SA Firefighter's BBQ

Started by rescue5271, September 07, 2008, 10:44:51 AM

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As some of you may know there is to be a HERITAGE PARADE of appliances on Sunday 26th of october 2008 in Naracoorte.So in conjunction with the day mandy and I would like to invite those members of the SAFIREFIGHTER site who will be in town for the weekend to come around to our place after the day for  BBQ tea...BYO meat and drinks. Its about time we had a BBQ here in the south east and this will be a good way to do this.......

So if your in town and want a feed and chat before the long drive home or just wish to call in and say gday RSVP to me by 20/10/08 and i shall give you the address to the BLINKY and NUTTYS house....


The Heritage fleet have been moved to a TEMP HOME in Smith Street Naracoorte near the SILO's so as to make way for the show and the upcoming events that are taking place this month.There will be around 50 appliances taking part in the street parade on 26/10/08 at 1030hrs....


Anyone that is coming to the Parade on Sunday 26th of October there is to be a BBQ breakfats at the Naracoorte fire station,Smith street from 0700hrs before the line up and start of the parade. Smokey will be doing a street walk with hand outs for the KIDS from 10.00hrs and then the toys with their toys will roll down the main street from 1030hrs under police escort......

If you are coming to the Parade and you would like to attend the breakfast at the Naracoorte station could you please let me know so that we have enough food for all.Should be a great day and a great family day out some 50+ appliances will be in the Parade and open day at the Naracoorte show grounds..

Those coming to the SAFF BBQ at my place remember to let me know...