Have we lost touch

Started by rescue5271, November 02, 2008, 07:30:07 AM

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How many people think that those that sit at the top have lost touch with what it means to be a firefighter? How many people think that the service has forgotten that the service could not survive without the full support of our family's,our work and our community's. Common sense should sometimes replace what is in SOP'S and the COSO when it comes to some brigade activates and by that i mean that if a group or brigade is taking part in a thank you day for its members that the members children be allowed to ride on the appliance with adult suppervision. those that make these rule's up need to understand that our children are the future of CFS/SES in country towns.



The CFS has been on a march towards a bureaucratic government department for years.

The heart of volunteering in the CFS will remain but the govt don't make it easy.
It's seemingly small things like these that make people reconsider their involvement.

Family of members must IMO be allowed to ride on trucks for non-emergency events such as you describe. It gives the kids a memorable day and just might be enough to keep them interested to join one day.

Decision makers need to look beyond enforcing rules and look at long term implications. Succession planning and volunteer retention are huge issues.

If it's an insurance liability issue can't members accept any risk and sign a waiver or better still CFS via Govt agree to cover members families for special events. Of course there would be a registration required and effective record keeping but that's all manageable.

Come on CFS build the organisation by building into the kids!!!!!!


How quickly things change. Back when I started we could pack the 20 kindy kids on the back and drive them around town  :-)

I think a lot of Brigades do still allow supervised family members to go for rides on special occasions. Let's see what happens when the powers that be decide to discipline them for it!
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


umm...show me the SOP/COSO that specifically mentions it and precludes it, I might have missed it. Thers a lot of "you cant do that" talk..... but most times you can

Do a fair dinkum risk assessment (like you would in any business - so dont start whining about them either), and the result is its a low risk activity, its then a matter of whether your GO and Capt will put their name to it - maybe thats more the issue than your perception that the top is out of touch (which I dont happen to believe they are).

The CFS is being dragged along the Public Service pathway because of governance - we cant ignore it and we cant escape it,we actually should try embracing it because it will make us a better service in the long run - we have the benefits of the system.....we have to take the rules, thats just the way it goes.


Can't be sure but I think there is some history behind this thread. Bill may be able to shed some light. I think there was a parade at Naracoorte involving vintage appliances and the kids were denied a ride.....Could be wrong though.


Yep that's what started it all (once bun fight finished and smoke cleared from the air kids and family were allowed on vehicles but many a person has a nasty taste in their mouth from the whole situation)
Wattle Range


Firefrog and Katrina you are both correct,there is a rule saying that non cfs members are not  to ride on the appliance's and that it is up to the captain to allow this or that you must seek permission from the regional office or the CEO... What took place at Naracoorte for the heritage parade was  a disgrace and one that CFS should hope never happens again,if it was not for two members stepping in and sorting it out the CFS would have lost volunteer members.

I should point out it was volunteer members who sorted this out not the staff,CFS has lost touch with its members and needs to take a long hard look at it' self from the inside out. Since I posted this subject I have been contacted by members who's brigade have been stopped from taking kids on the Xmas parade or street parade with their kids.... If we as members are happy to sign a paper so that our kids can ride an appliance then it should be allowed. Our children are the future of this service the country all we are asking for is common sense.....


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on November 03, 2008, 03:46:42 AM
Firefrog and Katrina you are both correct,there is a rule saying that non cfs members are not  to ride on the appliance's and that it is up to the captain to allow this or that you must seek permission from the regional office or the CEO...

so what happens when ambo's or plod need to hop on an appliance to access a high risk fireground area or for remote access? 

somehow I dont think they'll be told "no you're not allowed on until you've filled in these 10 pages, initialled these 16 pages of rules and regs, plus licked the back flap for DNA confirmation of your identity, then sent off and authorised by by Kevin Rudd or his delegate"............


Now now matrix...you are being very silly.

The info wouldn't go to Mr Rudd...it'd go to Mr "tough on crime" Rann, (State vs Feds, unless of course, the DNA / prints etc are for anti terrorism, then Mr Rudd would get it) 

And you forgot the fingerprint scan before jumping on board   :evil:

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Quote from: boredmatrix on November 03, 2008, 02:53:31 PM
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on November 03, 2008, 03:46:42 AM
Firefrog and Katrina you are both correct,there is a rule saying that non cfs members are not  to ride on the appliance's and that it is up to the captain to allow this or that you must seek permission from the regional office or the CEO...

so what happens when ambo's or plod need to hop on an appliance to access a high risk fireground area or for remote access? 

somehow I dont think they'll be told "no you're not allowed on until you've filled in these 10 pages, initialled these 16 pages of rules and regs, plus licked the back flap for DNA confirmation of your identity, then sent off and authorised by by Kevin Rudd or his delegate"............

Another one of the 'grey areas' that is quickly waivered when operating in an Emergency Response/Incident capacity..


Quote from: Pipster on November 03, 2008, 05:11:13 PM
Now now matrix...you are being very silly.

The info wouldn't go to Mr Rudd...it'd go to Mr "tough on crime" Rann, (State vs Feds, unless of course, the DNA / prints etc are for anti terrorism, then Mr Rudd would get it) 

sorry - I was covering all my bases....

Mod Note: Fixed quoting