Started by Firey9119, August 23, 2008, 06:41:43 PM

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Quote from: BALFIR on September 10, 2008, 02:18:16 PM
Why can't people just accept the fact the BMI is set @ that level to protect people from themselves.

People with a BMI greater than the limit are simply TOO FAT and are a risk to themselves & All.

The argument that I am just over is no good you are still obese!!! A BMI of 30 is still OBESE get over & find another task you can do or loose the required amount & try again. No-one has said you can't get fitter so sSTOP WHINING!

Thats rediculous though.. I know people who are 6'5, professional weightlifters (one is a Triatholon Athlete).. His BMI is 38..  - He would be leaner, fitter, and have more muscle than anyone I know.. - You going to call him obese to his face?.. - He would laugh.... Then do a 25km run 15km swim and 60km bike ride to shove it in your face!!


Well i would hope you can get some proof for that type of build so they can do BA.  Would i be to brash if i assumed that he probably has an interest in his BMI and knows a thing or to so can prove his fitness.

Alan (Big Al)

Our former captain was a state shotputter so is fairly well built, but would run rings around most people fitness wise and he failed the BMI by 2 kilos and was denied access to do a refresher.
Lt. Goolwa CFS



Phillip H
Salisbury CFS (Para Group)


The BMI is currently set at 35, well was two weeks ago when i did mine.

A number needs to be there but in the end it should be up to the Doctor to allow a variance if you are medically fit.

If you over this level then get off your computor and take a walk today and maybe a run tommorrow.


My comment still stands about differing BMI readings and interpreting them, people are different shapes and sizes doctors discretion needs to be applied to this rule.
Unless you are someone the size of Jarred pre subway diet... :-)
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


Onther thing to remember is we are volunteers we rely on volunteers and considering recuiting in smaller communities is hard at the best of times making the medical restrictions tight or tighter is just going to make it even harder to get members.


Quote from: Sarge on October 05, 2008, 12:40:11 PM
Onther thing to remember is we are volunteers we rely on volunteers and considering recuiting in smaller communities is hard at the best of times making the medical restrictions tight or tighter is just going to make it even harder to get members.

So just because 'we are only volunteers' we dont need to worry about safety issues? I understand what you are saying about numbers of people in small towns, but the line has to be drawn somewhere.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


So would you say a weight lifter who as a BMI of 37 is obese??


Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on October 06, 2008, 06:55:31 AM
So would you say a weight lifter who as a BMI of 37 is obese??

Who? Me? Or was that a general question? Have you read ANY of this thread so far?
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Open question....Yes I am reading.... The situation of BMI is one that keeps coming up all over the state, I know some very fit young CFS guys who are into sports and the gym and yet their BMI will not allow them to do CABA or the refresher course. As someone has said  again and again it should be up to the doctor to pass or fail the person taking the medical if he /she feels they can not do the job.The other point and I have said this before some DOCTOR'S don't have a a clue about BMI or what CABA is and this has come from talking to the local doctors here and in other parts of the state that i know... May be CFS should look at just having a medical like NSW and Tassie have.....


As has been said before, the CFS had to choose a cut off, and so they settled on 35. Sure, some fit people will miss out, but the majority of people with BMI over 35 would probably be unfit for BA.
No matter what test they choose, some people will be disadvantaged by it - that's not an appropriate reason to get rid of the test.


Why would CFS use a system such as BMI, it has been out of favour with the fitness industry for years, oh yeah, its CFS. :-D
Just Another Filtered Fireman

Alan J

The key issue is whether a person can sustain a certain work-load that a
CABA operator may face.

So logically, if CFS were serious about it, they would introduce some form
of work-load testing - examples abound: pack test, beep test, or step test
to name just three of them.

But they haven't.  Therefore it is not unreasonable to regard BMI measurement
as being merely a CYA action at HQ - perhaps hoping that the fact that BMI is a
potential indicator of fitness level will be sufficient to appease
"See - we DID do something about ensuring our CABA operators are up to the job."

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


CFS i guess have to draw a line in the sand somewhere and I'm telling you I know a couple of lads that cant wear B.A. due to their size and I say it is a good idea for their protection and the guy working with them in a job. As I imagine thier heart wouls be working over time and imagine what it would be like to try and pull them out! Also another mate of mine in the CFS is bordering on that BMI but he is fit and a body builder so the medical practioner took that into account.

Anyway about time our paid staff had to meet a fitness test how many of them don't mind a pie if you know what I mean!

Cameron Yelland

You make a good point.

Sure a body builder maybe a BMI of 37 but they are fit and healthy.  What happens when they go down?  Are you going to be able to pull them out?  Maybe the BMI isnt just about personal health, its about your partner breaking his back trying to pull you out!
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Im 6'5, weigh 95kg (Add 20kg of BA set and turnouts to that for a rescue) and have a BMI of 22.. Your going to seriously struggle to pull me out too unless you have a similar stature.. - But im fit and healthy..  -  Does that mean I can't be a firefighter incase my partner can't pull me out?

