 28...?

Never quite had the $$$ for one of the machines :(

To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


I remember the "original" Duke Nukem on DOS..

Never could finsih the final level in the space centre..

Remember the green  /\/  shaped (laser?) I guess, which made that typically DOS noise as you shot it at the aliens.. And literatelly exploding when you died..

Ahhhh.. Memories!! hehe..


Ahhh yes, the good old days of 2D Side scrolling fun! Damn Dr. Proton!

Now, if only Commander Keen had gone 3D :D
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Ha.. Commander Keen.. Another favourite..

*Sneeks onto*



Commander Keen rocked, my 286 rocked when I got that, the game was so much faster....


Zool.. Pacman.. The original Wolfenstein, Blake3D..

Haha.. Yeah, remember the 4" x 4" disks that you slotted in, and dropped the bar/locking piece down across the drive to load them up.

-If *only* SACAD could be that good!!  ;)


How about just creating SACAD into a computer game  :lol: :roll:
Kalangadoo Brigade



Found which gives some idea of the software application & who is using the system overseas.

Do anyother states in Australia or neighbouring countries (eg New Zealand) use this system ?
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Victoria did use this system many years ago,but when the contract was up they went to something else not sure what they call it now over there,There where big problems with the intergraph system and that was one reason they did not get a second go at running the  emergency service's contracts again... I think QLD did have it for sometime but they also had problems...


did a team go over to victoria to inspect this CAD a few years they probably went with Intergraph based on OLD information... ;)