Fire Trucks/Appliances

Started by SA- Private- Contractor, July 13, 2008, 03:15:19 PM

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Should Fire Pumpers or Appliance be able to bought or owned by private companies?

Yes, But only on private property
7 (25%)
Yes, Its a free country
11 (39.3%)
No, Fire Trucks and Appliances are for the Fire Services only
3 (10.7%)
No, its deceiving for fire trucks to be driven by non fire service personnel
1 (3.6%)
Yes, but with no Red/Blue or sirens.
5 (17.9%)
Not Sure
1 (3.6%)

Total Members Voted: 26

SA- Private- Contractor

REMOVED 18-07-08
Training for a Conditioned Response


oh burra do have MFS (only because of history, not need),  Kadina CFS is actually starting take on more responsibility over the MFS ive heard.

SA- Private- Contractor

REMOVED 18-07-08
Training for a Conditioned Response


Mate you need to be very careful what you say on here, lots of stuff is taken out of context all of the time! And if you choose the wrong word or phrase, people have been known to get a bit testy (including me :wink: ).
Anyway I knew what you meant so no real harm done, I still think what you are offering is great, (FESA Markings & all).
just another retard!

big bronto

Just a query why you are able to have red and blue lights when you are not a registered emergency service and are not under then act in any shape or form. I am to believe if you are not this it is purely red lights or amber as safirey pointed out. Would not be a wise move for you business to attend any jobs as the volunteers may think your shiny scania is nice but the paid members will not shine too much to this and could have bad implications for your business.
If the state has a need for more fire resources be paid or volunteer then that needs to happen and not have the gaps filled by private contractors.


Quote from: Zippy on July 14, 2008, 01:41:19 PM
oh burra do have MFS (only because of history, not need),  Kadina CFS is actually starting take on more responsibility over the MFS ive heard.

What more work can Kadina take on, the CFS already do the RCR and anything outside the town, not sure what else they can do ?


Quote from: SA- Private- Contractor on July 14, 2008, 12:56:25 PM
Hi 49194,

The training director informed me that we had actually done training for another site... not at the Woomera site.

Sorry for the F up.

And from the contingency plans i have seen on numerous occasions in areas of overlapping responsibility the MFS and CFS coodinate and work as one unit. (correct if i am wrong)

The Woomera contract comment was in regards to there being no MFS station at Woomera, and that there is  MOU between CFS and Woomera EFS.

Once again the third comment is out of context, that comment was made in regard to a comment someone made that the MFS is not everywhere and i said of course the MFS is not all the way out in the country... in regards to there not being a MFS station in the country (and i mean hawker, burra, penola, kangaroo island)

read the context of a comment, then make your own comment. thanks :-)

It is difficult to read and understand ones context, with so many contradictions and incorrect statements.

That is all I will have to say on this matter, I just wanted to point out the incorrect information which was said in regards to Woomera Emergency Services.
Perm. F/F & A/O - Woomera


Quote from: pumprescue on July 14, 2008, 04:07:45 PM
Quote from: Zippy on July 14, 2008, 01:41:19 PM
oh burra do have MFS (only because of history, not need),  Kadina CFS is actually starting take on more responsibility over the MFS ive heard.

What more work can Kadina take on, the CFS already do the RCR and anything outside the town, not sure what else they can do ?

They could serve there own town???   :lol:


huh, what the, they do, but CFS technically came in LONG after MFS were extablished, so CFS don't have any say


I sure would like to know how you guys can get away with red and blue's on your pumper when you are not a fire brigade,but a service provider who does nothing more than provide a service for fire protection systems..There is also another fire protection compnay who have a NSW pumper but they had to remove the red and blue's,there is also the guy's that used to do workcover first aid they had car's with red and blue's but had to remove them...The SA transport act only allows falashing lights and siren for emergency service's vehicle's only and not those in the private sector,which you guys would come under...


Just sell your appliances to the mine's,We do and that is the best way to do business.......

SA- Private- Contractor

REMOVED 18-07-08
Training for a Conditioned Response


Hi there

Been reading & trying to understand what is being said......

I have been working for the Mining Industry for quite a few years - and we would also be classed as a "Private Fire/Rescue/Medical Service".

We run rescue trucks - fire trucks and Ambulances all with the necessary lighting/sirens etc to be identified - no different to Woomera Emergency Services as we comply with the local authorities (SAAS & CFS etc)

QuoteAnd no one in the fire industry will ever sell there equipment to the mines, they rather lease to have the income and the mines rather lease so they can claim on tax.

We have NEVER had emergency vehicles under leasing arrangments - they have always been bought out right.

QuoteIt is difficult to read and understand ones context, with so many contradictions and incorrect statements.

It does scare me with what has been said - reading between the lines your a private organisation working in conjunction with CFS & MFS - my question whom pays for this service as keeping trucks & trained personal is not cheap?

Please dont take it offensively just trying understand what you have stated....

Wayne Ellard

SA- Private- Contractor

REMOVED 18-07-08
Training for a Conditioned Response


Hi there

Thanks - I will pm you as I have a few additional questions.

