Summer Crew Jobs 2008/2009 Fire Season

Started by Robert-Robert34, August 04, 2008, 09:56:14 AM

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Actually Ringer might have a point Robert.
You should see your Traning Officer with your brigade and get a nomination form in as soon as possible
(not to sure when the next one is being done but if they have a few people nominating they might run one soon)
And from memory isn't your training officer actualy a Plantation Trainer anyway so he would probably even take the course
Or am I mixing brigades up again?? Can't quite remember but I would certainly get your nomination form in as quick as possible and thn you might get that one done quickly
Wattle Range


I'll be looking into that Katrina but the course has to be held in Late Sept or the first weekend in October as our next brigade meeting is on the 08/10/2008 and i'd love to have my certificate presented to me then rather than later     
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert-Robert34 on August 26, 2008, 07:23:26 PM
I'll be looking into that Katrina but the course has to be held in Late Sept or the first weekend in October as our next brigade meeting is on the 08/10/2008 and i'd love to have my certificate presented to me then rather than later     

Well there ya go no Plantation, of course the timber companies aren't going to give ya a job. In fact if you been applying all these years and haven't had it they probably more likely to consider you to be a nusiance and a pain in the neck rather than determined to get a job.
Party Brigade.  Filtered the Brass


Robert pull ya finger out and just do the course its a good course and one that all brigade members should do....


And to be quite honest Robert as someone who has done a lot of hiring in the past I used to sit down with all the applications and do a quick run through the qualifications and the one s who all met the minimum requirements went into a pile, another sift through to see if anyone had working experience in a similar area and they joined that pile and the ones who met all the job criteria went in there of course, anyone who couldn't do that missed out. Sounds like what Bill said it is a course you really need to do, better go and have a chat to your Brigade Training Officer because I am sure he will be able to set you straight on that one (I'm sure he has the experience in that sort of area as well Robert so would be the perfect person for you to talk to)
Wattle Range


Since when did all these places requior prior firefighting knowlage? i thought they all did in house training?

otherwise their possible recruitment pool would be quite small?


As with any job,  "2 years Minimum Experience"....Where do you get on the job experience when this is your first job you may apply for.  :/


To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


I'll follow your advice and go see my brigade captain and maybe the BTO to see if something can be arranged soon  :-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert-Robert34 on August 27, 2008, 03:56:48 PM
I'll follow your advice and go see my brigade captain and maybe the BTO to see if something can be arranged soon  :-)

Its about Training so why hassel ya Captain about it, isn't the training officer supposed to handle training issues.  Sounds like you don't like your training officer. I'm sure he's not as bad as you think.
Party Brigade.  Filtered the Brass

Brigade training south east

Hey Rob
DEH in the Sth East are not putting on fire crew, thats why i have to go to Mt lofty to continue with them, but im sure forestry and Green triangle will!

good luck

Brigade training south east

and i don't know what courses you have done but these will be a good idea
Suppress wildfire.
Plantation Firefighting
Safe off road driving techniques.
Chainsaw license


Quote from: Zippy on August 27, 2008, 03:36:20 PM
As with any job,  "2 years Minimum Experience"....Where do you get on the job experience when this is your first job you may apply for.  :/

it's called starting at the bottom of the food chain

but I guess to do that you'd have to swallow your pride...something I don't think megalomaniacs are accustomed to! :roll:


Also accroding to what i was told at a guest speaker seminar during my TAFE studies to get a summer crew job or any kinda job in Forestry or DEH you've got to have a trade skill of some sort whether it be Agriculture or Horticulture  :-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: boredmatrix on August 29, 2008, 02:16:06 AM
it's called starting at the bottom of the food chain

but I guess to do that you'd have to swallow your pride...something I don't think megalomaniacs are accustomed to! :roll:

I swallow just fine thanks.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


I swallow just fine thanks.

Thanks for the information we'll all look forward to catching up on the fireground to find out :lol: :-D
Party Brigade.  Filtered the Brass


Quote from: boredmatrix on August 29, 2008, 02:16:06 AM
Quote from: Zippy on August 27, 2008, 03:36:20 PM
As with any job,  "2 years Minimum Experience"....Where do you get on the job experience when this is your first job you may apply for.  :/

it's called starting at the bottom of the food chain

but I guess to do that you'd have to swallow your pride...something I don't think megalomaniacs are accustomed to! :roll:

Nah im pointing out, theres lot of jobs asking for previous experience, while there is hardly any jobs that are ground level for a career in certain sectors.


UPDATE: I have got a nomination form off of my brigade captain and filled out the personal details/course name and will be handing it to the Group Training Officer so he can look for a plantation fire fighting course for me to undertake
Kalangadoo Brigade

Cameron Yelland

Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Quote from: Cameron Yelland on August 31, 2008, 08:40:38 AM
:-o shock horror!

I spoke to the GTO last night and he told me to get a nomination form off of my brigade captain and fill out then fax it off to him so he can fill the blank spots when he finds a plantation course i can do
Kalangadoo Brigade

Cameron Yelland

I cant tell you how happy i am for you!  :lol:
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


And so the wheels are in motion  :roll: all thats left to do is fax it off and sit tight hoping a course comes up soon before summer crew positions are advertised  :-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


And so are the day's of our life.....In this weeks nail biting show will Robert fax that course form of in time so as to do the course or will someone turn the power off so that the fax does not work..... I could make a movie about this summer crew subject that has been going for what almost 2 years????


But will any of us pay to see this movie Bill????? Umm count me out!!!!
Wattle Range

Cameron Yelland

no its day time tv....they play it whether anyone watches or not.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)