firefighter fitness

Started by Darius, September 18, 2008, 01:19:26 PM

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interesting article on fire fighter fitness (particularly rural and volunteer):


Yep, he sums it up well. I don't know why people take fitness so personally when if you're not fit on the fireground you're doing both yourself and your comrades a disservice.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Should CFS be proactive and introduce a guideline to a recommended fitness standard, not mandatory but recommended. example 8 on the beep test or as the NPWS a pack test with a intermediate level.
This level could be used as a yard stick for your own performance, introducing the idea that fitness/endurance is neccesary on the fireground. Very thin edge of the wedge!

Just Another Filtered Fireman


mr Jaff, very nice idea! doubt i could reach 8, been slack lately..


Quote from: Zippy on October 05, 2008, 04:13:54 PM
mr Jaff, very nice idea! doubt i could reach 8, been slack lately..

Don't worry Zippy, either the right person yelling at you, or a fire chasing your buut up a hill and I bet you'd get to 11 :-D
Just Another Filtered Fireman


With the fire up my butt even i could get to 11 :-D
Wattle Range


The problem with the beep test is the number which coincides with "fit" changes depending on your age and gender.  Who should the CFS set the standard for... People in their 20's, or people in their 50's?


The pack hike test is a good starting point. Adopt the same levels as DEH for strike teams.. Include it as part of the basic skill drills.


If CFS did that they would never get a second shift for a strike team...Look at all the problems they had last year getting people to got to KI.....Not sure of what the answer is but it has to be good for all,but we all need to look at our own level of fitness.. having said that I have been on the fireground with those that are fit(so they say) but they get more stuffed than I or others with in the crew that are overweight....


Maybe Bill, but the pack hike doesnt take weight into account.
We should start somewhere? Dare i mention the word professional/personal development?

KI was for a whole different batch of reason i suspect. After all there has never really been much success with crew welfare over there (they do try, just never quite get there). then we can go on to mention trashed appliances etc.

Anyway, thats another topic that im sure will arise again this year...


Quote from: Mike on October 06, 2008, 04:34:57 PM
KI was for a whole different batch of reason i suspect. After all there has never really been much success with crew welfare over there (they do try, just never quite get there). then we can go on to mention trashed appliances etc.

Not to mention that the shifts were for a few days each - many people with jobs can't afford to take that much time off.

Is the pack hike just a walk for a set distance with a backpack on?


Pretty much, not sure of the exact details off the top of my head.


Quote from: CFS_Firey on October 06, 2008, 04:58:37 PM
Quote from: Mike on October 06, 2008, 04:34:57 PM
KI was for a whole different batch of reason i suspect. After all there has never really been much success with crew welfare over there (they do try, just never quite get there). then we can go on to mention trashed appliances etc.

Not to mention that the shifts were for a few days each - many people with jobs can't afford to take that much time off.

Is the pack hike just a walk for a set distance with a backpack on?

Yeah I thought the KI issue was the deployment itself. The way it is usually run and length of the deployment caused issues.

From what I've heard, pack run is just lugging a weight around a field n times.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


10Kg - 3.2Km
20Kg - 4.5Km (45min??)

Alan J

pack test info

Three different levels depending upon fireground role - not one-size-fits-all.
Measures capacity to do work, not body-shape or running speed.
Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


Hmm, now if I was getting paid not a problem, but for f**ks sake, they can't even manage to run a first aid course when i can get to one that doesn't get in the way of my work, i would never be able to do the driver training with the new truck cause that's done around them, as if i would get time to do one of these around work.
Wattle Range


Thats the one Alan.  :-D

As i said, just roll it into the burnover training nights.


You have to get people to do the burnover drill first......

Alan J

Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on October 08, 2008, 04:49:22 AM
You have to get people to do the burnover drill first......

Then as soon as they hop off the appliance from burn-over drill,
don a knapsack & walk around the block a few times.  Ask the local
ambo's to keep an eye open for people lying down not breathing &
Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on October 08, 2008, 04:49:22 AM
You have to get people to do the burnover drill first......

They shouldn't be going to any rural incident if they haven't!!!

SA Firey

Fire Season is almost here so get fit Forest run :lol:
Images are copyright

Cameron Yelland

Quote from: SA Firey on October 10, 2008, 07:06:12 PM
Fire Season is almost here so get fit Forest run :lol:

Meh...maybe next year.   :lol:
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Heh, can you imagine the reactions if they tried to implement and enforce a minimum fitness level? People whine enough about the BA testing, and there's a good portion of members in several brigades who would fall over and have a seizure at the mere thought of KILOMETERS instead of centimeters of walking or running.

This isn't to say its not a great idea, would be helpful to establish where people need to be improving in terms of fitness. I agree that being unfit or incompetent is doing a great disservice to one's team on the fireground, but there are a surprising number of people who fail to take this signal for self improvement into account. I imagine it would get a whole lot of backs up.


so....maybe we could approach this from an opportunity to get better perspective....rather than a rule to be enforced and piss people off one.

Maybe - Brigade participation is voluntary, but if the whole Brigade participates, some measure of $$$ support from CFS/Corporate Sponsor (e.g. Flatfoot Brigade Fitness Program sponsored by Coopers Brewery) to help buy sporty stuff. Everyone in the Brigade does the test to get their own baseline level. From there a program is put together that helps everyone improve....Week 1 walk  blah blah km's, Week 2 Interval training (walk /run) and so it goes. Progressive tests done every 8 weeks. Reward (yup, more $$$ or something similar) for those Brigades that improve by 20%(or 5% or whatever). The aim is improved health(and therefore less risk) not a magic number and a rule. It becomes a team building challenge, not an enforcement process.

Sounds like an easy program to put together and take to the 3rd year Sports Science kids at UniSA as part of their studies/assessment. Better still trade a non combative from Safecom for a $50k research grant and publish the results and let some young whiz earn their Masters/PhD as well. Everyone wins.

As an aside, the US Forestry Service who use and rigidly enforce the Pack Test Program , suffer numerous exertion related deaths each year. By comparison, when u crunch the numbers for differences in firefighter numbers, we have way fewer deaths from exertion. Do we have to do anything might be a question, or have we adopted a practice of working our people within their own unique capacity and modifying what we can achieve accordingly? Interesting topic


MMMM,would be alright if CFS had some spare money to burn,there are appliances out there that need to be replaced and that is where the money should go first..... I am all for fitness if CFS sorry SAFECOM where to allow corporate sponcership then it may work but where would we keep all the gym gear that members want. May be we could approch a "lifestyle" gym that will give CFS/SES/MFS discount on membership...