Wayne Ellard


Mate sorry for these questions - however.
Am I to understand just because you industry is worth $350m, you are allowed to flout the law & the government lets you get away with it?
And just because your vehicles are registered in a different state, you don't have to follow SA rules? (Only federally registered vehicles can do this as they are down to the lowest common denominator).
Now there are only 3 services mentioned in the Fire & Emergency Services act -SAMFS,CFS & SES, ergo private contractors are not emergency services under the meaning of the act. Now I now that there are some on defence land (federal government land is out side of state legislation -defence act) however without an MOU(or permission from the state at the time) even these resources can't operate outside of their area of responsibility unless there is a direct threat to their area & its under the direction of the government emergency services. I also know that mining & forestry have their own equipment & people - again these resources fall outside the act when they are off their patch.
Now the private sector may have the very best gear & very well trained people, however you are not emergency services! You do not have the powers of an emergency service officer or the protections the act provides. (There is more to being a government emergency service than putting water on fire, or cutting people out of cars) & when the public see Red & Blue emergency trucks they assume - quite rightly that they are government emergency service teams.
Now maybe the legislation should be changed to cover private contractors & their operations, But until that happens you are just another resource we can call on & use in certain circumstances. So get used to it! Defence has had the same problem since 1907! (refer to discussions on defence aid to civil powers & the Newcastle earthquake). Interestingly under the state act if your truck was at a scene & I was the first emergency service officer the job, I can direct your crew to do whatever(as long as its safe) including to standdown!
Finally I still think its great you guys are considering helping out, just remember you are contractors with weird water tankers - not an emergency service :wink:
just another retard!


Private fire brigade's can operate only on that site that they are taking care of,a good example of this is  woomera but CFS does have a MOU with some not all private contractors who help protect the area outside of there responce plan and that is why you will see woomera heading up or down the road....The CFA have a great working relationship with its industry brigade's and they all follow the SOP'S and have a MOU in place....Private contractors need to be careful that they don't have tunnel vison and that they take care of what they are getting paid for...Leave the outside stuff to those that have that area be it CFS/SES/MFS.

SA- Private- Contractor

REMOVED 18-07-08
Training for a Conditioned Response


Slightly incorrect - we don't need you, we are just happy to utilise your equipment & people when required!
Leaving mines & forestry aside, the only reason contractors are on federal land is a short sited cost cutting measure that cost elements of defence dearly in the loss of personnel. Army, Navy & Airforce have/had their own emergency services & it used to be nice to have a break in non field units. Now that opportunity is lost - so people leave!
In fact the US has a "Super size" version of using contractors & they pay well over the odds.
It was a very dark day when it was decided to use contractors for non fighting roles!
So its great that you can offer a few pumpers, tankers, fast attacks, however I don't see any need for the government (CFS is not a stand alone entity), to spend money buying any of the services you offer.
I'm not sure about everyone else, but I'm starting to see a different agenda, as I said before contractors have their place (usually providing special equipment that is not generally used by us e.g. mobile cranes).
But you guys are not emergency services & unless the law changes or this government decides to privatise the provision of emergency services in this state - you never will be!
And as far as the private brigades go, we still have a role on their AO (except of course federal land).
Hopefully I have made myself very clear on this subject
just another retard!

SA- Private- Contractor

REMOVED 18-07-08
Training for a Conditioned Response


Quote from: SA- Private- Contractor on July 13, 2008, 03:15:19 PM
I am in the private industry, just wanted to know how the services feel about us (private industry) having fire appliances.

Managing Director   ......... Pty Ltd :-)

I heard from a old school friend a few months back, its amazing how the years have flown and just how easy it is to lose touch, he was keen to catch up and have a chat, the date was set, the conversation was fairly easy we just kinda slipped back into our old ways, then his business proposal you guessed it, Amway............ SEEYA! :x

SA Private Contractor ,you wanted us to play nice and I think we are all interested in your posts, but Im  starting to think the photo of the truck may have been better represented by a large wooden horse, of the Greek variety.
Perhaps Im just a tad cynical?, hope Im wrong ,wouldnt be the first time and definately wont be the last!

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman

SA- Private- Contractor

REMOVED 18-07-08
Training for a Conditioned Response


Perhaps there are some wondering if you may be disguising your intent to advertise by generating discussion. If you wish to advertise PM me.

If you wish to discuss interesting topics with excellent people then carry on, just be assured we are watching....

SA- Private- Contractor

firefrog check PM inbox please
Training for a Conditioned Response


Quote from: SA- Private- Contractor on July 19, 2008, 01:11:05 PM
Jaff wanna expand?

you asking me i'm wanting to sell amway? you paying out the trojan horse? pretty much wat the filtered are you on about!?!?

No SAPC, Im not asking you if you want to sell Amway, nor am I enquiring if we went to school together.
No SAPC, Im not paying out the Trojan horse, I think the Greeks did a wonderful job on the horse and if they were still around today, Im sure they would have their own TV series dedicated to all those home handypersons with a hankering for global domination :-D
Previously Ive posted that my limited interaction with society is limited to sarcasm and humour, low and behold Ive also discovered anologies!
SAPC we in the volunteer emergency services are perhaps a little tainted by years of false promises and apathy by an ungrateful government, so dont be suprised if we are a tad wary!
Just Another Filtered Fireman