At first I posted that I disagreed with the BMI that CFS has introduced, BMI is not best practice and so on, wa wa wa!
Iv'e seen the light though, a partial glimpse of the elusive "Master plan" if you will, for BMI is just the begining, pretty soon a height restriction will come in, 5'11-6'1 requirement, then Athletic build requirement, then hair colour Blond, then eye colour Blue and lastly a strong jaw line, yeah yeah its been tried before I hear you say, but just imagine our own CABA Super Race.
Hang on we need to keep our Super Race, able to be dragged out with close on 25kg of BA on, as well as their body weight maybe 100kg combined.....Too heavy.
So we need Super Strong people, but light enough that with their own body weight and the BA gear on, they could still be rescued by one of their own and if they are all close in build and size, a one size fits all policy would work for PPC.
Simple, OH how obvious, the answer has been there all along, Hobbits, they are compact, huge power to weight ratio, combined with over size feet(excellent stability) and the one size fits all PPC box is ticked as well.
Fitness and endurance of the cute lil buggers is off the scale, and as a bonus if a fight breaks out with one of those SES boys, I want the Hobbits on my side!
Aaaaaahhhhhh my precious's.