big white truck crash

Started by 2468, September 25, 2008, 09:11:41 PM

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Hey all,

I'm still a novice with all the fire trucks and associated stuff, but

I saw a brand new scania fire truck (like SAMFS, but white!!) that had been completely totalled... look like a truck vs. kangarooo or something big...

had "Total.... " couldn't read the rest on the back. (could it those filtered from total fire... btw they aren't in SA only NSW!, did some research on them 8-))
The truck was on back of low loader trailer heading towards north out of city to Pt Wakefield way

whos is it? cause it looked near new. had red, blue and amber lights... and a mining flag (orange) on 10ft pole.

pity was smashed to bits, i quite liked it :-)... Mr Ferguson... GIMME NOW!!!


New Scania Chassis hey?..

Ahhh, if only people knew how to look after such great machines..



Burnside pumper, last seen heading north on the back of a low loader. It can be yours now for only $100. Glue and sticky tape for repairs at your expense.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Sounds like a Western Australia pumper? There are some white scanias over there arent there...


Nah looked like a private truck, had custom plate and what looked like a Darley EM2000 pump or something in that size range... filtered big pump.

Haha Burnside... now what they need is what they filtered deserve after the hard filtered work they put in... which is whatever they want.

I think we should get that truck if the owner doesn't want... solve the problem we have with boosting :-D

SA Firey

If it's the one that I know of it was based at Port Hedland WA. :wink:

You will find it here
Images are copyright


Yeah deff not that one, but who is belongs to... i want it :-D

Apparently one way back to WA FIRE TRUCKS for fixing up.

btw what they like? good trucks? (WA FIRE)

SA Firey

Quote from: 2468 on September 26, 2008, 02:14:20 PM
Yeah deff not that one, but who is belongs to... i want it :-D

Apparently one way back to WA FIRE TRUCKS for fixing up.

btw what they like? good trucks? (WA FIRE)

WA Fire Appliances is owned and operated by Captain David Hayes,and has been operating since 1988.He supplies the majority of all WA fire appliances in the state :wink:
Images are copyright