Wow, its not like there are pages and pages of discussion already on this topic.
Does anyone know when the CFS is going to address the need to supply such appliances instead of giving us huge 34ps to get around the narrow streets?
Its got very little to do with the size of appliances, and everything to do with the risks your brigade covers. If you can't get there with a 34P chances are an urban pumper will not fit either, unless you have a 12 style light urban pumper.
As has been said time and time again, not every station NEEDS a pumper. There are a handful of stations that NEED a Heavy Urban pumper, and about a billion other stations that think because they have some houses in their area, then have to have a top of the line super duper pumper.
For the majority of the work CFS brigades do 34P's and 24P's are ok. Not great, but they can get the job done. This is of course not to suggest in anyway shape or form that brigades should shut up and take what they are given, or that the CFS should not continuously look at appliance R&D.
yeh i agree pete, there seems to be a continual effort to create a "everything-in-one" truck.
Personally, my belief is there needs to be 5 specific fire/hazmat/rescue tender's built by the CFS:
Pumper - Pumper (meeting the same standard as Burnside Pumper)
24,34 - 4WD Tanker
14 - 4WD Quick Attack
Hazmat/Rescue - Custom Build Hazmat AND/OR Rescue Tender
BWC - 4WD Bulk water carrier
no more of this squeezing every ounce of equipment on a single truck = overweight truck
Theres nothing wrong with an all-in-one truck. In many areas it makes sense to cover as many bases as possible, where there is a shortage of personnel or large distances between neighbouring brigades.
Have a look at SAMFS Pumpers (not to mention the pumpers of most other paid fire services in the country) they carry basic Rescue and Hazmat stowage as well as their Urban stowage to allwo them to deal with multiple types of incidents without always needing a specialist appliance.
If the CFS took a look at the chassis that they bought as well as the locker and general stowage setup of the truck, it would be more than possible to add further equipment to trucks without forcing them to be overweight or sacrificing basic stowage.
What would be great would be for CFS to have a modular based system for trucks build ups. Have a few basic chassis, then have a totally modular system for lockers, pumps, extra lighting etc etc. That way, for example, Brigade A and Brigade B both are rural brigades, yet brigade A does Rescue and Brigade B does Hazmat, then they could have the same 4x4 truck, yet a different locker build up for the different gear. Although this too would negate the bulk purchasing power of ordering 50 standard spec 34's.