
Started by SA Firey, May 16, 2008, 09:03:44 AM

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SA Firey

Here is an example two neighbours are having bonfires adjacent to each other, and smoking each other out.

One calls the Fire Service because he does it to us and vice versa thinking it will get put out.The brigade gets turned out and further information suggests it is a neighbours dispute.
On arrival and investigation by the OIC both parties have a bonfire for personal comfort, and the required 4 metre clearance and a hose nearby.

What action would YOU take?
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umm err well Tell them to let us eat our dinner in peace? and we can't relly do anyhting as there is nothing dangerous about what they are doing?

Or just put both heaps out so they won't be able to light them till next year :-D

Alan (Big Al)

Open up on both groups with a 64 and tell them to grow up :-D
Lt. Goolwa CFS

SA Firey

Quote from: Alan (Big Al) on May 16, 2008, 09:29:22 AM
Open up on both groups with a 64 and tell them to grow up :-D

I like your theory Al :-D
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If it's outside the fire season, suggest they grow up and return to station


wow-  how did we ever survive in this world before cowboy firey's existed who would put out a fire simply because someone lit it??

ever consider the remote possibility that some people in this world are not stupid simply because they havent done a firefighting course??`

Cameron Yelland

Quote from: boredmatrix on May 17, 2008, 03:09:04 AM

ever consider the remote possibility that some people in this world are not stupid simply because they havent done a firefighting course??`

You serious?  One half dont know anything about fires and the other half still think the CFS is a paid service  :lol: :lol:

Just cos you have done a firefighting course doesnt make you smart either!
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Call the EPA and the local council and leave them to sort it out,better still send them a "account" for wasting the brigade's time...


Quote from: Cameron Yelland on May 17, 2008, 10:10:35 AM

You serious?  One half dont know anything about fires and the other half still think the CFS is a paid service  :lol: :lol:

a typically insular view of the world.....

it's like me thinking that all old people are sick because 75% of what I see at work is old people....

..or thinking that people in certain suburbs are all of low intelligence because I picked up 5 people in the same suburb who didn't have enough brain power between them to rub two sticks together.....

it'd be interesting to meet you...and see how long it takes you to insult my intelligence....


Doesn't take long for the slinging match to start, does it?

Cameron Yelland

Quote from: boredmatrix on May 17, 2008, 03:36:27 PM
Quote from: Cameron Yelland on May 17, 2008, 10:10:35 AM

You serious?  One half dont know anything about fires and the other half still think the CFS is a paid service  :lol: :lol:

a typically insular view of the world.....

it's like me thinking that all old people are sick because 75% of what I see at work is old people....

..or thinking that people in certain suburbs are all of low intelligence because I picked up 5 people in the same suburb who didn't have enough brain power between them to rub two sticks together.....

it'd be interesting to meet you...and see how long it takes you to insult my intelligence....

Well.....i can see you sense of humour isnt working so ill write it plain and clear.

It was a joke!  i thought the  :lol: :lol: would be a big enough sure you arent from that suburb who cant rub 2 sticks together?   ease up im only joking!!!
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Come on Cam not many people in CFS know how to take a JOKE....

SA Firey

Be prepared for more calls as Brass Monkey weather is here :lol:
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