Helmet rank markings - use the uniform guide!!

Started by Good times, April 05, 2005, 01:28:24 AM

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Good times

Recently I have seen a dogs breakfast of helmet rank markings.

There is a standard guide in the CFS uniform manual, perhaps people should read it?

In recent times I have seen seniors using captain stripes instead of the narrow ones that should be used, I saw this in some Stirling pictures.
Also the length and position, in some pics from Tailem Bend I saw the senior stripe on the top of the helmet running from the front to back!!

There is a standard, so it might be an idea to read up on it, to be absolutley frank, it looks stupid having 10 different ways, and does nothing for the proffesionalism.

Call me pedantic but its not good enough really.


Hello Good times and All.
There is a standard for the use and what is to be used in regards to helmet markings.  Good times you may have a good and valid point that is apparently very close to your heart in the use of them, but my personal opinion is not to single out or discriminate Brigades or people in a forum.


All things get adapted..... "the standard appliance" is one hot on the topics at the moment.

Personally my helmet came with yellow reflective stripes already attached (no spares), and to place the senior stripes according to the standards would have been impractical (theres no point having a stripe no-one can see) as well as looking stupid! Hence I have 4 yellow refelctive strips on my helmet each with senior stripe above......

I agree that they shouldn't be using captain stipes though, doesnt take much to get a knife or a pair of sissors.

Lets keep the specifics of who where and when to a minimum though, they're not needed.....


Good times

Sorry, they were just examples that came to mind, and Mike sounds like you wear a Cairns helmet, we still follow the old topguard way for senior stripes and centre it in the middle of the side, works well.


I did have a Cairns, but the visor got snapped in sydney (just before we left), i got to place the stripes myself on that one......... It was replaced with a Scott-Aspen III (thank god it wasnt a pacific!!!!!) which had the stripes already attached. Will track down some spares and see what it looks like (am a little sceptical though!)


Good times

Well not sure about a Scott Aspen, but on all our Cairns we have it in the middle on the side.

PS- You can buy new visors, a lot cheaper than a new helmet!


Yeah, i suggested that...... but who know what they were thinking!!!!! :roll:


I dont think good times was singling out a brigade, just stating an observation...  I don't personally there is anything wrong in that... The only way to learn / realise you may be doing something wrong is to be told!


Dunno if he was singling out a Brigade - said photos came from Tailem but certainly wasn't Tailem Bend Brigade. We don't even have a senior :-)

And if it's a photo from when we did - the Bullard Fire Dome helmet he wore had white reflective stripes on the side with the red narrow senior stripe down the middle.

And a uniform manual would probably be adhered to if people had access to it. I know we've never been afforded the luxury of a copy. How about the rest of you?
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


I saw something resembling a uniform guide once....... single sheet of paper for where to sew badges, and examples of stripes.

I have to emphasise the word once though!!!

Good times

I must sincerly apologise to Tailem Bend, it was Mannum where I saw the senior with the stripes running along the top of the helmet, it was on the promotions website see link


Now SAMFS wear the same helmet and they run with the small stripe along the side as we should beaccording to uniform guide.

Again I am very sorry, might just go back into my box for a while  :oops:


So what is going on with the dress uniform??? its been some time since we had feed back saying what we can buy as H/Q where looking at going to a BLUE TYPE like most other fire services. Does anyone know as I sure would like to buy one rather than wear yellow all the time when doing public talks.


I can't speak for why one of the Stirling seniors had  the wrong stripe as I don't know... However, I didn't even know the Captain and Seniors stripes were different, I though the only difference was that the captain had a yellow helmet...:oops:  We just cut out a strip of reflective tape and stick it on...

But on a different note, I notice that some brigades (I know Burnside do) have stickers on the helmets saying what training they have. (ie, A green cross for First Aid, and "RCR" or "HAZ")... I think this is a good idea... is this a standard? or just something they do by choice?

Good times

That was a trial, but never took off, I understand they have been asked by HQ to remove them.

This is a good thing in regards to learning, if you didn't know about the size of senior stripes then I wonder how many others are in your position,perhaps we need to revisit the uniform guide within brigades so we get some consistency back?


Quote from: Good timesperhaps we need to revisit the uniform guide within brigades so we get some consistency back?

Sounds like a good idea to me... But do you want to organise it? because no one else will want to... :cry:

Good times

Well, I can only suggest it, I might put it to the brigade VFBA rep, and for those wondering about the dress uniform, all the talk and it has ended up no different, so we will still look like overgrown scouts!!


Quote from: Good timesand for those wondering about the dress uniform, all the talk and it has ended up no different, so we will still look like overgrown scouts!!
Is that official? i was looking forward to looking like the mets... 8)

Good times

Disapointing, but I understand the notice well come out very soon, I found this out at Chubb when I tried to buy some pants. How boring.


Quote from: Good times on April 05, 2005, 01:28:24 AM
Recently I have seen a dogs breakfast of helmet rank markings.

It's ok, I have stiched my stripes, chevrons and stars onto my PBI Gold.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...