PBi at MVAs

Started by bittenyakka, April 08, 2008, 09:15:22 PM

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Should Pbi be worn at MVAs

22 (71%)
2 (6.5%)
Yes if it is cold
7 (22.6%)

Total Members Voted: 29


I love hearing about releases.. - Commonly, anything official is usually in Memo, official document, operating procedure guideline, or letter form..  Except the CFS.. - They bring out their 'Official' releases on a 'Poster'.. Reminds me of kindy.. Yay..


lol i agree with you RescueHazmat,  its a bit rediculous....

id like to every now and then recieve a memo by email similar to firewire from the CEO, and/or other management area's that gives us information of projects that are in the making etc..


tells most people exactly what they want to hear i think pumprescue...

sets a guideline of the MINIMUM, but then tells us its the officers discretion whether there crew are allowed to wear more than that minimum...


Quote from: SA Firey on July 16, 2008, 10:50:00 PM
Wait for the new official CFS poster to come out :wink:

We have been waiting for over 2 years , since the guidelines were first discussed and it was agreed that a poster/paper would be produced. Though in Technical Services defence they have been busy quality assuring all the new appliances before they're delivered :|.
Just what do Technical Services do?
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Who knows Jaff, Who knows...  :lol:

Quotesets a guideline of the MINIMUM, but then tells us its the officers discretion whether there crew are allowed to wear more than that minimum...

Geez, the word Minimum when i comes to PPE sounds very criminal...

SA Firey

We have been waiting for over 2 years , since the guidelines were first discussed and it was agreed that a poster/paper would be produced. Though in Technical Services defence they have been busy quality assuring all the new appliances before they're delivered :|.
Just what do Technical Services do?

If that was the case then the 34P's would never have been issued to brigades, as they had so many faults to rectify :-P
Images are copyright


QuoteIf that was the case then the 34P's would never have been issued to brigades, as they had so many faults to rectify

haha,  they started doing this new thing called 'quaility assurance' AFTER they were delievered  :lol:  Hence why im still puzzled,  what on earth did they do in the 12 months prior to them being sent to brigades, while still at IZUZU/Angle Park/Brukunga.


Quote from: SA Firey on July 17, 2008, 09:33:20 AM
We have been waiting for over 2 years , since the guidelines were first discussed and it was agreed that a poster/paper would be produced. Though in Technical Services defence they have been busy quality assuring all the new appliances before they're delivered :|.
Just what do Technical Services do?

If that was the case then the 34P's would never have been issued to brigades, as they had so many faults to rectify :-P

SA Firey, yyyeee...ah sorry about that, without sarcasm or humour my interaction with the rest of society would probably be restricted to low level grunts and glares! :-D
Just Another Filtered Fireman


haha still waiting

What scares me most is that if CFS announce a new policy it will be way to restrictive in the use of good gear (as it sort of is). Who on earth would want to force that onto us grunts? :?

big bronto

I got told when the PBI first came out unless it is a rural incident you can wear PBI gold to anything, so all the people who are still wearing nomew to MVA's and urban type jobs need to step up to the plate and dress like a fireman.


Unfortunately that was not a consistant order between groups :(

Cameron Yelland

So basically the new policy coming out in poster form states it is up to the discretion of the OIC of the appliance if they are allowed to wear PBI, regardless of what the group says?
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)

Alan J

Quote from: pumprescue on July 16, 2008, 10:55:47 PM
Which tells you its the officers descission !! Nice one, still tells you nothing.

Tells you a lot actually.

At the strictly cynical level, it tells you this is a CYA policy where those
further up the food-chain CYA by pushing responsibility & culpability down the
food chain.

On a more realistic level, it tells you that HQ recognise that they cannot fight
all fires with pieces of paper from Waymouth St. It tells you that someone
understands that no two fires or circumstances are the same, and that within broad
guide-lines, much of the detail on how to do so rests with the OIC at the fire on
the day.

As for me, unless my Captain directs me otherwise, I intend to tell my people to
wear the most appropriate PPE for the job. And if possible, bring the other set
along a bag in case the nature of the job changes. 1st responding crew/s won't get
much opportunity to change.  Deployment of subsequent crews is more likely to be a
matter of good (or bad) incident management.  In the CFS, that now includes
possibility of some crew members re-kitting to meet a changed threat & role.

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


I don't quite know what is so very hard to understand about this whole issue. People seem to be a little confused about the old CFS Nomex gear. As there was no liner in the pants, it was not upto standard. With the introduction of PBI it gives us liners in both the pants and the coat. This affords us better thermal protection and insulation (both a good and bad thing). This is not to say Nomex with the liner is bad gear. Yeah, its a little hotter to do CFB in, but its not as though you explode in a ball of flame when you wear it as some people seem to suggest.

Why the official policy cannot be along the lines of setting a minimum standard for indicents, but if either the wearer or OIC believes that the conditions dictate a higher level of protection then it can be implemented. Its much like other services interstate issuing flashoods for rural applications, but here they are still structural gear. As long as you meet the minimum standard there shouldn't be a problem.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...