The problem is not just lack of volunteers, but what we do with them once we get them in the door!
Metro units have plenty of bodies - 30 to 40 at least, its that most units run duty crews so not everyone in the unit has a pager(explains those weird pager messages
So if you are the duty crew & everytime you are on, nothing happens its hard to stay motivated.
Also we make people jump through hoops i.e after basic skills & induction, comms, map reading, senior first aid & General Rescue Module one (the old basic), then we let people do the courses which are used on a day to day basis (Storm damage, Chainsaw, Land Search & after Advanced tools RCR). No wonder people don't hang around! Over the past 12 months I have had a couple of people transfer from other units (both Metro & non RCR rural) & they haven't got any qualifications! Now one I can understand (she isn't part of the unit anymore), but still I would expect that after six months, someone should have got these people through at least Induction!
So why is this happening?
1 Not enough qualified instructors, both paid and volunteer.
2 Unit officers not organising the correct training of their people!
3 Unit officers that have to learn the hard way how to do the job i.e no training for officers.
4 Payed staff having to cover too many bases at the same time, so many good projects are started but not completed, meetings postponed etc. Not enough staff!
5 Politics & Personalities - need I say more!
6 Finally unit managers having too much on their plate while at the same time dealing with all of the other stuff that comes with the job!
I could say more, but I think you get the picture. To attract and retain volunteers, we need to make it as easy as possible. Courses need to be relevant & meet the needs of the individual & the service, without extra crap to make it last 2 days or thats the way we have always done it.
Recent courses I have assisted with, have been on or my members have attended meet the above criteria & not one person has said any different.
For those who are reading this and wondering what is he on about, take a look around you & ask yourself this question "Does what we doing meet the requirements to forfill our role, while meeting the needs of our members or are we just stuffing people around?".
Anyway as I said in another post we are working towards fixing some of the above issues in this region, its just a pity I won't be around to see if it all works.
By the way Stop calls all of the time don't help