Cameron Yelland

Quote from: RescueHazmat on October 11, 2008, 06:12:43 AM
Im 6'5, weigh 95kg (Add 20kg of BA set and turnouts to that for a rescue) and have a BMI of 22.. Your going to seriously struggle to pull me out too unless you have a similar stature.. - But im fit and healthy..  -  Does that mean I can't be a firefighter incase my partner can't pull me out?

20kg? try 30kg but you make a good point gonna go sit back in the corner.   :lol: :lol: :lol:
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Quote from: RescueHazmat on October 11, 2008, 06:12:43 AM
Im 6'5, weigh 95kg (Add 20kg of BA set and turnouts to that for a rescue) and have a BMI of 22.. Your going to seriously struggle to pull me out too unless you have a similar stature.. - But im fit and healthy..  -  Does that mean I can't be a firefighter incase my partner can't pull me out?

If your BMI is 22, and you're weight is unmanageable, imagine how much heavier you would be if you had a BMI of 35...


What?.. Don't think you are on the same wave length.. Im built like a brick sh!thouse.. Not overweight.. Unless im working with someone of a similar build, most people would struggle to get me out of a building..


Quote from: RescueHazmat on October 12, 2008, 05:31:45 PM
What?.. Don't think you are on the same wave length.. Im built like a brick sh!thouse.. Not overweight.. Unless im working with someone of a similar build, most people would struggle to get me out of a building..

BMI is calculated from weight and height, so regardless of why you're heavy, the higher your BMI, the more you weigh.

The point I was trying to make, (although I realise I made it badly), was that if someone with a BMI of 22 can be too heavy for your average FF, then someone with a BMI of 35 could be ridiculously heavy...  (More an observation than an argument).

I wasn't calling you fat - sorry if it came across that way.

SA Firey

I wouldnt worry about BMI's over 35,CFS are going to lose lots of BA operators real fast and BMI's and medicals are going to see to it. :wink:
Images are copyright


Quote from: SA Firey on October 13, 2008, 10:06:58 PM
I wouldnt worry about BMI's over 35,CFS are going to lose lots of BA operators real fast and BMI's and medicals are going to see to it. :wink:

SA Firey, for goodness sake pick up your dummy and move on. The rules for medicals for over 45's have been in place for a long time. You were told about it if you did a BA reaccreditation last year as you say - or maybe you werent paying attention. Just because no-one spoon fed it to you by means of a couriered letter from Euan doesnt mean that enforcing the rule is wrong. Consultation is there for important changes in the way we operate, not to pander to vocalites who feel the need to be included in everything.....if you need please supply an address and i'll forward a trauma teddy, one, for the use of....

The solution is pretty simple, go see a doctor and get a medical - it's not that hard. Yes, it needs some of your time, but its free (the medical that is)....oh and btw....anyone ever told you that a checkup with the quack every year for us over 45's is actually a GOOD thing. Maybe the glass might just be half full occasionally and we can get back to some fire fighting

Oh....and just to stay on topic while i'm having my 2 cents worth......I can show u more than one weightlifter who is very big on mirror muscles, who's cardio vascular fitness is the size of a pea. Moving hose up and down hills (like we have in my end of the world...u need both. Bring on the pack test for everyone in the CFS i say. No arguments at all then. You can or u cant....simple. Should be good for a few job opportunities in the career side of the Service too, as a few of them might be headed to the comfort of comms or somewehere less operaational ;) Dont disregard the use of the simple BMI filter, its the easiest tool for measure of Obese people that need to be separately scrutinised for an individual assessment. If you're over a BMI of 35, then there is an avenue to be individually assessed (at the CFS expense) and a waver given if the Service Doc thinks u qualify. Thats a pretty fair system


Quote from: misterteddy on October 14, 2008, 08:40:51 AM
...please supply an address and i'll forward a trauma teddy, one, for the use of....

Oh if only you were a Ms. Teddy...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: BALFIR on September 10, 2008, 02:18:16 PM
Why can't people just accept the fact the BMI is set @ that level to protect people from themselves.

People with a BMI greater than the limit are simply TOO FAT and are a risk to themselves & All.

The argument that I am just over is no good you are still obese!!! A BMI of 30 is still OBESE get over & find another task you can do or loose the required amount & try again. No-one has said you can't get fitter so sSTOP WHINING!

Not to burst your bubble but fat isn't the only thing that makes you weigh more, MUSCLES also make you gain weight. Just ask a bodybuilder why he\she is trying to put on weight, I'm damn certain it ain't fat the're are after.