When do you do it?

Started by jaff, July 28, 2008, 11:38:42 PM

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When do brigades or groups train? Would we open ourselves up to new members if we changed our nights? Do we only do it at that particular time because of tradition? Is there something else we could try? Will you still respect me in the morning? :-D
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: jaff on July 28, 2008, 11:38:42 PM
Will you still respect me in the morning? :-D


We train Monday nights. Always have, no idea why. Can't answer your other questions though...


I do it when I'm bored, or if I can't sleep...

OH, Training....

We also train Monday nights, although I like the idea of some brigades that train say, Wednesday night and Sundy morning, so that people can attend ethier, or both if they are so inclined. It seems to be a good system that allows more flexibility.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Friday nights would be ideal for those who dont have any plans ;)


We train on Monday mornings (0930 - 1200) for those day crew members, and Monday evenings (1930 - 2200). We also have recruit training on Wednesday nights when we are running a squad through, all seems to work pretty well and everyone is asked when they apply to join if they can make the training sessions on those days.


We used to train on Thursday nights. We have alot of people who play footy and netball and their trainings are on that night also, so we changed to Mondays. It wasn't to p1ss Adelaide Fire off and have every Brigade in the state do a pager test at same time on the same night :-P


We train Mondays - like others, it has been that way for as long as I can remember....

During the Fire Danger Season, we throw in a Sunday Morning 1000-1200 as well.

We get a mixture of people on Sundays - those that can't make it Mondays, and those that just can't get enough CFS activity!!!

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Monday nights always has been.

I don;t think ti is a matter of choosing what night to train but making CFS more than a "thing you do when you can." To something you commit to and make Monday nights your CFS night.

Now i will admit i haven't done much in the way of recruitment but i don't think the telling people when they join that CFS is a "come if you can " organization actauly helps our cause. (but it is necessary)


Quote from: bittenyakka on July 29, 2008, 04:31:38 PM
I don;t think ti is a matter of choosing what night to train but making CFS more than a "thing you do when you can." To something you commit to and make Monday nights your CFS night.

That attitude is a lot of the problem, yes we are a volunteer service, and you have a life outside it, but at the same time we are an emergency service and are bascially the be all and end all of fire, rescue and hazmat protections in the areas we cover.

At some point people need to start honestly asking themselves if they can put CFS and the *emergency* needs of the community first, rather than themselves.

No, I'm not saying leave your job or the like, but if you're at home or lacal area when the pager goes, and leaving to attend is not going to ruin your marriage or get you sacked, then maybe you should be going...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...

SA Firey

Having been in brigades which train on different nights to others, and ours being on a Monday I think that this is the ideal night to train.

Friday nights would clash too much with members who have sporting commitments over the weekend and need to be at their peak,and also if you wanted to go away for a long weekend there is a lot to organise before you do and Thursdays are similar.

At least on a Monday you are refreshed after the weekend and less likely to have sporting commitments in my opinion.   
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And Monday nights mean us young ones are more likely to be at home :-D


I tink most around here are on Wednesday night, one was tuesday but I think has now switched to wednedays as well
Wattle Range


AAaaah yeh I just finished doing it, the contented afterglow of Monday night training  :-o
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Everyday is training day for me...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Nah, that's just the red face from too much beer at Monday night training!!!


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Practice truly does make puurrrfect, and beer helps
Just Another Filtered Fireman


And too much beer is never good, makes it hard...to uh...to get up

In the morning!
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...