Unit Locations

Started by Jimmy_91, September 23, 2008, 06:18:28 PM

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Just wondering what the locations for Mt Gambier, Meningie and Wattle Range SES Units are?

Stewart Germaine
Minlaton CFS


Quote from: Jimmy_91 on September 23, 2008, 06:18:28 PM

Just wondering what the locations for Mt Gambier, Meningie and Wattle Range SES Units are?


Mount Gambier: Frew Park
Wattle Range: Millicent
Meningie: Meningie

Each unit has their own designed shed pending on the number of vehicles they run out of them
Kalangadoo Brigade


Sorry, should have been more specific. I am actually after the physical address.
Stewart Germaine
Minlaton CFS

Cameron Yelland

Mt Gambier is Penola Rd, Mt Gambier
Wattle Range is Rendlesham rd, Millicent

Sorry dont know the actual street number
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Meningie SES is on Allan Street, Meningie
CFS has been prescribed RCR and CFS and SES are joint responding  :wink:


Sounds like the problems at Meningie SES have all been soughted then - thats good!
And its good that the requirement to serve the community has been settled in a mature way, sounds like a win-win to me!
just another retard!


Nice to see that the 34p has the RCR gear on it at last ....


Bill that makes no sense to me - purpose built rescue truck vs a 34p. Why on earth would your put the gear on the 34p, manual handling & storeage nightmare!
If people were being mature the gear would have stayed on 91 & a mixed CFS/SES crew man it!
Obviously if the 34p is carrying it, then either a) it was moved from the purpose built truck or b) its another set supplied by CFS - duplication.
As I said it makes no sense - maybe mature thinking has some way to go!
just another retard!


Chook maturity is overated, common sense, now thats the ticket!  :wink:
Just Another Filtered Fireman

Cameron Yelland

Here is a better way to save money.

disband the ses......give all rescue to the fire service.

all urgent tree jobs can be handled by the fire service everything else the councils and privates can look after it!

sell off all SES assets and the money can be injected back into the other emergency services.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


34P are designed to carry RCR gear in a more manual handling friendly way than the traditional 34/24 appliances. Hence the design of the under body lockers. No good relying on a resuce service that cant supply a crew/driver when they are required. Has happenned before that CFS were required to drive that services rescue appliance.


Cam did you foreget your subtle pills this morning, or was it to windy to go fishing outdoors, good luck........my bet you will get a few  :wink:
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Yeah its getting to ridulous with all the services, yeah the ses are excellent, but if they disband then the fire services can be upskilled even more...

and cam... just think about the scheiße fight to get the ses vehicles... i can personally say that a rural brigade which does alot of RCR, MVA and rescue would die to have one of the ses F trucks... and all the equipment.

What about the naracoorte group getting all their heights rescue gear...?

MMMMMMmmmmm sorry ses advocates but i think it would be good and having one Country fire and rescue service would be good.


Gotta love how someone just asked for SES unit locations and the thread turns into a bitch fight.  :-)
Treat everyone as if they are an idiot, until they prove you otherwise.


Quote from: safireservice on September 27, 2008, 11:48:21 AM
Gotta love how someone just asked for SES unit locations and the thread turns into a bitch fight.  :-)

And for once, I had nothing to do with it! :D
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...

Cameron Yelland

just trying to stir up some conversation!  gets a bit boring around here sometimes.

probably should be careful what i say.....going to our local ses unit for training next week!  :lol: :lol:
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Well familiar with the layout of a 34p, compared to a 91 appliance- well there is none. Would  rather work out of a 91 anytime.
If you are so embarrassed to drive a SES appliance - magnetic CFS emblems will cover your discomfort :wink:
I'm surprised Numbers, you didn't start this one :-D
Finally Cam I agree with your first comment - scrap SES & while you are at it CFS as well, replace the whole lot with SAMFS retained & community rural fire fighters :evil: Would make every one happy! Or lets start another vollie service that just does rescue :-D

Joking of course :wink:

just another retard!


Well sat back and wait Cam,its bound to happen that SES will be reduced in some area's due to duplication of service's and low numbers,but I guess before that happens there will be a push for SES/CFS to become one service..Dont get me wrong SES does have its place and they do a great job doing council work.....


Bill-Hynam, not sure if you noticed Cam was being sarcastic!
In a lot of areas CFS don't have the numbers or the capability or the wish to do rescue either, then what is your answer?And once SES is gone who are you going to blame for your shortcomings then?
Refer to your other post (34p) & the color coded hose inlet outlet & the question you posed (do they think we are idiots?) and on that note I will leave you to ponder your last post!
just another retard!


With over duplication in the COUNTRY in many towns and with low numbers in all service's time those at the top worked with those on the ground and make plans for joint SES/CFS rescue units.If the local people want to do it then they should be able to do it,lets face it we are not getting the young people to join and we are all getting older.

At the end of the day it does not matter what color truck you have but who comes to help......


Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on September 28, 2008, 09:47:04 AM
...At the end of the day it does not matter what color truck you have but who comes to help......

and it is up to the community to decide what volunteer emergency services they want....still not sure what Cooper Coast region decided in their area regards the three services...so if they can't decide then no one will unless the volunteers share in a mature way to serve the community.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: bajdas on September 28, 2008, 11:39:13 AM
Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on September 28, 2008, 09:47:04 AM
...At the end of the day it does not matter what color truck you have but who comes to help......

and it is up to the community to decide what volunteer emergency services they want....still not sure what Cooper Coast region decided in their area regards the three services...so if they can't decide then no one will unless the volunteers share in a mature way to serve the community.

What is it with you SES folks and this maturity thing  :? BAH, just progressing senility! :-D
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Ah Jaff - maturity has been shoved down our throats for years, so I guess we just keep repeating it :-D
Yes Bill you are right about rural numbers declining, however I'm not sure who is feeding you this stuff about SES & combined units. There are a number around the state that work very well. But what would you do once the combinded unit drops to a level that is not sustainable? Cockburn was in that position.
There are a few others I can think of that would be close to borderline, along with some CFS brigades who a very short handed & there seems to be no solution for them either.
As the drought gets worse & the governments irrigation management policies take effect the river towns (like one of the towns that started this post) will decline further.
Waikerie, Loxton & Barmera are three towns I can think of that will shrink due to the lack of water & work.
And as I have said in previous posts that mention a fire & rescue service, great in theory don't work in practice for the reasons mentioned previously. And in the very small rural towns you would normally have a bush fire brigade anyway.
Maybe the way to think about it is SA community is trying to hard to have everything it believes it should have & yet can't support i.e. every town has a brigade/unit, hospital, school etc.
Finally as it is highly unlikely I will ever be transfered back to SA (there is no water!) I should leave any further comment on this matter to you croweaters :-D
just another retard!