AFAC 2008

Started by Zippy, September 02, 2008, 02:49:00 PM

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So whose been to AFAC,  any interesting stuff to share? i had a lil look around and some nice PPE out there!  quite like the newer style red turnout gear, would be nice for RCR operators.  the lime green Nomex Structure gear seems more impressive than PBI,  looks as if it can breath more.


i it good fun might post more when i get home


The new nomex gear is becoming more seen around the place and from what I have heard from those in the front line that they like it better than PBI GOLD as they can move more freely and its not has hot or restricted as the pbi...I was listining to ABC radio while in Mildura they interviewed one of the main speakers at AFAC and she said that they where talking about,longer fire season's,decline in volunteer numbers and well as all the other warm and fuzzy things they talk about...Some nice photos on OZFIRE of AFAC...