Ask for any other cab/chassis and it might be looked at. Last time I asked the guy in charge of tech services I was told " We are not the mfs stop wanting to be like them" Pity the general public don't see it like that. Won't be long and this service will have less true pumpers than it ever had. What are we afraid of? If its being taken over, who cares, like has been said, its about the people we serve, if you forget that, then its time to go find something else to do.
Another thing to look at is the power of bulk purchasing, mfs are never going to use Isuzu for their heavy pumpers, so if we tack on it might just have to be cania, we need to stop re-inventing the wheel each time both services buy vehicles. I won't lie, I look at the SAMFS fleet with great envy, its not to often you see a CFS truck and go "WOW, thats a nice well built truck" The Dennis and the typee 2 are some I have said, nice truck, but you look at a 24P and 34P and go, why did they do that, blind freddy knows you can't do much with a pump that size with only 2 inlets and 2 outlets, and he restrictive plumbing. We are a hope for the best fire service, and apparently all we do is fight bushfires. You ask any meber of the public what we do, and it amazes them we fight structure fires, mvas, hazmats etc. To be honesta lot of it goes back to the fact we look like a bushfire brigade, which a large number of us are, but not all of us, and its like pulling teeth getting cfs hq to recognise that fact, some of them do, but the one's that sign the purchase orders don't!
Well thats my rant and rave for today, sorry it leads a little off topic, but you get frustrated with the system sometimes, when you can see what needs to be done, but the people we pay to support us can't see it!