2008 Youth Summit

Started by 029, August 21, 2008, 10:19:46 PM

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Hi all,

anybody on here going to the CFS youth Summit next weekend at hahndorf??? my self and one other from my unit have been invited to attend.

I feel this is a good idea of the cfs to do this and also inviting other agencys to attend after all we all want to get the job done right.


Hope you all have a nice weekend and look out for snow......


i'll be there

Snow, you have got to be kidding. but cold yes


They could have had it while the POPE was in town and he could have got on one of the 14 appliances... :lol:


The Pope went to Hahndorf? :?


I hear the new compton Captain is going....So there will be no party at his house this weekend... :cry:


He's the only "Captain Elect" to be attending the summit tho...one day out of being the captain!


Well he is only 22 years old...

Cameron Yelland

Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


So did anyone go, how was it ? anything productive ?


Yeah i went.

In short it was Great i enjoyed every bit. Thanks again to Flic and the VMB and eveyone else that helped
We discussed many issues and sent them on with Euan and he is taking them to COAC etc.

These issues ranged from Volunteer recruitment to equipment and many in between things. however i won;t got saying every detail at this point as many things are just ideas and we don;t want to make the wrong assumptions.


It was a fantastic weekend. Lots of enthusiam and empowerment which will hopefully be listened to. The support of Euan (or Ewin as it was spelt in room 2) and the CFSVA will hopefully mean things will get off the ground.

This is something that I will certainly be pushing to look at within my service, and possibly in future years a sector wide approach.


cough*** room 2 cough or "Marshmellow"